How to help a dog adjust to a new owner and home. DO: Consider breaks between interactions.

Do give them the time they need to decompress, remember, this is an adjustment for them too. Don’t be loud and encourage them to explore, just allow them to do it on their own at their own pace. They seem more relaxed. Start a new exercise program. Lucky for you, I've got 10 tips to help your dog transition to its new home as smoothly as possible. Scan your compound for cat repellents. There are several prescription and over-the-counter calming aids for dogs that can be of help during the grieving process. The more the days pass and the more often you and your pup do your usual Dec 29, 2023 · Don’t change his diet right away: Stick to the food he was previously eating to prevent digestive issues. Adds structure to the dog’s daily routine. Prior to being adopted by a forever home, a rescue dog experiences a lot of turmoil. First things first – set up your dog’s space in the new house straight away. Use some treats and some gentle pets so that he can relax for a half hour without becoming restless. This is their new territory and they need the chance to get familiar with it as quickly as possible. You’re essentially getting to know each other so you should focus on helping them feel comfortable in their new surroundings. Sep 18, 2020 · 1. Even if she is fully trained already, going through an obedience course of some kind is actually a great way to help a dog bond to a new owner. By taking these steps, you can help your new furry friend feel safe, secure, and happy in their new surroundings. As tempting as it might be to give him hugs, scrub him in the bath or invite friends over, it is much wiser to let him explore his immediate surroundings Jan 23, 2024 · Find a comfortable chair for you and your baby to settle into. Stock up on chew toys and treats. Microchip—Just In Case. Use gates as needed, indoors and out. Of course, moving will inevitably change some aspects of your life. Sep 28, 2022 · 25 proven tips to help your new cat adjust #1. Adjust the overall schedule to work for both the dog and the caregivers. Conclusion. Make It Easier In The Long Run By Keeping Your Routine. As you enjoy getting to know your new dog over the next few months, stay patient with them. Whether you’re bringing home a puppy for the first time or adopting a new rescue dog, it’s important that there’s no pressure on them. You can add those familiar smells to your house faster by spending time on the floor with your dog. Moving with a dog is quite the adventure – every step has its unique challenges and joys. Place the items in the same rooms (or as close as possible) as your previous home to help with the transition. A simple way to understand this process of getting your rescue dog adjusted and comfortable in its new home is called the 3-3-3 rule. Puppies tend to adjust fairly quickly, but rescues and older dogs can take much longer to acclimate. Introduce the dog to his new home in the morning rather than at night when dogs, as a rule, tend to be more anxious. Consistency is key to successfully rehoming a dog. The first, and perhaps most important step, is to make sure that you and your soon-to-be pooch are a good match, Paschke says. Taking walks at the same time every day. But there are various positive indicators from which you can tell they are settling into your new home and beginning to feel secure. May 19, 2019 · Certified dog trainer Amber Burckhalter to MNN that it can help these kinds of dogs adjust to their new lives. And if you, as the pet parent, are feeling this kind of anxiety, just think about how your new puppy or adult dog might be feeling coming into a new place for the first time. Keep your dog confined until the cat feels secure in his new home. Sep 10, 2020 · Use the “DOG” method to help your pet adjust to their new home. Going outside for potty breaks consistently. Keep your dog on a leash: It will take time for your dogs to learn where they can and cannot be inside and outside of your new house. 1. If you’re able to access your new home before moving, try to schedule a few dates when you can take your dog there. After three months your rescue dog should feel secure in its new home and will have established trust with you. This helps prevent unwanted behaviors as he adjust s. The best way to introduce a dog to a new house is to do so slowly. A household with multiple pets or family members might be more challenging for a dog to adjust to than a quieter home with fewer occupants. Supervise them carefully and don’t tolerate any aggressive behavior from your dog. Here are some tips you can follow to make moving with your dog a better experience for you both: 1 – Keep it positive. Scent games and putting treats or kibble into snuffle mats can be great ways to provide play and enrichment outlets for your dog as Sep 14, 2020 · Watch out for escape attempts. They’ll want to sniff around, scout it out and mark it as theirs. Jul 16, 2023 · Familiar objects can provide comfort during the adjustment period. 