Roland fantom 8 x / Monterey 12. This flagship synthesizer workstation FANTOM 8 is a powerful keyboard with ZEN-Core synth engine, SuperNATURAL piano, audio interface, and more. Lass dich inspirieren vom authentischen Piano-Spielgefühl, profitiere von der wegweisenden Processing-Power, um Hochglanz-Produktionen in Echtzeit zu erzeugen und erlebe einen Workflow, mit dem du jederzeit die volle Kontrolle hast. Meet the SH-4d Synthesizer, a desktop powerhouse with hands-on workflow and deep synthesis tools for designing the sounds of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Junto con el amplio LCD, esta herramienta de composición de nivel profesional proporciona 128 pistas (incluyendo 24 pistas de audio) en un entorno gráfico audio/MIDI totalmente integrado. FG Connects Live Overview. Nicht nur das Äußere ist ein Genuss, sondern auch die unendlich vielen Möglichkeiten, die man mit dieser Maschine hat. The new Fantom ‘platform’ uses O FANTOM turbinado. Archi, organo, pianoforte, chitarra, ottoni, coro, strumenti a fiato e altro ancora; la selezione in FANTOM è davvero notevole!. This major upgrade package includes JUPITER-8, SH De FANTOM 8 EX is uitgerust met 88 gewogen toetsen met hamerwerking, FANTOM EX Upgrade beschikbaar voor originele FANTOM-bezitters op Roland Cloud; Premium 88-noten gewogen klavier met hamerwerking en channel-aftertouch; Keyboard Keyboard 88 Keys (PHA-50 Wood and Plastic Hybrid Structure, Use this driver for Macs running OS 8. The Roland Cloud 上的 FANTOM EX Upgrade是您為原始 FANTOM 6/7/8 型號配備完整 EX 功能的方式。 這個主要升級套件包括 JUPITER-8、SH-101 和 JX-3P ACB 擴充音源、n/zyme 和 JD-800 模組擴充音源、兩部新平台鋼琴以及所有 EX 增強功能。 Subscribe to the Roland Newsletter to get the latest articles, videos and news about your favourite Roland products. It offers 88 hammer-action keys, a large color touchscreen, and various expansion options for Roland Cloud. And with so much power under the hood, Mit dem FANTOM EX Upgrade in der Roland Cloud kannst du dein originales FANTOM 6/7/8 Modell mit dem EX-Feature-Set ausstatten. FANTOM 8 EX: Synthesizer Keyboard - FANTOM spotęgowany. 02 ) SVZ Sample Converter Ver. Este importante paquete de mejoras incluye las expansiones ACB JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P y JUNO-106, las expansiones de modelo n/zyme y JD-800, dos nuevos pianos de cola y todas las mejoras del modelo EX. FANTOM 8 Updates & Drivers. YouTube Channel. Stopgezet Reaching New Levels of Power and Luxury. SH-4d. Support - FANTOM 8 EX Updates & Drivers. X (Twitter) Fantom 8 Updates & Treiber. Discontinued Reaching New Levels of Power and Luxury. Apresentamos o FANTOM EX, o teclado criativo mais poderoso do planeta. Expansion EXZ Series EXSN Series EXM Series [English] FANTOM/FANTOM-0 series Roland Cloud User’s Guide [PDF] [English] FANTOM-06/07/08 MIDI Implementation [PDF] Documenti di El Fantom-G es el primer instrumento de Roland en incorporar el potente secuenciador de última generación de Roland. El FANTOM 8 EX tiene 88 teclas de acción martillo e incluye todas las características de su aclamado predecesor y muchas más. Fantom-X Editor Version 2. Vor allem bin ich froh, daß ich nicht das "große" Fantom-8 gekauft habe: schon dieses "leichtere und kleinere" Ding ist schwer (na ja, ein Upgrade FANTOM EX na Roland Cloud je cestou, jak vybavit původní model FANTOM 6/7/8 kompletní sadou funkcí EX. Produtos Pianos Órgãos Sintetizadores Teclas Guitarra e Baixo Drums Mais de 7000 sons integrados da histórica biblioteca Roland ; Expansões JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P e JUNO-106 ACB; Expansões dos modelos n/zyme, JD-800, JUNO-106, Support - FANTOM 8 取扱説明書. 3 for macOS Big Sur 11. Roland set its aims very high with the release of the Fantom 8 EX update. Der FANTOM EX ist das leistungsstärkste Kreativ-Keyboard der Welt. x. Soporte - Fantom 8 Manuales de Usuario. x and 9. * To use Support - FANTOM 8 Updates & Drivers. 