
Schindler 3300 dwg. Mfg DWG (Imperial) Specs.

Schindler 3300 dwg Schindler 1000. Hasta 75 m Flessibile, personalizzato e affidabile, giorno dopo giorno. Schindler Green Service. Impressionnant, 氀exible et novateur. Schindler 3000 è l’ascensore per persone ideale per gli edifici di piccole e medie dimensioni. Stand-by-Modus Wenn der Schindler 3300 nicht fährt, verbraucht er für Wechselrichter,Steuerung, Licht und Lüftung bis zu 40 %weniger Energie. Let our elevators provide you with accessible mobility, for passengers with or without disabilities . Esta nueva experiencia multimedia en el elevador cambiará la forma en que los pasajeros disfrutan de su viaje. Schindler Ahead AdScreen. Schindler Ahead The Schindler 3300 MRL traction elevator for low- to mid-rise buildings is the ideal hydraulic elevator alternative. Georgia-Pacific Gypsum. 17; Ferramenta Schindler Plan & Design ; Desenhe o seu elevador em minutos . Schindler CleanCover je antibakteriální film s dezinfekčním účinkem. Schindler 7000. Schindler 3300 XL low- to mid-rise The Schindler 3300 XL traction elevator delivers more space with capacities ranging from para as linhas Schindler 3100/ 3300 / 5300 / Schindler 3300 New Edition (A) e na casa de máquinas para a linha Schindler 3600 (B). View 3D Files. Zoznámte sa s modelom Schindler 7000, naším A Schindler reserva o direito de modifcar as especifcaçes, SCH. As portas podem ser ajustadas e posicionadas sob uma precisão milimétrica. Read the The Schindler 3300 MRL traction elevator for low- to mid-rise buildings is the ideal hydraulic elevator alternative. Der Schindler 3000 ist der ideale Personenaufzug für kleine bis mittlere Gebäude. Grâce à Schindler UV CleanAir, l’air des cabines d’ascenseur peut être désinfecté et circuler plus Schindler 1000 simplifica todos los aspectos de gestión del ascensor, desde la selección y planificación hasta el mantenimiento y funcionamiento. Schindler 5000. 17. O nosso Schindler 7000 combina um The Schindler 3300 MRL traction elevator for low- to mid-rise buildings is the ideal hydraulic elevator alternative. Schindler 3300 (FR) - Téléchargez le document au format PDF ou consultez-le gratuitement en ligne. BIM files for Revit, DWG drawing files, specs and layout data sheets for Schindler elevators, escalators and moving walks are A Schindler desenvolveu o Schindler 2400, um elevador de serviço extra grande para o transporte de pessoas e cargas ligeiras, como carrinhos, paletes, etc. Listing Back To Top. Schindler Ahead ElevateMe. Der Schindler 3000 ist unser The Schindler 3300 MRL traction elevator for low- to mid-rise buildings is the ideal hydraulic elevator alternative. Manufacturer of elevators The Schindler 3300 XL Download thousands of detailed design & planning documents including CAD drawings, 3D models, BIM files, and three-part specifications for free in one place Flexibel, individuell und zuverlässig, Tag für Tag. About Us O Schindler 5500 é um elevador modular, e de configuração altamente flexível - uma combinação perfeita entre flexibilidade, sustentabilidade, alto desempenho e liberdade em design. Il massimo comfort in formato compatto. A solução pode ser integrada com os standards Building Information Modeling (BIM), e Are you sure you want to close this window? Your information will not be saved and you will need to start over at the beginning of the configuration process. Capacity of 2100 to 3500 pounds and 14 to 23 passengers; Maximum travel height of 98'- 5", and a 2 Schindler 3300 Basisgegevens Hefvermogen 400-1. 2-Hr Shaftwall Details Download DWG. Schindler 5500. Schindler 3300 low- to mid-rise. ¡Convierta su ascensor en un . 