Kurz foil germany. Welcome to the future of decoration.
Kurz foil germany Branding Ihr Markenbild – brillant bis ins kleinste Detail. KURZ warrants that the Foil delivered to the customer shall be in compliance with the respective Technical Specification valid at the time of transfer of KURZ Transfer Products, LP. Try our online foil calculator FoilConnect®. KURZ does not use any raw materials containing chlorinated hydrocarbons, cadmium, lead, mercury, or hexavalent chromium for the stamping KURZ North Africa Maroc KURZ North Africa Maroc Complexe Dali, Entrée B, ZI Lissasfa, Route El Jadida foil@seokyungad. Additionally that you also reduce start-up time by getting all information about optimally setting up your machine. is part of the KURZ Group. The Print Head. KURZ develops and manufactures decorative and functional coatings applied to a carrier foil, which are used for a wide variety of products: automotive parts, notebooks, cell phones, TVs, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, furniture items, picture frames, greeting cards, Fürth/Germany, February 25, 2025: From March 11 to 13, 2025, the international embedded community will once again meet in Nuremberg when the leading embedded world Exhibition & Conference opens its doors. New Kurz stamping foil changes color at different viewing angles Print finishing that will make people look twice. S. EN. And we offer on-site processing support. . Die Sensorintegration kann unmittelbar an den Spritzgussprozess angeschlossen werden. com www. KG Schwabacher 4,982 Followers, 134 Following, 874 Posts - LEONHARD KURZ (@leonhardkurz) on Instagram: "Welcome to the future of decoration. Make this vision a reality! The KURZ Group is a leading surface finishing company. KURZ is a leader in thin film technology. Foilbond TC UVH 0008 – 408 N. LTD. 27. de www. January 2021 Sneak a peak at our most efficient KPS SX+ for cold transfer . 1005/2009 and are not products as described in Article 17 (export Details of Kurz Foil Import Data from Germany View Export data of kurz foil Subscribe Now Downloads Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U. This means you save time and costs because you only order the amount of foil you actually need, which reduces your inventory. kg. Can I Calculate Only Hot Stamping Foil Data from KURZ? The manufacturer of the foil is irrelevant to the calculation. Schwabacher Straße 482, 90763 Fürth/Germany Phone: +49 911 71 41-96 38, Fax: +49 911 71 41-96 40 E-Mail: lucie. We support you with design and Become an industry champion with the KURZ network In the KURZ Group, we bundle expert knowledge of decorative and functional finishing for your plastic surfaces: Hot-stamping tools and machines, injection molding technology, shy tech design, backlighting, touch sensors, tactile designs, antiviral surfaces, and much more. Elevate your designs with these high-quality foils for a stunning finish. 800 Mitarbeitern, großartiger Innovationskraft und zahlreichen internationalen Standorten. Profoil is pleased to be an authorised reseller of Kurz foils. Fürth/Germany, February 15, 2022: LEONHARD KURZ, one of the world’s leading companies in thin-film and finishing technology, has released its 2021 sustainability report. KURZ is a global leader in thin film technology, headquartered in Germany with over 30 locations worldwide. Ultra fins, ils peuvent être utilisés à des fins décoratives et fonctionnelles. Under standardized quality control and environmental standards, they manufacture foils using world-class technology, offering products with exceptional durability and color vibrancy. au Straße 482 ⋅ 90763 Fürth/Germany (www. KURZ is a worldwide leader in hot stamping and coating technology. ZELLER & GMELIN GmbH & Co. com: UVAFLEX Y Cold Transfer Adhesive U0842 LM – E005. Our Success: Lowest CO 2 emissions; Avoidance of hazardous raw materials as much as possible; Sustainable and Innovative - Leonhard Kurz promotes circular recycling economy. Together with you, we design finishings that will take you to the top of your market. Add that luxury appeal with embellishments by KURZ. We pride ourselves with globally produced and distributed products that are readily available locally for our customers. What you can always rely on: Regardless of the finishing process and chosen design, you will achieve reliable and durable application results with SILVER LINE®! こんにちは。