00 Supplementary Manual Accordo di Licenza del Software Roland In nessun caso Roland può essere ritenuta responsabile verso gli utenti finali per eventuali danni, di qualsiasi natura, inclusi ma non limitati a danni finanziari per la perdita di profitti o informazioni derivati dall’uso, o dall’impossibilità di usare questo ROLAND FANTOM SERIES; Find A MUSIC Dealer; FANTOM 8 - The centrepiece of your studio. * Backup file has compatibility with FANTOM-6/7/8, but it can read the enabled features only. Genişleme EXZ Serisi EXSN Serisi EXM Serisi * Genişletme, yeniden yazılabilir dahili ses üreteci belleğidir. O capítulo mais recente na história do FANTOM potencializa ainda mais a plataforma mais avançada de sintetizadores da El FANTOM EX Upgrade de Roland Cloud te permite renovar tu FANTOM 6/7/8 original con el completo conjunto de características del modelo EX. Produits Pianos Synthétiseurs Claviers et accordéons Guitare & Basse Drums & Percussion Instruments à vent Production [English] FANTOM/FANTOM-0 series Roland Cloud User’s Guide [PDF] [English] FANTOM-6/FANTOM-7/FANTOM-8 MIDI Implementation; Support Haut; Logiciels & Mises à Jour; Modes d'emploi; Met de FANTOM EX Upgrade op Roland Cloud kun je een origineel FANTOM 6/7/8-model uitrusten met de volledige EX-functieset. Equipado com um novo sistema de 88 teclas pesadas, o FANTOM-08 tem tudo que você precisa para criar e tocar ao vivo no mais alto nível. Supporto - Fantom 8 Manuali d’uso. [English] FANTOM-6/FANTOM-7/FANTOM-8 Version 3. Ecco SH-4d Synthesizer, la potente unità desktop dal workflow fluido e diretto con dettagliate funzionalità di sintesi, per creare i suoni di ieri, di oggi e di domani. Ten duży pakiet upgrade zawiera rozszerzenia JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P i JUNO-106 ACB Expansions, Model Expansions n/zyme i JD-800, dwa nowe fortepiany i wszystkie ulepszenia EX. Aktualizacja FANTOM EX Upgrade na Roland Cloud to sposób do wyposażenia oryginalnego modelu FANTOM 6/7/8 w kompletny zestaw funkcji EX. The FANTOM EX Upgrade on Roland Cloud is your path to outfit an original FANTOM 6/7/8 model with the complete EX feature set. Denne store opgraderingspakke indeholder JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P og JUNO-106 ACB Expansions, n/zyme og JD-800 Model Expansions, to nye flygler og alle EX-forbedringer. Memperkenalkan FANTOM EX, keyboard kreatif terkuat di planet ini. Mit seinem authentischen, inspirierenden Piano-Spielgefühl, einer wegweisenden Processing-Power, mit der du deine kreative Vision ohne Kompromisse verfolgen kannst und einem Workflow, der dich von der ersten Note bis zur finalen Produktion begleitet, präsentiert sich der FANTOM als FANTOM amplified. ZEN-Core synth engine offers genre-defining electronic & acoustic tones; Hybrid sounds including modern PCM, virtual analog & routable analog filter for unlimited tone potential Neue FANTOM Power. FANTOM’s creative process reflects how today’ FANTOM 8 EX is a powerful and versatile keyboard with multiple sound engines, effects, sequencing, and sampling features. Canal YouTube. Poznaj Syntezator SH-4d, kompaktową potęgę z praktycznym procesem pracy i szczegółowymi narzędziami syntezy do projektowania dźwięków wczorajszych, dzisiejszych i jutra. FANTOM amplified. The Fantom-G is a dream instrument that redefines the boundaries of playability and creativity Der Roland FANTOM-8 ist die ultimative Synthesizer-Workstation, um deine Ideen auszuarbeiten. Tento velký aktualizační balíček obsahuje rozšíření JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P a JUNO-106 ACB, rozšíření Model Expansions n/zyme a JD-800, dvě nová piana a všechna vylepšení EX. FANTOM is a new kind of creative hub, made for rapid production and expressive performance. Avec son clavier de 88 touches semi-lestées sensibles à la vélocité, The FANTOM EX Upgrade on Roland Cloud is your path to outfit an original FANTOM 6/7/8 model with the complete EX feature set. O FANTOM-0 traz vida ao seu mundo criativo, combinando o poder sonoro e o fluxo de trabalho fluído do modelo top de linha FANTOM em instrumentos práticos que vão onde sua inspiração te levar. x / Ventura 13. 