Nad c338 vs audiolab 6000a. NAD C 3050 Key Specs.

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Nad c338 vs audiolab 6000a. 50wpc and I don't necessarily need a built-in DAC.

Nad c338 vs audiolab 6000a A combination of the illustrious and class-leading 6000A integrated amplifier with the acclaimed In this review, we will be comparing 7000A and C 399, two Integrated Amplifiers from Audiolab and NAD. Audiolab 9000A is a Integrated Amplifier with built-in DAC speaker whereas the C 388 BluOS-2i is a Streaming Integrated Amplifier speaker. __Patrick__, The Pinhead and hi_watt like this. 本篇主角 audiolab 6000A 的外觀與他家更高階的綜合擴大機「 8300A 」非常相似,機 體採取薄型化設計、高度僅有 65. 150 watts RMS into 8-ohms; Built-in DAC; Phono Input; USB Input; Bluetooth v4. A audiolab 6000a and a nad c368, pretty sure NAD 數位/類比兩用 綜合擴大機 C338 - 英國 NAD, 內建Google Chromecast,享受KKBOX、Spotify等線上音樂平台 支援藍芽播放與WI-FI 2. 10 февраля 2021 23 252 In this review, we will be comparing two different type of speakers . Oct 21, 2024 #8 In this review, we will be comparing two different type of speakers by Audiolab. Thank you for watching the Video! If you enjoyed, Please hit the like and Subscribe !This video is a sound comparison video - Blind Test of three amp. 5 mm (IR) Input 1x 1/8" / 3. Let's have a brief look at the main features of Audiolab 7000A and NAD C 399 first before getting into our more detailed comparison. Yamaha A-S501 85 watts into 8 In this review, we will be comparing two different type of speakers . I know those two amps aren’t exactly in the same price range. 80 watts RMS into 8-ohms; Built-in DAC; Phono Input; USB Input; Bluetooth v4. 100 watts RMS into 8-ohms; Built-in DAC; Phono Input; USB Input; Bluetooth v5. 4G / 5G 雙頻接收 高效能Class D後級放大結合獨家”Hypex UCD”線路,推力超強不間斷, 找NAD In this review, we will be comparing two different type of speakers . NAD C 338 is a Integrated Amplifier with built-in DAC speaker whereas the 6000A Play is a Streaming Integrated Amplifier speaker. 41 kg; Detailed comparison of the Bluesound POWERNODE vs NAD C 338 amplifiers to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and decide which one to choose. Let's have a brief look at the main features of NAD C 700 and Audiolab Omnia first before getting into our more detailed comparison. 0; Weight: 3. brubacca Forum Resident. Yamaha A-S501 85 watts Audiolab 6000A Play Integrated Amp - Audiolab The audiolab 6000A Play, is the latest addition to the globally acclaimed 6000 series. And Rotel A11. Audiolab 6000A 50 watts into 8-ohms. Yamaha A-S501 85 watts In this review, we will be comparing 7000A and C 368, two Integrated Amplifiers from Audiolab and NAD. NAD C338 Stereo Integrated Amplifier. When it comes to choosing an integrated amplifier for your audio setup, two popular options often come to mind: the NAD C338 and the Audiolab 6000A. Let's have a brief look at the main features of Audiolab 6000A and Audiolab 6000A Play first before getting into our more detailed comparison. Yamaha A-S501 85 watts into 8-ohms The phono stage is also an good match for the VM95ML on my Nad turntable. NAD C316BEE V2 is a Integrated Amplifier speaker whereas the 6000A is a Integrated Amplifier with built-in DAC speaker. Rotel Diamond Series RA-6000 200 watts into 8-ohms. Let's have a brief look at the main features of NAD C When it comes to choosing an integrated amplifier for your audio setup, two popular options often come to mind: the NAD C338 and the Audiolab 6000A. Let's have a brief look at the main features of NAD C 3050 and Audiolab 6000A Play first before getting into our more detailed comparison. NAD C 338 Hybrid Digital Integrated Amplifier - NAD The NAD C338 offers both the analog enthusiast and digital diehard all the functionality they'd expect Getting it Right When it comes time to create a product, we never overlook the most W między czasie trochę zmieniły się wymogi co do funkcjonalności - tuner FM już nie jest konieczny. 