クルツジャパンのタナカです。 この度、『KURZ FOIL見本帳』をリニューアルいたしました😊 クルツの転写箔は、ヨーロッパをはじめ、北米、アジアの自社工場で製造しています。ドイツマスターサンプル Due to the grid-like arrangement of the silver microstructure, the sensor foils are extremely conductive and at the same time have the greatest possible mechanical flexibility. Manufacturing Process: KURZ is one of the oldest foil manufacturers in the world, and this experience has helped them to achieve efficiency rates of up to 95% in their production facilities. , is an importer of products from the world’s largest manufacturer of foil from Germany for use in the decorations of automotive parts, plastics parts and printing and packaging industry in Thailand. We specify all raw materials used in our products, produce sustainably and meet or exceed required standards across the globe. com. KURZ foils are available in reliable, standardized quality all over the world. With a layer thickness of only 1. Full-surface colorful patterns, sophisticated filigree lines, or detailed Foils / transfer decoration technologies are designed for a wide operating and performance window with a wide variety of colors and readily available inventory. The environmental aspects are the same everywhere, and Stamping foils of KURZ fulfill the requirements of consideration their formulations, the the Regulation (EC) No. Fürth/Germany, October 1st, 2018: LEONHARD KURZ has developed a foil feeding unit for In-Mold Decoration (IMD) with two independently positionable foil webs. Kurz Foils for Hot Stamping. Overprinting in the graphic industry is a really demanding task. weiterlesen . Fürth/Germany, 14 December 2017: INGEDE (the International Association of the Deinking Industry) has confirmed the flawless deinkability of a cold foil produced by Leonhard Our software FoilConnect® calculates your foil demand as accurately as possible. January 2021 New Kurz stamping foil changes color at different viewing angles Print finishing that will make people look twice. Kurz Korea, Automotive Corp. Fürth/Germany, 12 April 2017: Leonhard Kurz will be presenting its Foilconnect program for calculating foil requirements at this year's Interpack, from May fourth to tenth in Düsseldorf. Worldwide. Depending on the angle at which a print product finished with this Easy calculation and ordering - at the office, at the client’s site or on the way. seokyungad. W. Their product is a premium and offers the best finish quality for hot foil stamping, across many different substrates. And that's something our clients really notice. Whether it's hot stamping, cold transfer, or digital embellishment - you can use SILVER LINE® in your preferred finishing process and achieve excellent results. KURZ is a worldwide leader in hot stamping and coating technology with over 5,80 0 employees. 21. Overview; SPE Automotive Award 2024; GIA Award 2024; iF Design Award 2024; German Design Award LEONHARD KURZ UK Ltd. The foil detector checks whether a thermal-transfer ink ribbon has been inserted. de KURZ is a worldwide leader in hot stamping and coating technology. KG . The main representative models are AM4153 and AM83112, AM89470,AM89063,CR89990,HL-2MV-84HG,PG-W1,PG-W2,HL-1MRK-B22(S)。 LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung & Co. Unit Price: $ 176. Together with LEONHARD KURZ, Steinemann DPE offers its customers impressive digital finishing options thanks to perfectly With hot stamping dies from Hinderer + Mühlich you get more than just a tool. La technologie des films de marquage KURZ est présente dans tous les domaines du quotidien et sur de nombreux substrats. Title: Microsoft Word - KURZ PI 032 GR_en At LEONHARD KURZ, our work is committed to the sparing use of natural resources. Une mission commune : des décorations de surface attrayantes et fonctionnelles par le groupe KURZ. With more than 5,500 employees and over 30 global locations Taking shape as a square foil-wrapped book constructed from Fedrigoni papers with lay-flat glue binding, the Kurz Collection 2020/21 features 55 of the company’s finest foils, curated specifically for the UK’s design industry. Because of their mesmerizing surface design. 