0. Cette mise à jour majeure intègre les extensions ACB JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P et JUNO-106, les Extensions de modélisation n/zyme et JD-800, deux nouveaux pianos à queue et toutes les améliorations EX. Este pacote de atualização principal inclui as expansões ACB do JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P e JUNO-106, expansões de modelos n/zyme e JD-800, dois novos pianos de cauda e todos os aprimoramentos do update EX. FANTOM EX Upgrade dari Roland Cloud adalah pintu masuk Anda untuk memperbarui model FANTOM 6/7/8 lama Anda dengan paket fitur EX lengkap. Tässä raskaan sarjan päivityksessä on JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P ja JUNO-106 ACB Expansion -. Produkty Pianina Syntezatory Keyboardy Gitara & Bas Drums & Percussion Instrumenty Ponad 7000 wbudowanych dźwięków z historycznej biblioteki Roland ; JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P oraz JUNO-106 ACB Expansions; n/zyme, JD-800, JUNO-106, Roland Cloudista löytyvällä FANTOM EX Upgrade:lla saat alkuperäiseen FANTOM 6/7/8 -malliin kaikki EX-ominaisuudet. 0 for Windows * Also available for FANTOM-6EX / FANTOM-7EX / FANTOM-8EX. Since 2001, Roland's flagship FANTOM workstations have defined the cutting edge of keyboard technology. Take a guided tour of the Fantom-G Workstation Keyboard. Inspiring onboard production tools and deep computer integration fuel an experience that feels intuitive, natural, and full of possibilities. Roland FANTOM 8 Synthesizer (FANTOM-08) Yamaha, 88-Key Slim Digital Beginners with Weighted, Premium Grand Piano Sound, Compact Design, Music Rest, FANTOM 8 EX is a next-generation synth workstation with advanced sound engines, effects, and computer integration. 00 for Windows; El FANTOM EX Upgrade de Roland Cloud te permite renovar tu FANTOM 6/7/8 original con el completo conjunto de características del modelo EX. Use this driver for Macs running OS 8. Entdecke den SH-4d Synthesizer, ein Desktop-Kraftpaket mit Hands-On-Workflow und tiefgreifenden Synthese-Tools für die Entwicklung von Sounds aus Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. It features ZEN-Core and SuperNATURAL sounds, sampling, sequencing, vocoding, and computer integration. Expansion EXZ Series EXSN Series EXM Series [English] FANTOM/FANTOM-0 series Roland Cloud User’s Guide [PDF] [English] FANTOM EX Upgrade på Roland Cloud er din vej til at udstyre en original FANTOM 6/7/8-model med det komplette EX-funktionssæt. Products Pianos Synthesizers Keyboards Guitar & Bass Drums & Percussion Wind Instruments Production Amplifiers AIRA & DJ Roland Cloud Stay up to date with Roland news, artists, promotions, events, and more. Das neueste Modell der FANTOM Reihe erweitert die führende Roland Synthesizer-Plattform um innovative neue Möglichkeiten, darunter den Einsatz mehrerer Soundengines, umfangreiche Kompositions- und Performance-Tools sowie eine außergewöhnliche Spielbarkeit. FANTOM-8 is the ultimate synth workstation for ambitious music creators. Med FANTOM EX-uppgraderingen på Roland Cloud kan du ge en FANTOM 6/7/8-originalmodell den fullständiga EX-funktionsuppsättningen. The expandable sound engine delivers our best electronic and acoustic sounds, with the depth and control to combine and shape them in Support - Fantom 8 Handleidingen. Stay up to date with Roland news, artists, promotions, events, and more. With authentic piano feel that inspires your music-making, next-generation processing power that lets you chase your vision without compromise, and workflow that guides you from first notes to final production, the FANTOM is the songwriter’s first choice. The Fantom-G is a dream instrument that redefines the boundaries of playability and creativity with its advanced sound engine, revolutionary ARX SuperNATURAL expansion bay, large-sized color LCD, powerful new audio/MIDI sequencer, Support - Fantom 8 Bedienungsanleitungen. laajennukset, kaksi uutta flyygeliä sekä kaikki EX-parannukset. 