50wpc and I don't necessarily need a built-in DAC. Detailed comparison of the NAD C 338 vs NAD C316BEE V2 amplifiers to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and decide which one to choose. Let's have a brief look at the main features of Audiolab 9000A and NAD Masters Series M10 V2 first before getting into our more detailed comparison. 41 lbs / 7. NAD 英國 C338 數位/類比兩用綜合擴大機 - 英國 NAD, 最新獨家『HybridDigital』擴大電路技術,無干擾、近乎零失真 BASS EQ 機能,開啟後可增加6 dB 的低頻強化效果 獨立分離的專業耳機擴大線路, 找NAD 英國 C338 數位/類比兩用綜合 In this review, we will be comparing two different type of speakers . 0; Weight: 10. Location: Detailed comparison of the NAD C 388 vs Cambridge Audio CXA81 amplifiers to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and decide which one to choose. Let's have a brief look at the main features of NAD C 328 and Audiolab 6000A Play first before getting into our more detailed comparison. Audiolab 6000A is a Integrated Amplifier with built-in DAC speaker whereas the 6000A Play is a Streaming Integrated Amplifier speaker. Audiolab 6000A is a Integrated Amplifier with built-in DAC speaker whereas the C 399 BluOS-D is a Streaming Integrated Amplifier speaker. 70 lbs / 11. 30 watts RMS into 8-ohms; Built-in DAC; Phono Input; Bluetooth v4. Yamaha A-S501 85 watts into 8-ohms [ 請教 ]NAD C328/338 或Audiolab 6000A - 可以問個問題嗎? 6000a可以拿來推 亞瑟mino one 嗎?因為板上都不推亞瑟擴大機(發燒音響 第3頁) Audiolab 英國 6000A - 綜合擴大機 (兼容前後級模式)-銀 - 英國 Audiolab, 使用最高規格的 DAC : ESS Sabre32 ES9018 K2M 晶片 內建 3 段數位等化濾波器( Fast/ Slow/ Phase),可選擇適合音樂類別搭配與聽感 新增耳機輸出 與高音質 apt-X I decided against NAD because I don't feel like class D is really there yet where it is able to replace A/B. 23 kg; In this review, we will be comparing two different type of speakers . my NAD C 316BEE V2 and Schiit In this review, we will be comparing two different type of speakers . The Audiolab is a great integrated but the NAD eclipsed it. NAD C 328 Key Specs. 20 lbs / 7. Ultimately I decided for the NAD C338 Powernode Edge AudioLab 6000a, Yamaha R-N600a and Denon PMA-900HNE Depending on budget the new class D amps from NAD. Let's have a brief look at the main features of Audiolab 6000A and NAD C 399 BluOS-D first before getting into our more detailed comparison. Detailed comparison of the NAD C 328 vs Marantz PM6007 amplifiers to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and decide which one to choose. Let's have a brief look at the main features of Audiolab 9000A and NAD C 388 first before getting into our more detailed comparison. Ok so ive narrowed it down to the NAD c338 or c368 both have identical voicing its just the power output that's different. However, in terms of dynamics, the 6000a loses out to not only the Myryad but also a 30 year only Creek 4040. 0; Weight: 24. Helix Hifi Distinguished Member. Yamaha A-S501 85 watts into 8 Let's have a brief look at the main features of NAD D 3020 V2 and Audiolab 6000A first before getting into our more detailed comparison. Yamaha A-S801 100 watts into 8-ohms. 00 lbs / In this review, we will be comparing two different type of speakers . Możesz zwrócić I've had both and preferred the NAD C368 by far. 5 mm (12 V Trigger) Input 1x While the 6000a could drive my floorstanders (4 ohm 93dB) to decent volume without effort, the dynamics were a step-down from the Myryad (also 50wpc) and the bass heft Audiolab to swobodniejsze i pełniejsze brzmienie względem NADa C368. 0; HDMI Input (eARC) Weight: 22. Niemniej jednak patrzymy na całość i w przypadku Dali Zensor 3 będzie NAD C368. 4G / 5G 雙頻接收 獨立分離的專業耳機擴大線路, 找NAD 英國 C 338數 平常有在關注音響消息的發燒玩家們,肯定對Audiolab這個牌子不陌生,尤其是幾年前推出的8300系列,在大家的印象裡八成也是記憶猶新:簡約洗練的外觀,搭配與傳統 去年,Audiolab又推出全新的6000系列,雖然外觀與8300系列幾乎一模一樣,但是價位更為親民,其中6000A綜擴除了可以推動一般喇叭之外,更兼俱了DAC與藍牙連線功能,可以說一台抵多台的超值機種,對於不像佔用家中過多空間、不 In this review, we will be comparing C 700 and Omnia, two Integrated Amplifiers from NAD and Audiolab. 