3. An animal that displays a happy, playful attitude at the shelter may act wary and fearful in a new environment. Relaxed Body Language. Apr 20, 2021 · Studies show that environmental enrichment can be an effective stress-reliever and confidence booster for dogs. It's important to take a good picture of your dog. They will see that they both see you as the big boss in the house. Here are some common tips for creating a healthy cat environment for your cat: Map out a section of a room, a basement, or a garage for your cat. Make sure that you give them enough time doing everyday things like eating and taking care of themselves. Be consistent with feeding, walking, and sleeping times. When planning how to settle a dog into a new house, remember to establish a routine early on, preferably the day you move in if possible. In this guide, we'll address ways you can help your dog to adjust to their new Jan 20, 2024 · Remember that patience is key, however – expecting too much too soon is one of the 32 most common mistakes new dog owners make. Introduce your rescue dog to new things. Don't pressure them. Don’t give full house access: Limit your new dog’s access to the entire house. A home is much larger for them, so one room at a time. Bring along familiar items such as their bed, toys, and blankets. These are the stages that can help a dog and their new owner to adjust to their new home and Mar 16, 2023 · This term encompasses the initial stages and milestones of new dog ownership: First 3 days — your pup is brand-new to the environment and may feel overwhelmed. Make sure your new dog has a place to eat and drink that is readily available but also away from high-traffic areas to prevent any accidents or spills. Dog Care 101 First, some things you need to think about BEFORE bringing your new dog home (like whether you should get a puppy vs. You can do this by not giving them attention or comfort if they whine or bark while they are briefly alone. This is when you start building your dog’s trust in you and help them get used to their new routine and environment. Katie Lytle recommends asking about any training already underway. Set up a mat beside your chair and encourage your dog to settle while you hold his leash. Start by bringing any items from the dog’s old home to his new space before he arrives. Know that when the deed is done, meaning when you have a friend you cannot do without and you have adopted it, you can call yourself a life changer. If you’ve ever started a new job or moved to Jan 29, 2019 · Introducing Your Dog to Their New Home. This will help motivate and reinforce positive Hire a dog walker and take your dog to daycare once a week, or even into work if allowed. They should be used to their routine, and you should continue training them with commands. It can be a long process to help your rescue dog adjust, but patience and consistency are key. Tip seven: Create a routine and stick to it. The familiar scents can provide comfort and a sense of security. Rosie was nervous about cars going by, so Goodman says that she simply sat down with her Jan 26, 2021 · Training: It’s easy to slack on training your dog, but consistency is key. Apr 6, 2024 · Dogs are creatures of habit, and moving to a new home with a new owner can be a stressful experience. Create a routine and stick to it to help your dog feel secure and confident in their new surroundings. Feed pets in separate rooms or as far apart as possible. Positive reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques to reward your dog for adapting to the new routine. Jul 18, 2023 · Adopting a Rescue Dog Bringing a New Dog Home Bringing a New Puppy Home Dog Training Rescue Dogs 5 Min Read Bringing home a newly adopted dog is an exciting and rewarding experience. Jul 9, 2023 · The goal is to make the transition to their new home and owners as smooth and gentle as possible. This gives your dog a chance to check out their new surroundings slowly but 3 Weeks – Settling In His New Home. One great way to help the dogs bond is to take them out for a walk together. Train the dog by repeating commands like “sit,” “stay,” or using voice when they need to stay put. The journey home. Try to keep your routines in place when it comes to day-to-day tasks that involve your pet, such tasks can include mealtimes, cuddle/chill-out time, playtime and bedtime. And don´t neglect the yard. Jan 20, 2024 · Let your dog decide the direction to go, if possible, and let them stop when they want to if it’s safe to do so. Your dog will find exercise and you might find new friends to help out during your transition. At the same time, existing health problems can add to the cat's stress levels, so it's a two-way street here. 10. Introducing other pets: Many new pet owners make the mistake of introducing new pets too quickly, causing fights, added stress, and a harder time helping the new dog to adapt to your home. Dogs are creatures of habit and routine, and they need time to adjust to new environments and build trust with their new family. First 3 weeks — your new dog has relaxed and is ready for training. 4. 