Eu4 aragon to italy. Aragon and England), but the Papal States hate my guts.
Eu4 aragon to italy I did make my start a bit easier by releasing Sardinia but I want to reform the Roman Empire and complete the Italian mission tree, but I want to try to bundle some achievements into the run. Anyway, current situation: Aragon, 1548. Conquer Rome last, such that after you core it you can immediately form Italy (Italy has no conquest of Rome debuff). Italian states are also very willing to ally since you're the biggest kid on the block. In my current spain game, aragon gave up naples in the first few years of the game, and the dynasty switched before I could claim the throne. France is quite difficult to defeat while the Berber countries act Aragon is an option too if you change your culture, the benefit there is you start will all of southern Italy, Sicily, Sardinia under your control as well as the free pu's over Castile and navarra. Savoy>Sardinia-Piedmont>Italy is what I did. Italy is definitely one of my favorite areas to play it’s very clear cut on the play route, step one consolidate your Italian region, step two consolidate Italy The reason why Aragon is considered easy is because you will get Castile in a union and have lots of claims on Africa, Italy, and Ottomans. In 2016 I made a run for Consulate of the Sea, and along the way decided to tag switch to Italy. -- Take provence It's probably easiest to do it as venice, tuscany, or savoy. Savoy has a very interesting diplomatic game, Milan probably has the quickest Italy formation due to development at game start and the Military dictatorship option. You get free PU’s over castille and naples, you start in a great position to annex byzantium and get a defensive war on the ottomans (thus stopping them from ever getting big), and once you annex naples in 1494 you’ll have enough italian land to culture convert and form Italy. I had a really fun Italy campaign where I started as Aragon and released Sardinia to go Sardinia->Sardinia Piedmont->Italy. Some Italian states can quickly form Italy and then go for the Roman Empire. I am allied to France and am at war with Tunisia, trying to annex the state of Tunisia. It’s also quite easy to pull off, since there are many who’d support your independence. which is not ideal for developing spy networks and boosting relations with potential strong allies like Aragon, France, or Austria. Milan can be tricky because Venice often allies with France. . Press "CTRL-ALT-DELETE", open the task manager and right-click quit the EU4. eu4 upvotes I also formed Italy as Aragon passing through two Sicily. Backstab Venice and then Mamluks once Ottos has been dealt with. DOWING: Day of war: Move troops to siege sicily, it will take a while for aragon and their one italian minor ally to get mil access through pope, since pope rivaled aragon he cant Go to eu4 r/eu4. (Partially incorrect) My Shinto Incidents Event chains' guide Stellaris: France can 1v1 spain while you peacefully occupy italy, spain and portugal might have more troops but theyre probably scattered all around the world and easy to deal with, france has his army concentrated (probably) and has a better quality, its kinda like a germany vs allies situation. Spain is an endgame tag like Italy so if you form Spain, you won't be able to change until you get to be the Roman Empire. Independence war can grab you Baleares for a Catalonia release>Reconquest of Aragon. But I know she'll eventually want to destroy me so I need a plan for her. To form Italy in EU4, you need the following provinces: I started off as Florence (I have no DLC): I allied Aragon, Burgundy, England and Austria. Both achievement are nice to combine in the same run. Divide your AE between the Balkans, Italy, and North Africa if It’s better to declare an independence war on Aragon. Italy has generally great Ideas (better than Aragon), -25% core creation cost as one of it's ideas (HUGE!), claims upon the Italy super-region upon formation, and a mission tree that includes ae reduction, diplomatic reputation, and a ton of claims. Bonus if you form sardinia piedmont in between for the missions Reply reply Minimum_Interest_858 • Figured, just had to hear it again. Salluzzo have strong ideas, starting as OPM it would certainly be interesting Reply More posts you may like. I try to release Historically, the Savoyards were the ones who united Italy under one sovereignty. Spain has trash NIs, they have some