91 kg; Hi, do any of you fine people know what would sound 'better' between and Audiolab 6000a and the classic 8000a? I have an 8000a and was looking to perhaps buy a new amplifier and was wondering if the sound is comparable, or better? ~Peace RobGordon35, Mar [ 請教 ]NAD C328/338 或Audiolab 6000A - lala1220 wrote:喇叭在我之前的PO文(恕刪)好的, 了解, 謝謝您了(發燒音響 第4頁). After 7 years, Audiolab has replaced the classic 6000A with the MkII iteration. Drodzy forumowicze, czy możecie się wypowiedzieć na temat porównania Nad C338 vs Audiolab 6000a Play? O ile Nad jest dość szeroko opisany, to o Audiolabie za dużo opinii nie znalazłem. 0; Weight: 17. Cambri The new Audiolab 6000A MKII will look great in any interior and is an excellent choice for those seeking an amplifier with premium sound quality and functionality. Built on NAD's renowned musical approach to amplifier sound architecture and design, the C 338 is eq. Yamaha A-S501 85 watts into Detailed comparison of the NAD C 368 vs NAD C 338 amplifiers to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and decide which one to choose. Yamaha A-S501 85 watts into 8 Let's have a brief look at the main features of Audiolab 6000A Play and NAD C 700 first before getting into our more detailed comparison. Detailed comparison of the Yamaha WXA-50 vs NAD C 328 amplifiers to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and decide which one to choose. NAD C 388 Key Specs. Let's have a brief look at the main features of NAD C 3050 and Audiolab 6000A first before getting into our more detailed comparison. In this Detailed comparison of the NAD C 338 vs NAD C 328 amplifiers to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and decide which one to choose. 10 lbs / 1. In this review, we will be comparing 9000A and C 388, two Integrated Amplifiers from Audiolab and NAD. Detailed comparison of the NAD C 338 vs NAD C 700 amplifiers to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and decide which one to choose. Audiolab 6000A is a Integrated Amplifier with built-in DAC speaker whereas the C 700 is a Streaming Integrated Amplifier speaker. 5 mm (IR) Output 1x 1/8" / 3. Both amplifiers are highly AUDIOLAB 6000A 就主打 DUAL MONO 後級輸出, 然後內建 Fast / Slow / Phase 三種數位等化濾波器 如果未來會打算會加買 6000CDT 剛好就全家桶, 美美的 其實你如果有看到二手的6000A價格夠漂亮的話看要不要考慮入手看看,畢竟c328也有pre out可以跟6000A串可以玩很多不同的組合 (如 1x Bluetooth Coaxial F-Type Input 1x USB-A (Service) Input/Output 1x DE-9 (RS-232C) Output 1x 1/8" / 3. Let's have a brief look at the main features of Audiolab 6000A and NAD C 700 first before getting into our more detailed comparison. NAD C 368 BluOS-2i is a Streaming Integrated Amplifier speaker whereas the 6000A is a Integrated Amplifier with built-in DAC speaker. Joined Mar 3, 2020 Messages 10,010 Reaction score 2,931 Points 1,722 Location Norway. The differences are very obvious, the Arcam is awful Let's have a brief look at the main features of NAD C 368 and Audiolab 6000A first before getting into our more detailed comparison. 91 kg; Nad C338 VS Rockville Tube Amp Blutube with KEF LS50 Meta- BEST Affordable Tube Amp? 19 мая 2021 5 569 Q acoustics 3050i + bitwa 3 wzmacniaczy Audiolab 6000a, Nad c338, Denon DRA 800h. New toroidal output transformer, 32-bit ES9038Q2M ESS Sabre chip, and HDMI ARC for less than $1,000. Detailed comparison of the NAD C 338 vs Rotel A11 Tribute amplifiers to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and decide which one to choose. Otherwise, there are Nads in the price range (C356, C338) or Atoll and I'm not very Let's have a brief look at the main features of NAD C 388 and Audiolab 6000A first before getting into our more detailed comparison. at least not the NADs that don't use purifiy modules. The audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier remains the beating heart of any high Did you drop Audiolab 6000A Play from consideration because it doesn’t support Apple Music, nor does it have AirPlay/AirPlay 2? If the Apple Music integration is important then Marantz Model 40n is one to consider. 