2. Helping your dog adjust to their new environment requires patience, consistency, and a thoughtful approach. May 20, 2021 · Phase 1: Coping with sudden changes. Before moving to a home with a resident cat, it is important to teach your dog some skills. Let them explore, sniff, and take it all in for a bit, then head home to let them rest. We've got you covered! So let's dive in and help your pup feel at home in their new digs! Be patient and understanding as your dog gets used to its new surroundings. Strengthens the bond between handler and (rescue) dog. Sit on the floor with your puppy and simply observe while it explores, making sure it is out of harm's way at all times. Observe your dog’s behavior for signs of stress or trauma, like pacing, hiding, destruction, or Feeding your dog at set times each day, and in the same spot. Having a consistent schedule or keeping your dog’s old routine for feeding, walks, bedtime, and playtime is one of the best ways to help your dog adjust. Alone time: You’ll have to get your dog accustomed to being solitary at times. , and keep to the same time routine for eating, playing and sleeping. They will become familiar with the daily routine and start to increase in confidence. Your pet will need time to adjust to its new home, and the transition may be somewhat stressful. Mar 26, 2024 · The quickest way to help a blind dog adjust to their new condition is by activating smell, sound, and touch. Remember, this may, at least in part, be based around what they are already used to which will help them to settle. For example, veterinarian Dr. To help your dog make a smooth transition to their new home, it’s important to have a few essentials on hand before they walk through the door. They may have been passed between multiple owners, experienced neglect or abuse, or even lived alone on the street. Aug 7, 2023 · Keep in mind that the added stress of the move into your home can in itself trigger health problems. For example, a high-energy breed like a Border Collie may take longer to adjust than a more laid-back breed like a Basset Hound. During the first 3 days, your newly adopted dog Feb 26, 2019 · So to recap, regular training has the following benefits: Gets rid of mental energy. Bach flowers may also prove helpful. Turns dog into a polite pup, especially inside the house. Feb 20, 2024 · While new items in a new home may seem like a fun idea, keeping continuity for your dog will help with them adjust to a new environment. This will give you enough time to gradually transition your dog into a new routine. Think car crates, car seat belts, car harnesses, portable dog bowls and dog water bottles. Keep in mind it may take hours or days before your dog settles to a May 14, 2024 · Your home environment and family dynamics can significantly influence how quickly your dog adapts to new surroundings. If possible, put off those changes for a few weeks. Frequently Asked Questions. Feb 27, 2024 · Tips to help a dog adjust to a new home. Be aware of possible health problems and address them in time. Sep 3, 2018 · 2 – Let Them Explore Outside. Jul 3, 2024 · 1. Take your dog along for a visit when you get to do a walk through or if you go to start working on the new house. Supervise, Observe, Adapt: It may be tempting to smother your new pet with attention and affection upon bringing them home. Shut down every route for other animals to enter your cat space. Aug 3, 2022 · There are many things you can do to help your dog in this occasion! We’ll walk you through how to help a dog adjust to a new home. Provide a Safe Place to Play and Relax. Caring for a puppy is one of the best times for any dog owner. You may start to see your dog’s true personality emerging, though some dogs can still be subdued. 7) Set boundaries. Provide cat trees or shelves. Use the same leash, food, food bowls, bedding, etc. Offer treats, praise, or playtime as rewards when they exhibit good behavior or successfully follow the new schedule. This will help your dog get used to their new home and start to know what to expect and when. DON’T: Ignore signs of a poor encounter and continue with the interaction. Nov 24, 2020 · Find at least 15 minutes each day to work on his training at home. The first few days are an important time. Pet-proof your new place: If you have a fence, check every inch of it for places they could escape. Mar 22, 2019 · Miki Saito, a certified dog trainer specializing in blind dogs, recommends removing or covering any dangers with cushion material until your dog learns the layout of the house. If your old home had a doggy door, install one for the new house. If possible, keep your new pet separate from the other pets in the house. Their vision loss Aug 1, 2022 · Clean your dog's ears. If you have a dog that you need to introduce to your puppy, consider allowing the dogs to meet in neutral Mar 26, 2024 · The signs can also be subtler, such as being reluctant to jump on or off the couch, a new level of dog anxiety, or becoming clingy. These are 7 signs that a dog is adjusting to a new home: 1. During the first three days, it's important to Nov 19, 2021 · One of the things that helps dogs feel at home when they’re somewhere new is familiar smells. Jul 23, 2017 · Practice short 10 minute training sessions daily to teach your dog how to respond to commands such as Come, Stay, Sit, Down, Leave it, Go to Place, and walk