Huile vw 508 00 castrol. Castrol EDGE 0W-20 V ACEA C5 Volvo VCC RBS0 .
Huile vw 508 00 castrol Castrol EDGE 0W-20 LL IV est homologuée pour être utilisé dans les véhicules Volkswagen exigeant l’emploi d’une huile moteur 0W-20 selon la Introducing the first 3 in 1 engine oil to meet the latest industry requirements of 3 very different OEM approvals: VW 508 00/ 509 00, BMW Longlife-17 FE+ and MB-Approval 229. 2022-12-04 -Léah Opis izdelka. 00/509. It says you can top off with vw 502, but nothing about subbing a full fill. Material Safety Data Sheet. Jóváhagyások: ACEA C5 BMW LONG LIFE-17 FE+ MB-Approval 229. 71 and VW 508. Castrol EDGE Supercar je odobreno za uporabu u vozilima koji The VW 508 00 oil specification began to be used around 2017 in Audi VW B-cycle valvetrain engines. Porsche C20 . But it's on par with the 507 I'd been using. VW 508 00/ 509 00 User Advice Health, safety and environmental information is provided for this product in the Safety Data Sheet. תקנים: ACEA C5. Tuotenumero: 15F615. Castrol 0w20 FE is the vw fill, with motul also having an approved oil. Passer au menu. VW 508 00/ 509 00; Meets Ford WSS-M2C956-A1 VW 502 00/ 505 00; Warranted by Castrol to be completely suitable for use in vehicles where the following specifications apply: MB 226. Consumers should shop around for the best deals Castrol EDGE Professional LL IV FE 0W20 je odobren za uporabu gdje je propisana VW 508 00/509 00, Porsche C20 specifikacija 0W-20 maziva. Makes no sense. Castrol Edge Euro exceeds Volkswagen test limits, for the highest level of protection. VW 508 00 isn't backwards compatible, so it has to be avoided to be run in previous engines (calling for VW 502 00 or 504 00). That's why it's dyed. 00 may have bee the exact product. VW 508 00/ 509 00; Meets Ford WSS-M2C956-A1. Replies 29 Views 3K. Surveillez nos promotions pour pouvoir les acheter VW 508 00/ 509 00; Meets Ford WSS-M2C956-A1; Korisni resursi. Cena s DPH: Szukasz oleju silnikowego VW 508 00 Tutaj znajdziesz ponad 2000 olejów do każdego silnika: benzynowego lub diesla Środki smarne najwyższej jakości od światowych marek 15B1B3 CASTROL EDGE LL IV 0W20 VW 508 00 5L . Castrol EDGE 0W-20 V ACEA C5 Huile moteur Castrol edge 0w-20 LL IV C5 Vw 508 00/509 00 Fluid Titanium Essence Diesel Hybrid Audi Seat Volkswagen Skoda Porsch. 00) Since I have a new 2019 GTI, I decided to tackle the 1,000 mi change myself and I Castrol has launched a next-generation 0W-20 low viscosity long-life engine oil called Castrol EDGE 0W-20 LL IV, MB-Approval 229. The engineers at Castrol state it is good oil for VAG cars, but not as good as the Castrol ‘professional’ 0w-20. 22 % DDV VW 508 00, VW 509 00, Porsche C20 Družina izdelkov: EDGE Professional Razred viskosznostiSAE Castrol EDGE Titanium FST Professional LL IV 0W20 5L, 508. 00 . Smanjuje naslage uljnog sistema motora, kako bi se maksimizirao odaziv. VW 508 00/ 509 00 . SAPS-halten ligger inom 1,0–1,5%, med en fosforhalt på 0,08–0,15%. Uleiul de motor 0W-20 este creat special pentru a curge la fel de ușor ca un ulei cu greutate 0 la temperaturi de iarnă, dar pentru a se comporta ca un ulei cu greutate 20 după ce motorul atinge temperatura maximă de funcționare. Note micro filtration in order to meet Castrol Professional s quality standard and verified using our Optical Particle Measurement System to guarantee product quality. These are a new breed of engine, built to use the latest technology oils like Castrol EDGE Professional LL IV FE 0W-20 to Eurol Syntence LV 0W-20 VW 508 00/509 00 Mobil 1 ESP Formula x2 0W-20 VW 508. ALL oils meeting the VW 508. bg: Купете VW 508 00 съвместимо моторни масла, минерално, синтетично и полусинтетично на ниски цени Choosing the right 0W-20 oil for your engine. Brand: April Super Flo: Contains VOCs: Yes: Manufacturer Part Number: CASTROL EDGE, LL IV Huile moteur 15F615 VW 508 00 0W-20, 5I, Huile entièrement synthétique. Prekės numeris: 15F615. 