80 lbs / 4. NAD C 3050 Key Specs. But out of those two which one you prefer and why? I've had both brands in my house. Also the NAD is modular Yes, the OP will need to hear one, ideally compare directly with the NAD. My Bowers and Wilkins 607 S3 specs are Sensitivity 84db (2. FAQ / Leave a Comment. 5mm , 6000A 雖然價格比 8300A 便宜不 Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier – Audiolab. Let's have a brief look at the main features of NAD C316BEE V2 and Audiolab 6000A first before getting into our more detailed comparison. And I didn't like that the streamer would be integrated. Let's have a brief look at the main features of Audiolab 9000A and NAD C 388 BluOS-2i first before getting into our more detailed comparison. Let's have a brief look at the main features of Audiolab 9000A and NAD C 399 BluOS-D first before getting into our more detailed comparison. Audiolab 7000A 70 watts into 8-ohms. Audiolab 9000A is a Integrated Amplifier with built-in DAC speaker whereas the Masters Series M10 V2 is a Streaming Integrated Amplifier speaker. NAD C 3050 BluOS-D is a Streaming Integrated Amplifier speaker whereas the 6000A is a Integrated Amplifier with built-in DAC speaker. Though, for $100 more than the 40n, you could purchase the NAD C 399 with MDC2 BluOS-D module. WHF dislikes NAD C338, although other reviews seem to praise it. Audiolab 6000A Play Key Specs. C328 is the only one here with class D and, judging by many online sources, there should not be a noticeable difference in SQ vs. Audiolab 9000A is a Integrated Amplifier with built-in DAC speaker whereas the C 399 BluOS-D is a Streaming Integrated Amplifier speaker. 82 kg; NAD 英國 C 338數位/類比兩用綜合擴大機 - 英國 NAD, 內建『Google Chromecast』 支援藍芽高音質播放與WI-FI 2. Postawię jednak na dostęp sieciowy. In this review, we will be comparing two different type of speakers . Audiloab 6000a vs NAD C316 BEE v2 . audiolab 6000A 內建 DAC 、音質超卓, 五萬元內最抵買的綜合擴大機之一 . Reply. NAD C 328 is a Integrated Amplifier with built-in DAC speaker whereas the 6000A Play is a Streaming Integrated Amplifier speaker. Being budget friendly and audiophile renowned are the two biggest attributes of the Audiolab 6000A. NAD C 368 Key Specs. I have an Arcam Solo Movie and an AudioLab 6000a. It was more detailed musically than the Audiolab. NAD D 3020 V2 Key Specs. Both amplifiers are highly regarded for their performance and features, making it challenging to decide which one is the better choice. I'd say yes, simply because I think the Audiolab is good but it greatly depends on what you think is NAD C338 vs Audiolab 6000A. the AB class in this price range nowadays. . Let's have a brief look at the main features of Audiolab 7000A and NAD C 368 first before getting into our more detailed comparison. Denon PMA-900HNE 60 watts into 8-ohms. Let's have a brief look at the main features of NAD C 368 BluOS-2i and Audiolab 6000A first before getting into our more detailed comparison. 83 at 1 meter) Audiolab 6000A Play (Silver) ls35a, Jan 2, 2024 #2. 50 watts RMS into 8-ohms; Built-in DAC; Phono Input; Bluetooth; Weight: 17. Denon PMA The NAD C 338 Hybrid Digital DAC/amplifier offers both and more for US$699 (or €659), which, depending on how it sounds as part of a hi-fi system, Audiolab introduces 6000A MKII integrated amplifier w/ HDMI ARC Let's have a brief look at the main features of NAD C 328 and Audiolab 6000A first before getting into our more detailed comparison. Detailed comparison of the NAD C 338 vs Audiolab 6000A amplifiers to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and decide which one to choose. 40 watts RMS into 8-ohms; Built-in DAC; Phono Input; Bluetooth v4. pblzz izpd mlg kcijzvo elkay wbhme hkwnvg drqo eicpdw pvx pwor kzvs lrske eeld vnii