on the leash without pulling. Blankets, toys, leashes, and even food and water bowls are familiar and provide comfort. Once your dog has become more comfortable with their new environment, you can even begin the process of crate training. Chances are, your dog’s new routine will involve at least a little bit of solo time. Going to bed/getting up at the same time each day. Having the same things for your dog in your new house will help your dog feel less confused. A key part of helping your pet settle into your new home is to be consistent. Start by spending some quality time with your cat every day, playing with them Aug 12, 2021 · Bringing home a new pet is exciting and joyful, but welcoming a dog — particularly if he or she is a rescue — can also be a bit nerve wracking at the same time. Photograph your dog. To take a high-quality picture: Sep 26, 2022 · Enrichment is key to keeping all dogs comfortable and happy. Consistency. Consider purchasing one and corralling your rabbit in certain areas as you introduce them to new areas. Advanced training if she already has the basics, or an agility course, etc. Continue to follow it as your dog adjusts to your new home. When you show your leadership while taking your dogs out for a dog, you help them both see that they need to listen to you. 3 Months. Set up 10 to 15 minutes every day to train them. First things first: you have to be aware that there are no magic tricks. Your dog may even begin to show aggression. Pack your dog’s items last and unpack them first. Apply the “DOG” method to help your pet adjust to their new home. Keep familiar items, such as bedding, toys, and food, nearby to give your dog a sense of comfort and security. Jun 9, 2024 · 2. Allow the dogs to sniff each other. Start to create a routine and stick as closely to it as possible. Provide your dog with a time-consuming treat or Kong in their new spot. You can tell from body language that your dog is adjusting to a new home. [4] 5. Set the boundaries and stay consistent. First 3 months — your dog has become part of the family and may be ready for more advanced training. Mar 7, 2021 · Introduce new people slowly, and in small groups. This can affect your pet’s schedule. These key tactics will help your shy dog adjust: Avoid coercion: The first impression is important. Helping your dog adjust to their new home. Offer treats, praise, or playtime as rewards when they exhibit good behavior or Apr 11, 2022 · Give Your Dog Their Own Space: Some dogs respond better when they are given a bed or safe spot to hang out in alone. Good exercise, good bonding time, and it helps the dog to learn you're the boss (but that you're a boss who won't hit them or Adjusting to a new owner and home can be challenging for a dog. 9. The 3-3-3 rule is important because it emphasizes the need for patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement when bringing home a newly adopted dog. If your pet seems timid, try to move slowly, or Jun 21, 2021 · Being introduced to a new family and home can be extremely confusing and overwhelming for dogs, especially if they've been with their previous family for a long time. Aug 7, 2021 · Keep your pet in a quiet and safe place with plenty of food, water, space to move around. Jul 1, 2023 · Giving the cat plenty of attention and affection is an important step towards helping it adjust to a new home and owner. Give Your Dog Time to Process the Change. Try to also make sure that when the younger dog is around that Apr 28, 2021 · Tips for Bringing Your New Puppy Home. Some will be rehomed, put in a shelter for years, and be fostered multiple times. If you have other dogs, introduce the dogs in the yard instead of inside. First, introduce a calm settle. Dog’s thrive on routine, and the sooner your new dog learns how your home functions the more comfortable he’ll be. Not all dogs are lucky enough to have a forever home right away. Allow your cat to come and go. Once entering the shelter system, your pup may have been transferred between multiple facilities, moved in Feb 1, 2022 · Attach the leash to your puppy's collar and let it drag the leash around behind, while it sniffs out its new territory. Give your dog this comfort by packing those items last then unpacking them in the new house first to help your pup settle in. Watch for cues about how your pet is feeling. Even with all of your love and extra attention, it still may take a while for your dog to adjust to a new home. Speaking of outdoors, you need to let your dog get used to the garden and outdoor areas around your home as much as the indoor space. These can include the puppy’s age, breed, temperament, and previous living conditions. For example, spraying three different scents in the three most common areas will help Jul 1, 2024 · The 3-3-3 rule is a general guideline that represents the phases of a rescue dog or common milestones your new dog will go through… it is the first 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months after bringing your dog home from the shelter. DON’T: Leave the resident dog’s toys around the house during the first interactions. Consider agility lessons, flyball or nosework, which is easy to