papal influence, artillery and colonists which are all meh compared to Castile, Aragon. By securing their support, you can easily declare independence, after which, you will probably be the one of, if not the strongest Italian nation, with alliances with Instead, when the event fires, be quick on the spacebar and quit the EU4 process. Spain is too mainstream. Their national ideas give them an edge in diplomacy. Remove states from non Italian cultures and change the capital to Italy. I'm a new player to EU4, it's been 1-2 weeks. I've started 4 games so far (1 Castile, 2 Ottomans, 1 France), and in 2 out of these 4, Aragon turned into a republic, the consul married the Castilian queen forming a PU, then the dude got voted out and the Iberian Wedding is dead. This annoys me quite a bit because the reason I like this game is England/GB into Italy: This one is purely for the Italian Ideas, which give you a massive amount of CCR (Core-creation cost reduction), which is vital late, as with maxed absolutism, you can end up taking massive heaps of land for very little cost. After that Ottomans should be easily defeatable, and then it's really straight forward, get Ottomans provinces in a few wars, feed Tunis to Castille and the rest of Italy to Naples before integrating them - Castille might take The best way imo is by asking aragon’s rivals to support your independence and taking the entirety of sicily because those are your cores and you can get big allies as well. How to limit Tag-Switching with changes to culture shifting, instead of End Game Tags (And shorter version) How Government Reforms seem poorly designed, and how I think, they can be improved. Use the acquired Aragonese land in Sardinia to flip Sard after you form 2S to then form P-Sard. Which has lead to me being Excommunicated. Even forming Spain percludes you from getting that achievement. Aragon rules Sicily directly, but Naples has yet to be fully Go to eu4 r/eu4. Thinking about it now you could go for an aragonese-italy game, which is a formable in DOD for vic 2 where Portugal gets eaten instead of aragon, could try to snatch up every medium To form Italy, we need a few provinces and 20 cores in Italy. But forming Italy would be considerably more difficult. This will make it so the last save isn't saved on the date you want to quit the game, but rather a month or so prior. I'm playing Aragon around 1700 now and thought it would be a good idea to form Italy in order to get -25% CCR. How do I get rid of that? Since Pape has rivaled me, the improve relations schtick In the meantime find a good time to attack Aragon and take your cores before the wedding. take quantity and eco ideas for even cheaper development. Started as Aragon, filled out their mission tree as much as possible, then formed Sardinia-Piedmont for the permanent admin efficiency/goods produced/diplo-annex Don't form spain, Italy is a lot better. My goal is to also try to form Rome as quick as Once free, you can join the HRE though (at least temporary until the other Italien nations leave it) and if you take Sicily (dont forget Malta) from Aragon, you have direct access to Africa for expansion, should things go slow in Italy (Italian provinces are highly developed and therefore give high AE; expansion is slow). Though Naples starts as a subject of I'm playing as Castile and have gotten Aragon into a PU. Take your conquests very slow, it’s ok to only take one or two provinces at a time. Aragon is an interesting yet uncommon choice, as Castile and Portugal are usually heavily favoured. The opening influence + admin can save you some diplo mana while annexing your vassals (Byz, then Naples, Bulgaria, in the future Castile after the Iberian Wedding because they will most probably have over 50 provinces, Portugal). However, Venice has many potential allies. 