5-3 μm, our applications account for only one percent by mass of your total KURZ (Thailand) Ltd. The com-mitment to sustainability and the active advancement of the circular recycling economy is now clearly re-flected in this year's appearance of the company at the all-digital CES innovation show. 15. So, in contrast to KURZ Inmold Decoration IMD: efficient process for unique surfaces, sound-optimized and haptic designs. But with the support of LUXOR®/ALUFIN® GIO you can a reach whole new level of design freedom. September 2024: Der international tätige Experte für dekorative und funktionale Oberflächen LEONHARD KURZ ist 2024 erstmals als Aussteller auf der Chillventa vertreten. Johnny Tsevdos and Danny McNeil, the founders of TM, explain to us that “we see this as forming the first of a series of swatch books and other KURZ coatings decorate products, enhance brands, label goods, protect surfaces and prevent counterfeiting. News. This material is part of the following channel(s) Plastics. Schlossstrasse 20 73054 Eislingen/Germany contactKST@kurz. KURZ coatings decorate products, enhance brands, label goods, protect surfaces and prevent counterfeiting. kurz. FFB Functional Foil Bonding; IME In-Mold Electronics; Machines and Tools; Customer Magazine Orofin. Estas eficaces soluciones de protección de marcas empoderan a los propietarios de marcas de todo el mundo para LEONHARD KURZ publishes Sustainability Report. kurz 是薄膜技术领域的佼佼者之一,集团拥有5800余名员工、强大的创新能力和众多国际分支机构。 我们的客户涵盖汽车、消费电子、健康与美容、产品保护和防伪技术等行业,其中不乏国际品牌和公司。 作为创新型企业和服务供应商, クルツ(KURZ)はドイツに本社を置き、世界各国に30以上の拠点を持ち、薄膜技術で世界をリードしています。 規格化された品質管理および環境基準のもとで箔の製造を行なっており、世界最高水準のテクノロジーを擁しています。 その技術力をもとに、耐久性と発色性に優れた箔を提 90763 Fürth/Germany (www. Our products and services are available worldwide. Fuerth/Germany, 08/01/2021: Life Cycle Thinking is anchored in Kurz's corporate goals. Because they boast high-tech functions. Aside from strict, mandatory Leonhard KURZ, Fürth, Germany. mengel@kurz. And there are more features that will delight your customers: Time-saving input and device control; PolyIC is part of the KURZ Group – the surface finishing specialist. Depending on the angle at which a print product finished with this We make no distinctions between our plants in Germany, Switzer-land, the USA, Malaysia, and China. After closing Stamping foils represent no hazardous materials due to the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances (11/2010). interpack 2023: LEONHARD KURZ inspires and focuses on sustainability. Because they give counterfeiters a hard time. 1. Depending on the angle at which a print product finished with this KURZ North Africa Maroc KURZ North Africa Maroc Complexe Dali, Entrée B, ZI Lissasfa, Route El Jadida foil@seokyungad. Using the patent pending IMD SI DUO feeding unit, it is possible to produce two plastic components with different single-image designs in one shot. KURZ INDIA PVT. com KURZ SCRIBOS. Vol 12 - Trends by KURZ. This results in producing innovative stamping dies by using new technologies like our latest development: NanoEmbossing. According to REACH they have to be classified as articles (1907/2006/EG) and therefore are no subject to registration. Import hot gold paper Germany KURZ colour foil kurz P857N grey bright side suitable for various plastic ABS PP. foil@seokyungad. We specify all raw materials used in our products, produce sustainably KURZ is strategically located to support our customers and deliver superior service. Depending on the angle at which a print product finished with this The Foil Detector. You can confirm at any time, on site and in Fuerth (Germany), whether it meets your requirements. The Communication on Progress (COP) report for the first time provides information on developments in the implementation of the ten The KURZ Group is a globally active corporation and the only producer of thermal-transfer (TTR & Coding) foils in Germany. Fürth/Germany, 14 December 2017: INGEDE (the International Association of the Deinking Industry) has confirmed the flawless deinkability of a cold foil produced by Leonhard Kurz. 03; Wholesale Price: Quantity Price (Per lot) 1 - 3 Contact LEONHARD KURZ (AUST. KURZ is a worldwide leader in thin film technology with over 5,800 employees. 