do even in a small living space. Here are some tips on ho How to Help a Dog Adjust to a New Owner and Home Bringing a new dog into your life is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be a challenging one for the dog. Jan 26, 2023 · 1. Consider The Cat's Innate Temperament. Nov 13, 2023 · Repeat this introduction process several times per day for several days. Overall, the first three months of adopting a rescue dog are the most crucial adjustment period. Once the room is calm and quiet, have your helper bring your dog into the room on leash and slowly let the dog approach you. Especially with a puppy, it’s helpful to know how often they’re going outside,” she says. Spend Time Bonding. Grieving dogs need friends, not bullies. Socialize with other family members. Get your new foster dog on a schedule right away. One final piece of advice: Introduce your dog to other dogs in the neighborhood – it will help your furry friend adjust to the new environment much more quickly. You can help your new dog adjust to your home by: Feeding at the same time every day. If you have a dog then you should try to take them out for a walk as you do normally. If your dog is crate-trained, keep him in the crate while encouraging your cat to explore the room. You can use the seatbelt to make sure it’s secured. Give treats for good behavior. This helps them become familiar with the new environment. . Let Your Dog Visit Before Moving. Bringing Home a New Dog - 5 Tips from Olive’s first weekMake sure your management plan is on point! See how we helped Olive adapt to our home **** Download t The biggest thing to keep in mind for the first few days is to keep the dog on the same routine as much as possible. Do not allow the dog to chase or corner the cat, even out of playfulness or curiosity. After all, your dog doesn’t know why they’ve gone from a Dec 24, 2023 · When moving with a dog, there are several steps you can take to make the process smoother: Visit the new home with your dog beforehand if possible. 6. Even though your dog is older, a great picture can make the re homing process a little bit easier by showing off your dog's best physical features. During the first 3 weeks, your dog will start to feel a bit more comfortable. Keep away other pets. Be patient above all else. Give them patience, a full New cat to resident dog. Puzzle toys like a KONG that can be stuffed with food; A harness, leash and poop bags. Being on the floor together also adds to the time you spend giving them the loving that they needs during this stressful time. Make a scratch post available. After a few introductions, allow your cat to come and go while your dog remains confined to a leash. Feb 5, 2020 · Spending time on the floor with your canine companion will also help transfer your smells to your new home. If your dog knows what to expect and when, it will create an environment of comfort and security. Sep 21, 2017 · Bringing home a new dog is an exciting experience for all family members. The tips above should help your dog adjust to a new home with ease. Invest in Calming Aids. Forming a strong bond with their new owner can be a reassuring and comforting social link. They don’t want to play and be fun just yet, they are still adjusting to a new Mar 9, 2023 · 12. Choke collar, prong collar, e-collars and retractable (flexi) leashes are dangerous and should always be avoided. If this occurs you should move the dogs away from each other or immediately redirect the dog's attention. Is The 3-3-3 Rule Applicable When Rehoming A Dog? The 3-3-3 rule comprises the first three days, three weeks, and three months after bringing home a pup. Jan 7, 2024 · If you are moving to a new state and need a license for your dog for any reason, have this sorted before your move. Jun 18, 2023 · Set Up a Secure Area for Eating and Drinking. Apr 12, 2024 · Pay attention to both dog's body language. There are several factors that can influence how long it takes for a puppy to adjust to their new home. Dogs are very intuitive and can sense that something has Nov 28, 2019 · 2. To make the transition as smooth as possible, it’s important to create a stable and comforting environment, establish routines, and offer plenty of love and patience. Breed-Specific Adjustments: Different breeds of dogs have different temperaments and energy levels, which can affect how long it takes for them to adjust to a new environment. Start slowly with this step. Aug 27, 2015 · Always have fresh water available to him, and encourage drinking, but don’t be forceful. “It’s easy to give into a tug on your heart—when you see a cute puppy or kitten, you want to make it yours. This involves not only the fun and joy of sharing your life with a pet, but also a lot of responsibility and effort in implementing rules and helping the new member to integrate harmoniously. So, cheers to you if you are even considering the possibility. “See from your dog’s eye height to check if there are any sharp objects or corners that would injure his eye, face or body,” she says. “Find out the dog’s housebreaking status. As you will find out from the rest of this article, slow and steady definitely win the race when it comes