450 - 1050 kg . Select the desired elevator dimensions, specifications, and features and Schindler Plan will configure a Model 3300 elevator that fulfills your requirements. Get BIM files for Revit, DWG files for CAD, specifications and more. Aufzugsplanung leicht gemacht: Der Planungsnavigator für Architekten und Planer. CleanSpace. La solucin se puede integrar con los estándares de modelos de informacin de Mid-Rise Elevator: Schindler 3300 MRL Download DWG. Schindler 3400 non Schindler Ahead DoorShow proyecta información y publicidad previamente configurada en las puertas del ascensor. Zugänge : Max. Please select the options below that best suit your needs. The Schindler 3300 XL traction elevator delivers more space with capacities ranging from Schindler 1000 jest częścią nowej gamy produktw Schindler opartej na idei modułowości, ktra umożliwia produkcję standaryzowanych, wysokiej jakości komponentw w skali globalnej. L'ascenseur Schindler 3300, conçu pour les immeubles commerciaux et résidentiels multifamiliaux de faible à moyenne hauteur, offre des applications peu encombrantes sans salle des machines, des options de conception distinctes, une technologie verte intégrée et des performances fluides et silencieuses. Componentes de segurança Schindler 3300 Showroom & Centro de Design Características e benefícios O design do elevador sem casa de máquinas do Schindler 3300 significa mais espaço de construção útil e uma cabina espaçosa até 5% maior do que a cabina MRL média. Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish): Select the elevator dimensions and features from the fields below and Schindler Plan will configure a Model 3300 XL elevator that fulfills your requirements. 3300. CA, The Schindler 3300 MRL traction elevator for low- to mid-rise buildings is the ideal hydraulic elevator alternative. Dzięki aplikacji mobilnej Schindler Ahead ElevateMe możesz korzystać z Schindler übernimmt die regelmäßige Kontrolle Ihrer Anlage digital und vor Ort – und Sie können diese Betreiberpflicht ganz einfach abhaken. Has Media. sans difficulté, ces données de planification au format DWG ou PDF et les importer directement dans votre projet. Transmissão de energia Monitorado pelo controle (1) o motor (2) aciona a polia de tração (3), que transmite a força à cabina (4) pelos elementos de tração (5) e contrapeso (6). You can exchange useful Schindler Ahead SmartMirror es tanto un espejo como una pantalla de entretenimiento o información. ThyssenKrupp Elevator. Get started now. Otis Elevator Co. Drive The Schindler 2400 possesses a unique drive system. About; Education; Media; CAD. A largura da porta é ajustável em incre- The Schindler 3300 MRL traction elevator for low- to mid-rise buildings is the ideal hydraulic elevator alternative. 15Haltestellen 10 mm. Zoznámte sa s modelom Schindler 7000, naším Schindler Ahead SmartMirror es tanto un espejo como una pantalla de entretenimiento o información. 3. Approximatly 800 configurations have been certified by Schindler for DigiPara Flessibile, personalizzato e affidabile, giorno dopo giorno. The Schindler 3300 XL traction elevator delivers more space with capacities ranging from Die Modernisierungslösungen Schindler 3300 ReStore und ReNew wurden speziell für die Bedürfnisse Ihres installierten Schindler 3300 entwickelt. The Schindler 3300 XL traction elevator delivers more space with capacities ranging from Schindler propose des solutions CleanMobility innovantes pour que les ascenseurs restent hygiéniques et sûrs. Maximale Flexibilität. Articles of Association. Low Rise Elevator: Schindler 330A. Schindler 3000, forma parte de la nueva serie de pro-ductos de plataforma modular de Schindler para todos los edifcios residenciales y comerciales, desde edifcios de baja a mediana altura, y desde requisitos básicos hasta sofsticados, en todo el mundo. Schindler 7000 1 Schindler 1000. Schindler 2500. The Schindler 3300 machine room-less elevator comes in a variety of configurations to meet your low-rise building's needs. Specs; Add to Project+ Favorite. 6000 . 35 m, max. Erfahren Sie mehr Schindler 5400/EuroLift 1 Schindler 3000 T2 Alle Angaben in lichtem Mass. Im "Green Service" von Schindler wird der CO₂-Fußabdruck der Download thousands of detailed design & planning documents including CAD drawings, 3D models, BIM files, and three-part specifications for free in one place The Schindler 330A hydraulic elevator is the lowest-cost solution for low-rise buildings. Schindler 3400 non richiede una struttura sul tetto e pertanto offre piena libertà di progettazione. A nossa ferramenta de DWG ou PDF. Its holeless design and broad range of offerings is practical yet efficient. Schindler 3400. Schindler 5000 Schindler Elevator Corporation architectural resources and product library including CAD Drawings, SPECS, BIM, brochures, videos and more free to view and download. 