1. FANTOM 8 EX: Synthesizer Keyboard - FANTOM Amplificado. Te presentamos el sintetizador SH-4d, un coloso de sobremesa con proceso manual y herramientas avanzadas de síntesis para diseñar los sonidos de ayer, hoy y mañana. The Fantom-G is a dream instrument that redefines the boundaries of playability and creativity with its advanced sound engine, revolutionary ARX SuperNATURAL expansion bay, large-sized color LCD, powerful new audio/MIDI sequencer, Discontinued Reaching New Levels of Power and Luxury. laajennukset, n/zyme ja JD-800 Model Expansion -. A atualização FANTOM EX na Roland Cloud é o seu caminho para equipar um FANTOM 6/7/8 original com o conjunto completo de recursos EX. The Fantom-G is a dream instrument that redefines the boundaries of playability and creativity with its advanced sound engine, revolutionary ARX SuperNATURAL expansion bay, large-sized color LCD, powerful new audio/MIDI sequencer, Bewertung des ROLAND FANTOM 8 EX Der FANTOM 8 EX ist eine beeindruckende Maschine. FANTOM 系列的更新为 Roland 的旗舰级合成器平台增添了新的功能,提供了多个先进的声音引擎、增强的编曲和演奏工具以及理想的演奏力。 FANTOM 8 EX 配备了88 键带有槌击结构的配重键盘,不仅集成了备受好评的前代产品的所有功能,且功能丰富性更进一步。 Der FANTOM-8 ist die ultimative Synthesizer-Workstation für ambitionierte Komponisten. Apresentamos a mais completa e poderosa workstation da história da Roland. We’re looking at the 88-note Fantom-8 here, but you can also buy the Fantom-7 and Fantom-6, which have 76 and 61 keys respectively. com, Piano et Clavier à un prix à couper le souffle ! Les ingénieurs de Roland sont partis d'une feuille blanche pour créer la nouvelle Descontinuado. FANTOM EX Upgrade disponible para propietarios de un FANTOM original en Roland Cloud; Teclado contrapesado prémium de 88 notas con acción martillo y aftertouch de canal; Keyboard Keyboard 88 Keys FANTOM EX: The Next Generation. Mise à jour FANTOM EX Upgrade disponible sur Roland Cloud pour les possesseurs El FANTOM EX Upgrade de Roland Cloud te permite renovar tu FANTOM 6/7/8 original con el completo conjunto de características del modelo EX. Support - Fantom 8 Bedienungsanleitungen. Bab terbaru dalam warisan FANTOM yang memperkuat platform synth utama Roland ini dengan kemampuan tingkat-selanjutnya, menawarkan beberapa sound engine canggih, fitur komposisi dan performa yang ditingkatkan, dan rasa bermain superior. Dit grote upgradepakket bevat de JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P en JUNO-106 ACB Expansions, n/zyme en JD-800 Model Expansions, twee nieuwe vleugelpiano's en alle EX-uitbreidingen. It features ACB, ZEN-Core, V-Piano, and SuperNATURAL Roland’s top-of-line keyboard workstation gets a big upgrade. Be inspired with authentic piano feel, harness next-generation processing power to create polished recordings in real-time, and stream through a workflow that keeps you in control. Equipped with 88 hammer-action keys, FANTOM 8 EX includes every feature from its acclaimed predecessor and so much more. 3. Maak kennis met de SH-4d Synthesizer: een desktop krachtpatser met hands-on workflow en diepe synthesetools voor het ontwerpen van de sounds van gisteren, vandaag en morgen. Fantom 8: 音乐工作站 - FANTOM 是一种新型创意中心,专为快速制作和富有表现力的演奏而设计。 Ich habe das Fantom-08 jetzt eine halbe Woche, daher gebe ich nur meinen ersten Eindruck. Designed with contemporary dance, pop and hip-hop musicians in mind, the new FG Connects Live update adds hundreds of unique tempo-synced phrases to create instant motion and texture to any sound. 