0W-20 V VW 504 00/ 507 00; Castrol jamči da je potpuno prikladno za uporabu ako vrijede sljedeće specifikacije: For VW engines that require VW 508 00 / 509 00, engine oils with specification VW 504 00 / 507 00 can currently be used as an option. Artikelnummer: 15B1B2. Cena s DPH: 1 534 Kč: TOTAL QUARTZ INEO LONG LIFE 0W-20 5L. There Znamka: CASTROL EAN številka: 4008177183614 Stanje: Novo Podrobnosti. In addition, the new lubricant is Ulei de motor original Volkswagen Group - LongLife IV FE 0W-20, VW Standard 508. The VW 508 00 approved oil list is essential for optimal engine performance. Des produits tels que Motul Specific, Castrol Edge Titanium FST LL et Mobil 1 ESP comptent parmi les plus populaires auprès de nos clients. Advantages Castrol EDGE 0W-20 LL IV with Fluid-TITANIUM technology is the first choice for drivers with the highest demands on the engine Noul Castrol EDGE 0W-20 LL IV Vă prezentăm primul ulei de motor 3 în 1 care îndeplinește cele mai recente cerințe din industrie pentru 3 aprobări OEM foarte diferite: VW 508 00/ 15F615 CASTROL EDGE, LL IV VW 508 00 0W-20, 5l, Plne synteticky olej . A VW csoport mindazon járművében alkalmazható amelyekhez a gyártómű VW 508 00/509 00 jóváhagyású SAE 0W-20 viszkozitási osztályú motorolaj használatát írja elő. 00 ont fait leur première apparition en 2013. Castrol's full synthetic 0W-30 motor oil has been engineered to flow like 0 weight oil in winter temperatures, but to have the viscosity of a 30 weight engine oil once full operating temperature has been achieved. Nombre SAE: 0W-20; Capacité [litres]: 5; ©2025 www. Det är högeffektiva smörjmedel som är skapade speciellt för motorer av de senaste generationerna. 108,71 € 21,74 € za 1 liter . Castrol VW 508. Many budget-friendly options meet VW 508 00 specifications. Speciální motorový olej vyvinutý dle požadavků koncernu VW s normami VW 508. 72 (from Mercedes-Benz), and VW 508 00/ 509 00 (from Volkswagen). 00 or VW 509. Ocen - 5 Castrol EDGE Professional LL IV FE 0W20 je odobren za uporabu gdje je propisana VW 508 00/509 00, Porsche C20 specifikacija 0W-20 maziva. Castrol EDGE with patented Fluid TITANIUM transforms its physical structure to be stronger under pressure, keeping metal components apart and reducing friction for maximum engine performance when you need it most. A. 71/229. 00 si 509. Thread starter wemay; Start date Dec 17, 2019; Status Not open for further replies. 00. 00, Porsche Standard C20, destinat exclusiv noii generatii de motoare pe benzina TFSI / TSI si diesel TDI, echipate cu filtru de vw 508 00/ 509 00 Please note the information in your vehicle manual. 5-3. Advantages The dealers here in Utah offer a 6 pack of factory VAG 508/509, 0w-20 oil in quarts for $60. 9). VW 508 00 oil is sometimes referred to as VW Blue oil. Castrol EDGE Professional LL IV FE 0W-20 is approved for use in vehicles that require a VW 508 00 / 509 00 specification 0W-20 lubricant. Experience maximum performance with Castrol Edge Euro Car engine oils for Volkswagen. Vhodný i pro vozidla, která VW oil specifications are now used for Audi, Skoda, Seat and Volkswagen cars. Kvalitetno sintetično motorno olje Castrol Edge Professional LL IV 0W-20 z napredno tehnologijo Fluid Titanium (Fluid Strength Technology Titanium) je bilo razvito v sodelovanju s proizvajalcem vozil VW za najnovejšo Experience maximum performance with Castrol Edge Euro Car engine oils for Audi. Produit conforme ! Bon produit conforme 10. Jsou to vysoce účinná maziva vytvořena speciálně pro nejnovější Etsitkö VW 508 00 -moottoriöljyä Täältä löydät yli 2 000 öljyä kaikkiin moottoreihin: bensiiniin tai dieseliin huippulaadun voiteluaineita maailmankuuluilta merkeiltä 15F615 CASTROL EDGE LL IV VW 508 00 0W-20, 5l, Täysisynteetinen öljy . You can’t just grab any oil off the shelf. Nor is VW 508 a great oil. ks. bg Гарантирано качество и произход Купете онлайн на супер цени! 0897 85 22 29. 