09. Coincidence? We think not. Gesundheit & Pflege. dans les projets les plus ambitieux. Has About. Schindler 7000 – nasza winda osobowa o dużej Select the elevator dimensions and features from the fields below and Schindler Plan will configure a Model 3300 XL elevator that fulfills your requirements. Sichere und zuverlässige Aufzüge sind im Gesundheitsbereich essentiell. Horizontal Shaftwall Recessed Fixture Download DWG. Download A Schindler reserva o direito de modifcar as especifcaçes, SCH. Er lässt sich einfach planen, schnell installieren und kostengünstig warten. Trotzdem ist er sofort betriebs-bereit. Has Education. Capacity 2100 – 3500 LBS, 14-23 passengers CA, MA, WA, NYC and VT require elevator control rooms, please contact your local Schindler representative for options. Schindler 3300 XL low- to mid-rise. Brání hromadění škodlivých bakterií a jejich šíření mezi cestujícími. Schindler CleanSpace umožňuje nastavením maximální nosnosti kontrolovat Schindler 3000, forma parte de la nueva serie de pro-ductos de plataforma modular de Schindler para todos los edifcios residenciales y comerciales, desde edifcios de baja a mediana altura, y desde requisitos básicos hasta sofsticados, en todo el mundo. Machine room-less traction elevator with frequency-controlled drive. For a more detailed analysis, you can select “Let’s keep going” for more detailed drawing, Schindler Designs propose une sélection soigneusement choisie de couleurs et de matériaux contemporains, vous permettant de personnaliser votre ascenseur selon votre vision créative. Schindler 3000. Our passenger elevator with outstanding The Organizational Regulations of the Schindler Group are based on articles 716, 716a and 716b of the Swiss Code of Obligations and the Articles of Association of Schindler Holding Ltd. Türen Planungsdaten Schindler 3000 Standard-Schachtabmessungen Kabine Türen Schacht Dachaufbau ohne reduziert mit GQ* kg Per-sonen VKN m/s HQ m ZE Zugänge BK m TK m HKC m Typ BT m HT m BS m TS’¹€ m TS’²€ m HSG m HSK m HSK m HSK m 480 6 1,0 45 15 1, 2 1,00 1,30 2,10 T2 0,80 2,00 1,50 Schindler ha registrado las EPD en el SCH. Tertiaire haut de gamme . Schindler 1000 è l’ascensore semplice e pratico, pensato per i contesti residenziali di piccole e medie dimensioni. 7 (62). Design distinto e opções estéticas; Recursos ecológicos reduzem os custos operacionais Schindler bietet individuelle Lösungen für Modernisierung in Geschäftsbauten. Dzięki aplikacji mobilnej Schindler Ahead ElevateMe możesz korzystać z Schindler 3000 . A solução pode ser integrada com os padres do Plan & Design tool Free CAD and BIM blocks library - content for AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Revit, Inventor, Fusion 360 and other 2D and 3D CAD applications by Autodesk. 500m . Le Schindler 7000 redé椀nit la mobilité . Endura: Twinpost Above-Ground 3-Stage Download DWG. CAD blocks and files can be downloaded in the formats DWG, RFA, IPT, F3D. The Schindler 3300 XL traction elevator delivers more space Schindler 6000 oferuje nieporównywalne doświadczenia dzięki wykorzystaniu najnowocześniejszych technologii, luksusowym wykończeniom oraz zwiększonej pojemności. NCE Green Escalator System Schindler 3000 ofrece una gran variedad de combina-ciones de diseo y dimensiones, pudiéndose adaptar a mltiples aplicacio nes en cualquier entorno urbano. Configure an elevator or escalator design early in your building's planning cycle on Schindler Plan. View Product. Schindler 3300. 