00 for Windows; Achetez votre FANTOM 8 sur SonoVente. O FANTOM EX Upgrade no Roland Cloud é o seu caminho para equipar um modelo FANTOM 6/7/8 original com o conjunto completo de recursos EX. Products Pianos Synthesizers Keyboards & Accordions Guitar & Bass Drums & Percussion Wind Instruments Production Amplifiers Specialist Roland Stores across the UK within a general music shop, housing a broad range of gear and a dedicated Roland & Boss product specialist that's on-hand to help. Subscribe to the Roland Newsletter to get the latest articles, videos, and news about your favorite Roland products. Expansion EXZ Series EXSN Series EXM Series [English] FANTOM/FANTOM-0 series Roland Cloud User’s Guide [PDF] [English] Use this driver for Macs running OS 8. The Roland FANTOM-8 is the ultimate synth workstation for unleashing your ideas. A nova série FANTOM-G reúne o que de mais avançado existe em tecnologia para sintetizadores: motor sonoro Roland de última Roland Global Official Fan Page. Die offizielle Facebook Seite von ROLAND Germany! News zu unseren Neuheiten, Events, Künstlern, Aktionen, Gewinnspiele und vieles mehr. 10 (PC) This is the new Editor/Librarian software for Version 2 of the Fantom. Roland Users Group. This major upgrade package includes JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P, and JUNO-106 ACB Expansions, n/zyme and JD-800 Model Expansions, two new grand pianos, and all EX enhancements. [English] FANTOM/FANTOM-0 series Roland Cloud User’s Guide [PDF] Support - Fantom 8 Owner’s Manuals. Create, FANTOM-8 is the heartbeat of your most ambitious tracks. Fantom-G Overview, Part 1. La mise à jour FANTOM EX Upgrade sur Roland Cloud vous permet de booster votre FANTOM 6, 7 ou 8 grâce à l'ensemble des fonctions EX. Suoni e sintesi. Questo importante upgrade include le Espansioni ACB JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P e JUNO-106, le Model Expansion n/zyme e JD-800, due nuovi pianoforti a coda e tutti i miglioramenti presenti nell'EX. Productos Pianos Sintetizadores Teclados Guitarras y Bajos Baterías y Percusión Instrumentos de Viento Producción La red social Roland te mantiene conectado a los últimos productos, eventos, y mucho más. The also contains the sample convert software for use with S-700 series sample libraries. Read, watch, FANTOM-6/FANTOM-7/FANTOM-8 Reference Manual I AGREE AND WISH TO PROCEED WITH Support - FANTOM 8 Owner's Manuals. La tipica architettura sonora Roland è stata mantenuta nel senso che ogni Preisvergleich für Roland Fantom 8 Produktinfo ⇒ Typ: Workstation, Synthesizer • Tasten: 88, Aftertouch, gewichtet • Tongenerierung: virtuell-analog, Mode Keyboards & Synthesizer Testberichte Günstig kaufen Le Roland Fantom 8 est un synthétiseur de musique haut de gamme qui offre une multitude de fonctionnalités et de possibilités créatives pour les musiciens professionnels et les amateurs passionnés. Paket upgrade besar ini sudah termasuk ACB Expansions JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P dan JUNO-106, Model Expansions n/zyme dan JD-800, dua grand piano baru, dan semua peningkatan EX. Das große Update-Paket umfasst die JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P und JUNO-106 ACB-Erweiterungen, die n/zyme und JD-800 Model Expansions, zwei neue Grand Pianos und alle EX-Verbesserungen. Create, control and capture your tracks with FANTOM's creative suite, With FANTOM, you can focus on playing music, not rationing processing power. The Fantom-G is a dream instrument that redefines the boundaries of playability and creativity with its advanced sound engine, revolutionary ARX SuperNATURAL expansion bay, large-sized color LCD, powerful new audio/MIDI sequencer, * Yedekleme dosyası FANTOM-6/7/8 ile uyumludur, ancak yalnızca etkinleştirilmiş özellikleri okuyabilir. FANTOM-6/FANTOM-7/FANTOM-8 System Program ( Ver. Descontinuado. Cette nouvelle technologie recrée la sensation de l’ivoire et de l’ébène, tant appréciés sur les pianos acoustiques pour la stabilité et le confort qu’ils offrent au pianiste. x; Roland Global Official Fan Page. The latest chapter in the FANTOM legacy supercharges Roland’s premier synth platform with next-level capabilities, offering multiple advanced sound engines, enhanced composition and performance tools, and superior playability. At every turn, FANTOM fulfills the need to create. Facebook. Video Library. Introducing the most powerful and luxurious live workstation in Roland history. SH-4dは、過去から現在、そして未来へとつながるサウンドをデザインするための、実践的なワークフローとディープなシンセシス・ツールを備えたデスクトップ・シンセサイザー。 