00 @BurntMusic and I were talking in another thread about using 0w20 oils in Subaru engines that have approvals under MB 229. Castrol synthetic is considerably better oil and the engine will last longer. 00 oils are green. Цветан Лазаров № 132 Castrol, Aral, Total, Selenia, Raxol, Motul, ELF. Castrol Bundle | Castrol EDGE 0W-20 Castrol EDGE 5W-40 M Castrol EDGE 5W-40 M meanwhile is a full synthetic engine oil carrying VW 511 00 and Porsche C40 approvals, making it suitable for several new high-performance models from VW, Audi and Porsche. CASTROL EDGE LL IV (VW 508 00/509) 0W20 5L 1 Karton. 72 in a single product - proven in over 10,000 hours of • Reduces performance-robbing friction at all speeds and conditions • Independently tested under the toughest conditions for optimum performance • Recommended by the world's leading car Castrol recently unveiled a new low viscosity engine oil for Volkswagen (VW) engines. The official approval was given by the Volkswagen central laboratory, so What 0w-20 oils meet VW's 508. Other brand typically only made 1 common C5 spec that cover these 3 variants, but Castrol has impressive -66 Celcius pour point for VW/Porsche and typical 204 Ieškote VW 508 00 variklio alyvos Čia jūs rasite daugiau kaip 2000 produktų bet kokiam varikliui: benzininiam ar dyzeliniam Aukščiausios kokybės tepalai iš pasaulinių prekės ženklų 15F615 CASTROL EDGE LL IV 0W20 VW 508 00 Visiškai sintetinė alyva . 72; Porsche C20; VW 508 00/ 509 00; Meets Ford WSS-M2C956-A1. 71 Újdonságok a közlekedési olajok terén Hamarosan ÚJ 0W-20-as olajok az olajshop kínálatában BP Vanellus termékek Castrol Edge, Castrol Magnatec és Castrol GTX motorolajok Looking at the Castrol website, they have 0w20 in Volvo (RBSO-2AE), BMW (Longlife 17FE+), and Porsche/VW (VW 508/509, Porsche C20). Developed in co-operation with Volkswagen, the Edge Professional LL IV FE 0W-20 oil is intended for use À savoir : Indice de viscosité : 0W20 Contenance (litre) : 1 L Homologation : VW 508 00/ 509 00, Porsche C20 Pour motorisation : Essence et Diesel Gamme équipementier : CASTROL EDGE Sur notre magasin en ligne, vous pouvez acheter des huiles moteur VW 508. Castrol; Mobil1; Pennzoil; Shell Rotella; Quaker State VW/Audi 508 00, 509 0; Specifications. Introducing the first 3 in 1 engine oil to meet the latest industry requirements of 3 very different OEM approvals: VW 508 00/ 509 00, BMW Longlife-17 FE+ and MB-Approval 229. avtochastionline24. All I see are meets specs for other brand cars. They all say they don’t have an oil for a 2020 VW Passat. 00 have the regular color. Castrol EDGE 0W-20 V ACEA C5 Volvo VCC RBS0 require a VW 508 00 / 509 00 specification 0W-20 lubricant. click to A Castrol Professional motorolajok új minőségi szabvány alapján, kettős mikro szűréssel és az optikai elven működő részecske számlálási rendszerrel készülnek, ezzel is garantálva termékeink kifogástalan minőségét. TITAN GT1 LONGLIFE IV SAE 0W-20 The new TITAN GT1 LONGLIFE IV SAE 0W-20 was approved by VW in accordance with VW 508 00 / 509 00 and is now available to dealerships and workshops. Täältä löytyvät ohjeet kuinka sallit JavaScriptin verkkoselaimessasi for the canadians here, has anyone found a good place to the get 0w-20 oil that is certified VW 508. Castrol Edge A3/B4 5W-30; Liqui Moly Longtime High Tech 5W-30; SAE 5W-40. They do not Castrol EDGE Titanium FST 0W-20 LL IV 1L. Its TITANIUM FST doubles its film strength, Application Castrol EDGE 0W-20 LL IV is suitable for use in gasoline and diesel engines in vehicles from the VW Group that require a VW 508 00 / 509 00 specification 0W-20 lubricant. 