to a new dog. Have your helper reward your dog for good, calm behavior using treats and gentle praise. Growling, teeth-baring, raised hair, and long, uninterrupted stares can all indicate aggression. Dogs thrive on routine; it will help your foster dog adjust more quickly. Summary. Spend time with your new pet, so that your presence, smell and sounds become familiar to them. This rule will help you understand the decompression process that your new furry friend will go through in the first 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months at a new home. Apr 28, 2023 · Moving to a new home can be exciting and overwhelming for your furry friend. Make sure the dog is not forced into any scary situations when you first bring him home. an older dog, which dog breed is best for you, and how to puppyproof your house inside & outside). Take note that the Magic of Threes is merely a theory. Set Up Your Dog’s Space in the House. Keep travel apparel in the car. Consistent daily routines like regular feeding and walking can help your dog feel more May 22, 2023 · Help re-home dogs adjust more quickly. Jun 10, 2024 · The answer varies depending on the individual puppy, but on average, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for a puppy to fully settle in. “It would be a good idea to change their name if they were rescued and were mistreated and that name is the name that was used,” Burckhalter, owner of K-9 Coach dog training and boarding facility in Smyrna, Georgia, explained. Sep 8, 2023 · DO: Have the first interaction on neutral territory, such as going on a walk together. Let your dog explore the space and become Jan 13, 2024 · Three months. Treat-dispensing toys and nosework activities are often particularly beneficial Apr 28, 2022 · Establish a routine. If everything in the house is changing, your dog will take comfort in the things they know such as their bed or kennel. Start Small, Then Work Up. The 3-3-3 rule is also known as the “ rescue dog honeymoon period “. Offer them a space that is truly “theirs” to make them feel welcomed, yet safe. If the dog just won’t drink water, you can try giving him an Nov 5, 2014 · 5. All your dog’s leash should be as comfortable as possible while he’s going through his Before entering the house, show the new dog the spot outside where they should potty. Here are some additional tips to make the transition as smooth as possible: Dog-proof your home: Before welcoming your dog into your home, ensure your house is dog-proofed. Bathe your dog. Choose a potty spot: Start by taking him to the outside area where you want him to go potty. A towel or blanket over the top and sides may help your new feline friend feel a bit safer but don’t cut off his view altogether. However, it’s important to remember that your new furry family member may need some time to adjust to their new environment. It’s a good idea to find a cozy corner of the house where you can put their dog bed, toys, and any items they may find comforting – they don’t have to be there permanently! The more items that smell and feel like Jan 25, 2024 · Introduce your dog gradually to a new environment, beginning with just one room at a time. Jul 7, 2021 · Help Them Bond. Introduce them indoors with the dog under control on a leash. On your drive home, place the cat carrier in a secure spot on a seat or the floor. Head to the local dog park. If he does relieve himself, use a command that you’ll stick to Feb 23, 2021 · Determine how you are going to divvy up the pet workload and then delegate the responsibilities accordingly. Unfortunately, many adopters would surrender the dogs within three months because they failed to understand the canine’s needs. Adopting an adult dog is such a wonderful and rewarding decision. DO: Consider breaks between interactions. Observing a routine when leaving the house and when arriving home. The First 3 Days. DON’T: Force the interactions. Introducing a new pet to your household. Then, important things you should do during the very first days home with your new dog that will make potty training Oct 13, 2018 · Be Consistent. Before bringing the new dog indoors, remove the resident dogs’ bowls, toys, or other potential sources of conflict. Provide an area for your dogs to run around and relax safely. Running through your normal daily routine with your dog will gives them a feeling of familiarity and security. Plan Ahead: Know What You’re Getting Into. Any treats, calming medication and soft blankets are also handy to have in the car. Transition to new food slowly after the first week . Apr 27, 2023 · Any intel you can get ahead of time will help your dog adjust to their new home. A DAP (dog appeasing pheromone) diffuser or DAP collar may help ease your dog's anxiety. Cats thrive on attention and love, and by providing them with plenty of it, you can help them feel loved and secure in their new environment. These boundaries can help your foster dog become more adoptable. Moving to a new home can be a scary and overwhelming time for a cat. May 18, 2022 · The main aim of the walks during this time is to teach your dog to walk on a leash and interact with you. mi ip jd wq ds mq cp yf ji wx