80% des produits Overprinting for Hot Stamping: KURZ GIO. At LEONHARD KURZ we attach great importance to a dynamic, innovative range of technologies that can be flexibly adapted to your requirements. Fürth/Germany, 10 May 2016: The metallized stamping foil Luxor MTS Polarlight from Leonhard Kurz offers packaging designers new possibilities for gaining the attention of the viewer. cn www. KURZ warrants that the Foil delivered to the customer shall be in compliance with the respective Technical Specification valid at the time of transfer of Leonhard Kurz presents a program for faster foil usage estimation and ordering Easier calculation of stamping foil requirements. Unit 4, 81 Frenchs Forest Road, Frenchs Forest, N. Fürth/Germany, 12 April 2016: Leonhard Kurz will be presenting the Distorun module for processing single images and continuous designs on narrow-web cold foil transfer systems at this year's Drupa. KURZ is a global leader in thin film technology. Case Study. Category The KURZ Group not only offers the right decorative layers, but also the right machines for the application. Their product is a premium and offers the best finish quality for hot foil stamping, across many different As one of the leading international manufacturers, Steinemann DPE became part of the KURZ Group in 2019. The KURZ Group is a global leader in hot stamping and coating technology employing over 5,000 staff. The The Kurz Foil Connect program for calculating the most efficient foil usage Photo: KURZ . KURZ foils are available in reliable, standardized quality all over the world. The main wire drawing foils are KURZ of Germany and Toyo of Japan. Kurz cold foil passes deinking test with distinction. au www. For more than 50 years H+M has thought about how to bring more value to you and your product packaging. The KURZ LABEL WEEKS In-House Trade Fair Exceeds all Expectations. Welcome to the future of decoration. cn 电话: +86 551 63859000 传真: +86 551 63859093; 销售条款; Terms and Conditions; 版权声明; 隐私政策; 皖ICP备19012637号-7; 皖公网安备34019102001293号 Cold foil technology can be flexibly integrated into any printing process as cold foils are simply applied as a "fifth colour” to the print image. ) PTY. The environmental aspects are the same everywhere, and In addition to standard foils, KURZ also fabricates products specifically requested by its customers. Die Weltleitmesse für Kälte-, Klima-, Lüftungs- und Wärmepumpentechnik SILVER LINE®: A Multitalented Finishing Solution. Discover the luxurious Kurz stamping foil collection featuring Luxor, Alufin, Colorit, and Lightline. Kurz introduces foil metallization solutions for HP Indigo digital printing Fürth/Germany, 12 February 2019: Kurz, a worldwide leader in thin film 90763 Fürth/Germany Phone: +49 911 71 41-96 38, Fax: +49 911 71 41-96 40 E-Mail: lucie. KG Schwabacher Foil Foil KURZ The German company KURZ is a world leader in stamping technology and provides foil for: Graphic applications on all types of paper and cardboard Printed on natural and synthetic leather Marking on plastics Holographic effects and security stamping Hot and cold stamping Films (foil) to stamp and give the exclusive finish that [] Fürth, 17. Find out more! Konrad Kurz applied for a patent under the name OROFIN ® for the very first Hot Stamping foil KURZ is the finishing specialist with the greatest global reach in manufacturing and distribution. KURZ develops and manufactures decorative and functional coatings that are applied to carrier foils and employed for a wide variety of products: for automotive components, cell phones, TVs, washing machines, furniture, packaging, books, textiles, bottle New module for precisely positioning holographic single-image designs Single images in cold foil transfer. The server is always technically up to date. With a passion for our technology, we develop high-quality products with the best price-performance ratio. Kurz Foils. 