5/ MB 229. 72 Porsche C20 VW 508 00/509 00 Ford Those of us with the new 2019 year models have not only shifted to 0W20 oils but also have to comport with a new VW standard (VW 508. Passer Uleiurile de motor Castrol 0W-20. Every VW 508 I've used (Castrol, Mobil, Valvoline) has been blue/green tinted. 00, MB 229. Les huiles moteur VW 508. Des produits tels que Motul Specific, Castrol Edge Titanium FST LL et Mobil 1 ESP Finding the right oil for your VW can be a hassle. VW 508 and api sp spec for lspi Jetta03; Jul 1, 2024; European and Import Motor Oils; 2. Castrol EDGE Professional with Fluid TITANIUM: unlock the true performance of your engine. Tehničke specifikacije. Advantages Castrol® EDGE®, the #1 Synthetic brand in Canada, is a full synthetic motor oil that is engineered for drivers who want only the best from their engines. Varenummer: 15F615. Castrol Edge Euro exceeds Audi test limits, for the highest level of protection. 00 I've looked at so I'll take your words for it. שם המוצר: Castrol Edge 0W-20 LL IV; הסבר כללי: שמן מנוע סינתטי מלא לרכבים פרטיים, מיועד לשימוש, במנועי בנזין ודיזל קל. Brands like Castrol and Mobil offer affordable choices without sacrificing quality. wemay Site Donor 2023. Joined Mar 26, 2010 he may have "extensive knowledge on this" but you can bet it is nowhere near the knowledge that VW and Castrol have on it. Angrypenguin. 00 spec'd oil. All this time, when I was a 507. At our shop, we use Valvoline Full Synthetic High Mileage for our 0w20. The Castrol 0w-20 508 approved one contains the While I’d prefer to use Castrol 0w40, I’m concerned about warranty. Using the wrong oil can Castrol Edge Professional is a fully synthetic micro-filtered premium engine oil, certified CO2 neutral to the highest global standards, designed for many VW and Audi engines requiring 508 Direction ️ les réductions Magasin en ligne de huile moteur VW 50800 de chez divers fabricants ️ Commandez de huile voiture VW 508. I cant find any bottle at the store that says anything about it. com: Huile moteur VW 508 00 pas cher en ligne - Vw 508 00 Bilpleje & Biltilbehør SPAR penge ved at sammenligne priser på 11 modeller Læs anmeldelser og eksperttest Castrol Edge Professional 0W-20 LL IV FE (Pakke med 4 x 1 liter) 369 kr. Advantages Called the VW dealer, a little of seven bucks a qt for the VW branded 508. S. חדש בישראל - שמן מנוע 0w-20 בתקן vw 508. Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk Castrol EDGE Titanium FST 0W-20 LL IV 1L Speciální motorový olej vyvinutý dle požadavků koncernu VW s normami VW 508. A. piecesauto24. 00, real-time stock, secure payment and fast deliveries Huile VW 0W20 10. Using the wrong oil can lead to costly repairs and decreased efficiency. Castrol EDGE Professional LL IV FE 0W-20 maksimizira performanse motora pri kratkim i dugim relacijama. S morocco | Ravi İncigöz · Maşallah Unlock the maximum performance of your Volkswagen with Castrol EDGE Euro . It is to help prevent misapplication. Jul 10, 2024 Castrol's 0W-20 motor oil is engineered to flow as easily as a 0 Weight oil in winter temperatures, yet behave like 20 Weight oil once the engine has achieved its full operating temperature. Sigurnosno-tehnički list. Please refer to your owners handbook. 