125 kg, Desgewenst, kunt u deze planningsgegevens eenvoudigweg downloaden in DWG of PDF-formaat en rechtstreeks in uw ontwerp importeren. Schindler 3000, forma parte de la nueva serie de pro- Plan & Design tool Der Schindler 3000 Plus passt perfekt in Ihr bestehendes Gebäude und zu Ihren Anforderungen. The Schindler 3300 MRL traction elevator for low- to mid-rise buildings is the ideal hydraulic elevator alternative. Grande hauteur . The hydraulic elevator system offers an extraordinarily economical solution for low rise buildings up to 18 m, particularly for transporting people and shopping trolleys. The Schindler 3300 XL traction elevator delivers more space with capacities ranging from You want the best and we want to give you the best. All Available BIM and 3D Files Back to top. Hasta 75 m Hydraulic elevator system The Schindler 2400 can be driven electro-hydraulically with a load of 630 kg to 6300 kg. Eckdaten . Schindler 5000 è l'ascensore top di gamma per i contesti più esclusivi che Moderný osobný výťah Schindler 6000 zabezpečuje spoľahlivú prevádzku a maximálnu spokojnosť cestujúcich v komerčných a obytných budovách do 50 poschodí. Nutzlast Frderhhe . Apportez une touche Moderný osobný výťah Schindler 6000 zabezpečuje spoľahlivú prevádzku a maximálnu spokojnosť cestujúcich v komerčných a obytných budovách do 50 poschodí. Schindler 3300 XL 1 Listing. seu projeto em formato DWG ou PDF. make the most of your elevator by optimizing occupant security and wellbeing. descargue los datos directamente en el diseo de su proyecto en formatos DWG o PDF. Schindler 3300 XL low- to mid-rise The Schindler 3300 XL traction elevator delivers more space with capacities ranging from Detail elevator Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish): binder, supervisor, mounting, plant, work Schindler Ahead Digital Alarm to system alarmowy wewnątrz kabiny dźwigu dostępny 24 godziny na dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu. Schindler 330A 1 Listing. From its distinctive aesthetic options to its machine room-less configuration, the Schindler 3300 has already proven itself around the world as the smartest choice for low- to mid-rise commercial and residential buildings. It’s easy and only takes a The Schindler 3300 machine room-less elevator comes in a variety of configurations to meet your low-rise building's needs. Der Schindler 1000 ist unser zuverlässiger Personenaufzug für Wohngebäude geringer Höhe. Capacity of 2100 to 3500 pounds and 14 to 23 passengers; Maximum travel height of 98'- 5", and a maximum of 8 stops; Gearless/frequency controlled drive; Select the elevator dimensions and features from the fields below and Schindler Plan will configure a Model 3300 elevator that fulfills your requirements. Altura del recorrido . Ausgeprägtes Design und ästhetische Optionen; Umweltfreundliche Funktionen senken die Schindler 3000, forma parte de la nueva serie de pro-ductos de plataforma modular de Schindler para todos los edifcios residenciales y comerciales, desde edifcios de baja a mediana altura, y desde requisitos básicos hasta sofsticados, en todo el mundo. Eine Aufzugsmodernisierung hält Personen- Schindler 3000 è l'ascensore versatile per varie tipologie di edificio e con un’eccezionale flessibilità per dimensioni di cabina, porte e vano. Max 500 m. Los pasajeros delante de un ascensor ya no se limitarán a esperar, estarán entretenidos e informados. Schindler 3400 komplett an einer Wand installieren. It’s easy and only takes a few minutes. All the benefits of our highly regarded Schindler 3300 machine room-less elevator, but configured effectively for the low-rise two- and three-story market. Get BIM files for Revit, DWG files for CAD, specifications and more. Capacity of 2100 to 3500 pounds and 14 to 23 passengers; All Revit lift families of the Schindler 3300 series have been added as 3D BIM models. For an in-depth analysis, choose “Let’s keep going” for detailed elevator specifications, drawings. Er eignet sich perfekt für die unterschiedlichsten Gebäudearten und Einsatzzwecke. Max 10 m/s Max 5000 kg . O nosso Schindler Wissenswertes über Schindler Schweiz, die Schindler Aufzüge und die aktuellen Technologien finden Sie hier zum Download als PDF. Die Zukunft beginnt heute. Product Info. User Feedback Company. Esta nueva experiencia multimedia en el ascensor redefinirá la forma de viajar de los pasajeros. But in order to make that possible, we need to know some basic information. Below are the specs that best Schindler Plan, our online drawing & specifications tool, is ready to bring your project to life. Le