90763 Fürth/Germany. We are the only company in the world offering all finishing methods from a single source. Two designs plus functional integration in one shot. de . This hot stamping technology enables the design of new Whether it's the leisure look, sportswear or evening wear, our elegant KURZ foils are guaranteed to make your designs real eye-catchers. Transfer Technology Exceptional Effects with Advanced Technology. KURZ develops and manufactures decorative and functional coatings that are applied to carrier foils and employed for a wide variety of products: for automotive components, cell phones, TVs, washing machines, furniture, packaging, books, Základní kurz foilingu. Whether it’s organically curved or bent 2D or 3D objects, Kurz cold foil passes deinking test with distinction Ground breaking test results for the recyclability of foil-decorated paper Fürth/Germany, 14 December 2017: INGEDE (the International Association of the Schwabacher Straße 482, 90763 Fürth/Germany Phone: +49 911 71 41-96 38, Fax: +49 911 71 41-96 40 Mit Functional Foil Bonding hat KURZ ein Verfahren entwickelt, mit dem sie sich höchst präzise und haftfest in zwei- und dreidimensionale Geometrien bereits gefertigter Bauteile integrieren lassen. flintgrp. German Design Award 2024 for; EPDA 2023; IMDA Award 2023; ABC Award 2022; Search. Proveedor global líder en el mercado de soluciones para la protección de marcas KURZ SCRIBOS desarrolla y fabrica marcados de producto innovadores y seguros que se pueden combinar con herramientas digitales de vanguardia. 2086 Sydney Australia salesaust@kurz. Fürth/Germany, 31 May 2016: Kurz Foil Connect is the name of a program that Leonhard Kurz has developed to simplify the work of hot stamping foil processors. DE. Stamping machine and stamping foil technologies have undergone continuous After pressing, the coloring layer on the carrier is transferred to the surface of the object to form a wire drawing effect. Phone: +1 (704) 927-3700 Fax: +1 (704) 927-3701 E-Mail: sales@kurzusa. In order to achieve good results during overprinting, KURZ GIO adheres perfectly on most cardboard and paper substrates. Skvělé také pro začínající wing/wind/surf-foilaře, kterým pomůžeme významně urychlit pokrok a ušetříme mnoho trápení na Bienvenue chez KURZ. All without ever losing sight of Whether glass cylinders, plastic tubes, or paper packaging, our enthralling haptic effect adds value to your products. de KURZ Australia is part of the KURZ Group. Fürth/Germany, April 4, 2023: The circular economy, resource conservation, digital technologies, and product safety – Les films KURZ. USD Assess USD C O O Duty; 29-May-2016: patparganj: 32121000 : hot stamping foil 13101539, luxor tx-n 385 -( width:750 mm, 2 rol, 14250 sqm), make:-leonhard kurz stiftung & co. de) and is valid worldwide for all KURZ-companies KURZ 2012 1 / 4 Technical Specification LUXOR / ALUFIN HC (“Foil”) quality of the Foil. KURZ - making every product unique. Die größten Marken und Unternehmen der Welt zählen zu unseren Kunden – aus der Automobilindustrie, den Bereichen Consumer Electronics, Health und Beauty sowie dem Your products occupy top positions in all markets. Whether design and color, manufacture or purpose – customer spec- The ecologically sound finishing of paper, cardboard, durable and non-durable plastic products – the KURZ transfer coatings promise. With the KURZ subsidiaries BAIER (machines) and Hinderer + Mühlich (stamping tools and jigs), you can add the desired KURZ is the foil producer with the greatest global reach in manufacturing and distribution. The finishing foil, presented to the association by Kurz, passed the deinking test with a score of 100 out of 100 possible points. KURZ develops and manufactures decorative and functional coatings that are applied to carrier foils and employed for a wide variety of products: for automotive components, cell phones, TVs, washing machines, furniture, LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung & Co. Esprit pionnier. 2 Conditions for KURZ Test Part 2: Machine: FTM quality of the Foil. Flint Group Winterbach GmbH Remsstr. +49 911 71 41-0 · Fax +49 911 71 41-357 Foil requirements calculation via mouse click Program for easier calculation of stamping foil requirements at Interpack . Fürth/Germany, 12 April 2017: Leonhard Kurz will New Kurz stamping foil changes color at different viewing angles Print finishing that will make people look twice. 41 73650 Winterbach/Germany www. Our ALUFIN® 23160 provides insulation materials with an additional, wafer-thin functional layer for reliable heat reflection. KG Schwabacherstrasse 482 90763 Fuerth/Germany: Foilbond TC UVH 0007 – 408 N. de) and is valid worldwide for all KURZ-companies KURZ 2013 2 / 4 3. Find out more! KURZ's cold transfer innovations create metallizations directly in the printing process, with high efficiency, captivating beauty, and fine filigree patterns. The deinking process led to a KURZ is the finishing specialist with the greatest global reach in manufacturing and distribution. The purpose of the program is to provide print finishers with a particularly We make no distinctions between our plants in Germany, Switzer-land, the USA, Malaysia, and China. com . 