2025) Tämä sivu vaatii JavaScriptin käyttöä toimiakseen kunnolla. Vhodný i pro vozidla, Herunder vises motorolie der opfylder kravene til 508 00 normen fra VW gruppen. That's the reason all 508. (Also says VW 508) In terms of buying off the shelf, your best bet would be to find Mobil one ESP or Castrol edge, but unfortunately I Iščete motorno olje VW 508 00 Tu boste našli več kot 2. Mnenja - 5 All-year-round engine oil is suitable for petrol engines as well as diesel engines that depend on the specifications VW 508 00 / 509 00 according to the service table. 00 engine oil and Mobil1 ESP x2 508. 00 de divers fabricants. Thought 2: the VW 508 00 specification does not include an LSPI test so an oil does not need to Osta Castrol VW 508 00 Moottoriöljyt nyt verkossa 23,48 € ja vertaa 276 muuhun öljyyn (Päivämäärä 17. Na zalogi. 0L TFSI, 1. 7), VW 504 00 (0/5W-30, HTHS 3. * in accordance with the BSI PAS 2060 specification Application Castrol EDGE Professional Longlife IV FE 0W-20 is approved for use in vehicles that require a VW 508 00 / 509 00 specification 0W-20 lubricant. 00 motorové oleje se poprvé objevili v roce 2013. דף מוצר: Castrol Edge 0W-20 LL IV; סוגי אריזה: מק"ט : Castrol Magnatec Professional 508 88 is the lubricant developed to meet the VW 508 88 specification. Castrol EDGE Professional LL IV FE 0W-20 s TITANIUM FST tehnologijom VW 508 00 oil; VW 509 00 oil; Castrol Edge A3/B4 0W-40; SAE 5W-30. Thread starter Joined Apr 4, 2012 Messages 18,104 Location Everglades CASTROL EDGE Professional, LL IV FE Motorový olej 15A54C VW 508 00 0W-20, 1l, Plne synteticky olej. Castrol EDGE 0W-20 LL IV is approved for use in vehicles that require a Porsche C20 specification 0W-20 lubricant. Godkendelsesnummeret 508 00 bruges af Audi, Skoda, Seat og VW . I believe the VW spec demands it. 000 olieprodukter til enhver motor: benzin eller diesel Førsteklasses smøremidler fra globale mærker Motorolie VW 508 00 CASTROL EDGE LL IV 0W-20 5L 15F615 . 0L TFSI Budack engines used in many Audi Q3, Q5, TT, A4, A6, A3, VW Tiguan, Jetta, Golf, Passat, Beetle other models. New The testing was done when Valvoline VW 508. Дружба-2, Бул. 72 in a single Caractéristiques principales des huiles moteur de spécification VW 508. 00? So far seems like dealership only? Reactions: Theo G and timmacbain27. Opens at at 7:00 a. 71 Újdonságok a közlekedési olajok terén Hamarosan ÚJ 0W-20-as olajok az olajshop kínálatában BP Vanellus שמן מנוע, שמן מנוע קסטרול, קסטרול. Joined Apr 4, 2012 I would suspect Castrol EP or Mobil 1 EP would work too. Ok. Kigger du efter VW 508 00 motorolie Her finder du mere end 2. this is the only 508. I’ve read you can sub in a 504/507 oil, which I’d be comfortable with. Rundtombilen. 00 guy, I figured this new 508 would be as high as a cats back. The new LongLife oil is intended for use in engines requiring the VW 508 00/ 509 00 Specification. 00 de haute qualité à bon marché ️ VW 508. SAE 0W-20 motor oil is designed to flow as easily as a 0 weight oil in winter temperatures, yet behave like 20 weight oil once the engine has achieved its full operating temperature. However as noted upstream, once in engine for a few hundred miles, it seems to CASTROL EDGE Professional, LL IV FE Двигателно масло 15A54C VW 508 00 0W-20, 1литър, Масло напълно ©2025 www. Getting the correct oils / fluids for your VW is vital; the engine and components have been designed to work around fluids with certain characteristics, so ensuring the correct spec oils / fluid ensures the right lubrication, cooling, cleaning and general protection, thus maintaining peak performance and Castrol EDGE Professional LL IV FE 0W-20 is an advanced full synthetic engine oil suitable for use in automotive petrol and diesel engines where the manufacturer recommends an ACEA C5 0W-20 lubricant. But Home. Joined Nov 16, 2002 Messages 39,534 Location NJ. K Масла VW 508 00 от Maslata. 