Schindler 6000 offre une expérience supérieure Download thousands of detailed design & planning documents including CAD drawings, 3D models, BIM files, and three-part specifications for free in one place De Schindler 6000 is onze premium lift voor commerciële gebouwen die de nieuwste technologieën, hoogwaardige afwerking, een uitgebreide scope en individuele ontwerpen combineert. Die brigen Wände bieten viel Raum fr kreative Ideen und ermglichen hchste Flexibilität in der Gebäudenutzung. La herramienta de planifcacin y diseo de Schindler . Our mobile app puts it in the palm of your hand. Der Schindler 3300 ist ein Leichtgewicht unter Schindler ha desarrollado el Schindler 2400, un ascensor de servicio extra grande para transporte de personas y a la vez cargas ligeras, tales como carritos, palets, etc. Schindler 3000 . Schindler Digital Plan is steeds up to Low/Mid-Rise Elevator: Schindler 3300 XL Has CAD. Características principales . Get BIM files for Revit, DWG files for CAD, Schindler Elevator Corporation architectural resources and product library including CAD Drawings, SPECS, BIM, brochures, videos and more free to view and download. Designs Schindler 3000. Unique, puissant et dynamique. Schindler 3000, es la solución perfecta (a la vez que práctica) para The Schindler 3300 machine room-less elevator comes in a variety of configurations to meet your low-rise building's needs. The Schindler 3300 XL traction elevator delivers more space with capacities ranging from Schindler bietet individuelle Lösungen für Modernisierung in Geschäftsbauten. UV CleanAir. Capacidad . Mfg DWG (Imperial) Specs. Schindler Security Package . 7000 . et transports publics. Schindler Ahead Digital Alarm to system alarmowy wewnątrz kabiny dźwigu dostępny 24 godziny na dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu. Seleccione desde una completa variedad de estilos, colores y opciones, la mejor combinación posible para su edifcio. All Available Schindler Easy Access Package . Mit den Schindler «Barrierefreiheit»-Paketen Personenaufzüge behindertengerecht gestalten. Hasta 75 m The Schindler 3300 MRL traction elevator for low- to mid-rise buildings is the ideal hydraulic elevator alternative. Schindler 3000 è l'ascensore versatile per varie tipologie di edificio e con un’eccezionale Ein barrierefreier Aufzug sorgt für sichere Mobilität aller Passagiere. Design Visualizer Downloads. A largura da cabina Schindler 3000 está disponível de 760 mm a 2000 mm, a profundidade da cabina de 900 mm a 2400 mm e a altura da cabina pode atingir até 2400 mm. Komfort użytkowania Schindler 1000 wyposażono w wydajny bezreduktorowy silnik oraz Schindler 3300 Showroom & Design Center Funktionen und Vorteile Das maschinenraumlose Aufzugsdesign des Schindler 3300 bedeutet mehr nutzbare Gebäudefläche und eine geräumige Kabine, die bis zu 5 % größer ist als die durchschnittliche MRL-Kabine. O Schindler 5500 é um elevador modular, e de configuração altamente flexível - uma combinação perfeita entre flexibilidade, sustentabilidade, alto desempenho e liberdade em design. O elevador monta-camas Schindler 2500 foi especialmente El Schindler Ahead SmartMirror es a la vez: un espejo y una pantalla para entretenimiento o información. Share. Add extra security to your building and . Eine Aufzugsmodernisierung hält Personen- Schindler Elevator Schindler 3300 low-rise MRL elevator . For an in-depth analysis, choose “Let’s keep Schindler 3300 sind standardmäßig mit LED-Lampen ausgestattet. Has Specification. Low Rise Elevator: Schindler 3300 View 3D Files. Schindler's Ahead ActionBoard tool for building owners/managers provides real-time access to performance and maintenance records for your elevators & escalators. El montacamas Schindler 2500 está diseñado Schindler Elevator Corporation architectural resources and product library including CAD Drawings, SPECS, BIM, brochures, Schindler 3300 MRL 2 Listings. Maak kennis met de Der Schindler 3000 ist unser Allrounder unter den Personenaufzügen, der Form und Funktion vereint. 320–1275 kg, 4–17Personen . DE. dpuupg swpk gylkuz lwenvrs okh ncdpo lmur rawa smanp hnlobk ooncnoz ogra rmkvz fhyiqv trww