11836 Patterson Road Huntersville, NC 28078 US. KURZ is a worldwide leader in thin film technology with over 5,500 employees. P. At exhibitor forums, expert panels and Be inspired by our flexible touch solutions and discover our range of sensor foils – Made in Germany. We have been producing ink ribbons for thermal-transfer printing since 1991. This involves, first and foremost, minimization of the raw materials used: KURZ transfer coating is the slimmest decoration process with the lowest material requirement in the world. Schutz für Sie und Ihre Kunden! Entdecken Sie unseren einfachen und effektiven Produktschutz mit unseren individualisierten, leicht integrierbaren Kennzeichnungslösungen. Ouverture sur le monde Nous LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung & Co. KURZ Thermotransfer-Farbbänder www. #1301, 147, Seongsui-ro, Seongdong-gu Germany. de News an Press releases from KURZ. Title: Microsoft Word - KURZ_drupa16_9_en. KURZ is the world market leader in thin-film technology and produces functional & decorative decorations for plastic surfaces. Kurz have long been renowned as one of the best foil manufacturers in the world. Passion. " However, German manufacturer KURZ are an excellent example of best practice when it comes to environmental responsibility. ttr-kurz. Previously, it has only been possible to transfer metallic Program for easier calculation of stamping foil requirements at Interpack Foil requirements calculation via mouse click. KG Schwabacher Straße 482 90763 Fuerth +49 911 7141 0 sales@kurz. Bienvenue dans l'avenir des techniques de finition. KG · 90763 Fuerth · Tel. The secret of a successful style made by KURZ lies in the combination of high-quality foil KURZ is the world market leader in thin-film technology and produces functional & decorative decorations for plastic surfaces. This technique uses a modified hot-stamping foil, guided through the mold via a transport unit. Refine your articles and products with our solutions. This is the heart of a thermal transfer printer and consists of 300 to 600 heating elements per inch (dpi). 2,552 likes · 86 talking about this · 1,697 were here. January 2023 NO FOIL – discover sustainable finishing by KURZ . +49 911 71 41-0 · Fax +49 911 71 41-357 Easier calculation of stamping foil requirements Leonhard Kurz presents a program for faster foil usage estimation and ordering . We offer future New Kurz stamping foil changes color at different viewing angles Print finishing that will make people look twice. 1. Vstupní brána do světa všech foil sportů! Ideální pro každého, kdo se chce naučit levitovat a úspěšně foil ovládat. LEONHARD KURZ ist ein weltweit führender Experte im Bereich der Dünnschichttechnologie mit mehr als 5. Fürth/Germany, 31 May 2016: Kurz Foil Connect is the name of a program that FFB Functional Foil Bonding; IME In-Mold Electronics; Machines and Tools; About KURZ Overview; Sustainability; KURZ Group; Certifications; Innovation and Test Center; Newsroom Overview; Press; Customer Magazine; Fairs & Events; Downloads; Awards. Our specialists will show you the IT department at KURZ and answer your questions. Wax Ribbons; Wax-Resin Ribbons; Resin Ribbons; Near-Edge Ribbons; Special Applications; General KURZ is a worldwide leader in hot stamping and coating technology. LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung & Co. doc LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung & Co. ꞏ Phone +49 911 71 41-0 ꞏ Fax +49 911 71 41-357 Leonhard Kurz produces study on the recycling of decorated plastics Fürth/Germany, 5 August 2019: Leonhard Kurz is presenting the results of a comprehensive study on recycling at K 2019, in the VDMA Circular Economy Forum. Printing without ink ribbons is impossible. The KURZ ALUFIN® 23160 transfer coating protects important machine parts from ambient heat. Moreover, KURZ inserts optical elements with digital functions, linking the visual to the virtual world. cyhmhgcfozgfhnuxkmbyoutfyelamtuimpgdemdspubeghqqlqvdzmsrhlhyttrcbisbofaq