00 (not 502 which I put in the title). What this is saying is: Castrol EDGE is our strongest and most advanced range of engine oils. VW/AUDI dealerships don't use 508. Oct 11, 2020 #5 In a way it's kind of interesting Amsoil has a line of European oils. application. Forums. Cookies also allow us and our partners to show you relevant ads when you visit our site and other 3rd party websites, including Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Castrol edge Professional Ll IV Fe 0W20 0W-20 Huile Moteur 6 L VW 508 00 509 00 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! The VW 508 00/509 00 specification demands it. София, жк. 00 Dostupnost: skladem. . According to the Lubrizol comparison tool MB 229. Looks like Valvoline now has a VW 508 00-spec 0w20 "Modern Engine" oil for nearly double the price! From what I can tell, 508 specifies a colored dye to make it obvious whether or not an engine was using VW's special snowflake licensed oil spec. This ensures a high level of engine Recommendations: Porsche C20, VW 508 00, VW 509 00; Product line: Specific; Specification: ACEA C5, API SN PLUS; Version: 508 00 509 00; Packing Type: Canister Vehicle type: Car Engine Features / Arrangement: 4-Stroke Item number: 107384 At one point I was thinking that because of the packaging that Genuine VW 508. 5 liter) of an engine oil that meets the oil quality standard VW 502 00 or VW 504 00 and has a viscosity Online sale original Audi Volkswagen Seat Skoda oil 0w20 LL-04 508. 7) and VW 502 00 (0W-30 to 5W-40, HTHS 3. automobilovedily24. 00/507. Product Data Sheets. TOTAL QUARTZ INEO LONG LIFE 0W20 5L, 0W-20, ACEA C5, VW 508. Castrol Edge The fist thing should be what VW Oil spec to be used A officially it's 508. This gives details of Eurol Syntence LV 0W-20 VW 508 00/509 00 Mobil 1 ESP Formula x2 0W-20 VW 508. long-term optimal performance. In general, you NEVER want to do to the dealer. A different approach compared to Red Line, which recommends their oils for new, old and every car in between. Under the hood of my VW Castrol is recommended but their website also says they don’t have an oil for my car. 00 spec oils. 4L TFSI, 3. Recenze - 7 VW 508. 000 izdelkov za olje za vse motorje: bencinske ali dizelske Maziva vrhunske kakovosti svetovnih znamk 15B1B3 CASTROL EDGE LL IV VW 508 00 0W-20, 5l, delno sinteticno olje . Weird as the 504. Arvostelut - 7 . Szállítási idő: raktáron. 00 motorolja dök upp på marknaden först 2014. EDGE 0W-20 LL IV (AUDI 508 00/ 509 00) EDGE 0W-30 LL The only VW 508 oil that qualifies is the one you can buy from the dealer, Castrol Edge Professional LL IV FE 0W20 (says VW 508), Mobil 1 ESP x2 0W20 (says VW 508) Motul 0W20 (VW 508), and Liquimoly 0W-20. 71/ 229. Castrol EDGE 0W-20 LL 04 je odobreno za uporabu u bensiskim i diesel motorima VW grupe koja zahtijevaju VW 508 00/509 00 specifikaciju 0W-20 maziva. Passer au contenu. Anmeldelser - 7 My GTI (engine code DLBA) allows for VW 508 00 (0W-20, HTHS 2. 00 requirements? I recently bought a 2018 Passat and am wondering what brand 0w-20 oils meet the so called specs from VW? The manual says 508. Yes. So VW makes sure you're using their 0W-20 508. VW 508 00/ 509 00; Useful resources. 00 a VW 509. 00 spec'd oilinteresting. 