Dank der aktuellen Errungenschaften unseres Synthesizer-Entwicklungsteams steht die rechenintensive ACB-Architektur mit den JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P und JUNO-106 ACB-Erweiterungen im FANTOM EX Upgrade nun auch FANTOM amplified. The latest chapter in the FANTOM legacy supercharges Roland’s premier synth platform with next-level capabilities, offering multiple advanced FANTOM diperkuat. Soporte - FANTOM 8 EX Actualizaciones y Drivers. Doch Wyszły z produkcji Reaching New Levels of Power and Luxury. Doté d'un clavier à 88 touches à action de marteaux, le FANTOM 8 EX intègre toutes les fonctions de ses fameux prédécesseurs et bien plus. Mise à jour FANTOM EX Upgrade disponible sur Roland Cloud pour les possesseurs d'anciens FANTOM; Clavier premium à 88 touches lestées à action de marteaux avec aftertouch; Keyboard Keyboard Support - Fantom 8 Mode d'emploi. FANTOM-6/FANTOM-7/FANTOM-8 Driver Ver. . The Fantom-G is a dream instrument that redefines the boundaries of playability and creativity with its advanced sound engine, revolutionary ARX SuperNATURAL expansion bay, large-sized color LCD, powerful new audio/MIDI sequencer, Use this driver for Macs running OS 8. 00 for Windows; Support - FANTOM 8 Owner’s Manuals. Das große Update-Paket umfasst die JUPITER-8, Il FANTOM EX Upgrade su Roland Cloud consente di dotare un FANTOM 6/7/8 originale di tutte le caratteristiche presenti nel modello EX. Mit dem FANTOM EX Upgrade in der Roland Cloud kannst du dein originales FANTOM 6/7/8 Modell mit dem EX-Feature-Set ausstatten. Its smooth, rapid workflow has no confusing modes, frustrating technical limits, or trade-offs with sound quality. Este grande pacote de atualização inclui expansões JUPITER-8, SH-101, JX-3P e JUNO-106 ACB, expansões de modelos n/zyme e JD-800, dois novos pianos de cauda e todos os aprimoramentos EX. Introducing FANTOM EX, the most potent creative keyboard on the planet. Now, Sweetwater is excited to present Introducing FANTOM EX, the most potent creative keyboard on the planet. NOTE: Only use this software with Fantom-X6,7,8, and XR units running Version 2. Detta stora uppgraderingspaket innehåller ACB-expansionerna med SH-101, JUPITER-8, JX-3P och JUNO-106, n/zyme- och JD-800-modellexpansionerna, två nya flyglar och alla EX-förbättringar. Roland Australia Official Fan Page. The latest chapter in the FANTOM legacy supercharges Roland’s premier synth platform with next-level capabilities, offering multiple advanced Le Fantom-G8 est doté du superbe clavier haut de gamme Roland PHA II «Ivory Feel». Updated with Roland's most sophisticated technologies, this FANTOM-08 is a 88-key synthesizer keyboard with weighted action and color touchscreen. Roland ha scavato a fondo in FANTOM e dota la sua ammiraglia di oltre 3500 suoni e più di 90 kit Drum, oltre al V-Piano all'avanguardia e di prima classe. A nova série FANTOM-G reúne o que de mais avançado existe em tecnologia para sintetizadores: motor sonoro Roland de última geração, revolucionária tecnologia SuperNATURAL, por meio das novas placas de expansão ARX, display LCD de 8,5” colorido e conexão para mouse, além de Mise à jour FANTOM EX Upgrade disponible sur Roland Cloud pour les possesseurs d'anciens FANTOM; Clavier premium à 61 touches premium de type synthé avec aftertouch; Keyboard Keyboard FANTOM-6/FANTOM-7/FANTOM-8 Driver Ver.
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