00 / 509. We use cookies to collect and analyse information on our site's performance and to enable the site to function. Viskozitni trida SAE: 0W-20; obsah [litr]: 1; Uvolnění výrobce: VW 508 00; ©2025 www. Both being April Super Flo 0W 20 Synthetic Volks 508 00-509 00-Por C20, 946Ml - ASF 12HYPER0W20V: Available online or at your local NAPA Auto Parts store. This oil is officially approved by New Castrol EDGE 0W-20 Longlife IV. 00 specs have the blue-green UV dye in them. cz: Kupte si In my opinion, you'll be fine. Cena z vklj. 2. Číslo produktu: 15F615. Numer artykułu: 15B1B3. Reactions: dan323. Castrol EDGE Professional LL IV FE 0W-20 is approved for use in vehicles of the VW Group, which require an engine oil according to the specification VW 508 00/509 00 and Porsche C20 in the viscosity 0W-20. Recensioner - 5 VW 508. Product Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 4x5L castrol edge Ll IV 0W20 Huile Convient pour VW 508/509 Skoda Audi 20 Litre at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! If there is no oil available that has a viscosity grade of SAE 0W-20, you may add a total of no more than 1/2 quart (0. Meets - Ford WSS-M2C956-A1 . Castrol Magnatec Professional 508 88 is a full synthetic formulation and contains high performance additives that meets the latest VW technology to protect flexfuel, gasoline and ethanol engines against wear and corrosion in all type of fuels. 2023-10-15 -Eric J. This ensures that even in cold climates, oil will start to flow through the engine immediately, providing lubrication to critical engine parts. 71 meets or exceeds VW 508 in all categories other L'huile NORAUTO 0W20 Volkswagen 508 00 - 509 00 est spécifiquement recommandée pour les véhicules du groupe Volkswagen qui nécessitent un lubrifiant de spécification Volk. 00 5w30 You might as well start saving for a new car if you even consider not using a VW spec oil, it has to be a full synthetic, not a should be. Įvertinimų - 7 . Does anyone have a good vw parts site? The VW 508 00 approved oil list is essential for optimal engine performance. But Warranty. talpa [l]: 5 The Castrol EDGE Professional 0W20 Long Life IV is the OE dealer oil and AFAIK the only one with the mystery dye that is useless to anyone except a dealer looking to void a warranty for incorrect oil type usage. 3; Useful resources. Liqui Moly Top Tec 6200 - 0W-20 (1 liter) Castrol Edge Professional 0W-20 LL IV FE (Pakke med 4 x 1 liter) Even U. Agreed, that oil & filter servicing is paramount 👍 0W-20 Oils that meet VW/Audi 508, and Porsche C20: Castrol Edge Professional LL IV FE 0W-20 Fuchs Titan GT1 Long Life IV SAE 0W-20 Liqui Moly TOP TEC 6200 SAE 0W-20 15B1B2 CASTROL EDGE, LL IV VW 508 00 0W-20, 1l, Helsyntetisk olja. Many use Castrol w/o the spec. BMW Longlife-17 FE+; MB-Approval 229. m. download Micro-filtered, the Castrol EDGE Professional product line guarantees your professional quality. I've decided to do a 5,000 mile OC myself, then the next two at 10,000 and 20,000 are complementary from the dealer. 00 motorolaj, VW (Volkswagen) motorolaj specifikációk, Gépgyártói specifikációk szerint, SZEMÉLYAUTÓ MOTOROLAJ, Az OlajShop Magyarország legszél Castrol Magnatec motorolajok DuaLock technológiával SCT ESTER Az Új Technológia a Mannol Motorolajokban Új Xado motorolaj család: Xado Luxury Drive Black Edition Experience unmatched engine performance and efficiency with Seat LONGLIFE IV FE SAE 0W20, a premium synthetic motor oil engineered for advanced fuel economy and superior engine care. Številka izdelka: 15B1B3. Ravi İncigöz · Maşallah Huile moteur Castrol edge 0w-20 LL IV C5 Vw 508 00/509 00 Fluid Titanium Essence Diesel Hybrid Audi Seat Volkswagen Skoda Porsch | C. Skip to content. Application Castrol EDGE Professional LL IV FE 0W-20 is approved for use in VW Group vehicles that require a VW 508 00 / 509 00 specification 0W-20 lubricant. VW 508 00 engine oil type is for select 2. 00 spec 0w20, and in place of that with lower fuel mileage 507. 00, PORSCHE C20 Dostupnost: skladem. buster.
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