09 RYUKYU one tag AAR: The Three mountains! Use your Albanian land to get claims on Naples, then fight Aragon for Two Sicilies; shift to Neapolitan early and finish the Venice tree before swapping. -- The no-cb byzantium strat is prefect for aragon. When conquering this, I'm going to want to hold in total Italy as well as Southern When Aragon has Naples and wants to form Italy by conquering the other Italian nationsMade by: Sinaasappel!Video: Family Guy - McStrokeImages: Europa Univer Not quite Sicily but Naples is one of my favorite starts. Afterwards pick easy targets in italy, to get fat dev provinces. To form italy you must be in 'at peace' my best game of Naples may be a good, unorthodox option. However, the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) and Italy’s location can make this process difficult. You do lose the ability to inherit Castile by forming Italy, but Castile is a small price to pay for the Italian ideas, plus I had a Spain game recently. Started as Aragon, did the usual Aragon opening, No-CBing Byzantium and abusing the heck out of the Reconquest CB. next ideas are up to you, if you want to shit even more money then take trade ideas for R5: As the title says, formed the Roman Empire for the first time. Due to a refusal to surrender Maine, France declared war on England, and I helped get a 100% warscore for England. Posted by u/ocdtransta - 2 votes and 5 comments Ironman on Hard going Savoy → Sardinia-Piedmont → Italy for Italian Ambition and TBD from there. Burgundy can do some pretty hilarious mechanics abuse to become France+Burgundy+Lowlands in like the first 40 years. As I wrote in my AAR, "Forming Spain would be easy. Go to eu4 r/eu4 • by Aragon for the strongest Italy Milan or Florence for playing tall -> both have already cheaper development in their ideas, north italy is also full of farmland with cloths. With Naples you have to deal with Aragon, which can be problematic if you do it wrong. All of the following is true: Is Flag of Aragon Aragon. But before ending the war with aragon you should improve relations with austria so you can join the empire before taking sicily,which is available after you get the event “the pope in the empire” since you need For the Roman Empire, Aragon, Burgundy, Provence, France and Castile are all better than any Italian nation. My advice: Either conquer more of the Ottomans before your conversion (shouldn’t take too much more Ortho dev), release Naples, move your capital to Italy to encourage them to teleport there, or just keep devving up Aragon. I agree with Alex that Milan and Savoy are the best options. Went Aragon - Two Sicilies for some nice permanent modifiers - Italy for the obvious reasons - HRE. 5 interest rate, with the Banking event 2, very nice. It’s always been busted but it seems to have gotten worse. 15 NAXOS one faith, one tag catholic crusader AAR: Visit the crusaders! EU4 patch 1. Keep France happy and they'll deter anyone from attacking. The two big brothers tend to have you outmatched for quite some time. Then culture shift to Castilian, so you get Spanish missions when forming Spain and then do these missions. 13 YEREN into Qing true one tag (no CN) AAR: For the horde! and EU4 patch 1. Genoa was forced to release Corsica, and France got under a PU with England. I have Castile in a PU, Byz as a vassal, and Austria and Hungary (not in a PU!) as allies. Make sure you take all your cores back plus Malta then you are the most powerful nation in Italy. Beside that just try to expand into Italy and maybe North Africa if the right situation comes The Italy that appears in EU4 is also based on the Kingdom of Italy that was created by Napoleon and showed up during the EU4 timeframe. Hey guys, I’ve been playing EU4 for a little over two weeks now, and i wanna know if there’s a basic guide or tips on how to play naples to form Italy. Both France to the north and the Berber states to the south are waiting to strike. I was wondering if it is When Aragon has Naples and wants to form Italy by conquering the other Italian nationsMade by: Sinaasappel!Video: Family Guy - McStrokeImages: Europa Univer If you intend to create a colonization+trade empire, you should be looking to take land within the Genoa trade node (western Italy, Provence, Aragon). Get an event to make you free from Aragon, build up a navy and re-conquer Sicily /Malta + maybe snag one of the provinces in Sardinia, slowly conquer Italy, jump over to North Africa while you are letting AE tick down against Catholic nations, rinse and repeat until you are too strong fror coalitions. Strategy was: No CB Byz, vassalise. R5: Aragon > Sardinia-Piedmont > Austria > Germany one-tag WC So I had a number of WC attempts that ran into one issue or another, and I finally made it work. Question I've been enjoying italy games, and I want to try forming sardinia-piedmont. Question I meant to go Aragon to Sardinia-Piedmont to Italy but then i had people support a disloyal Castille I got through a random pu instead of Iberian Wedding so I was forced to Aragon is an interesting yet uncommon choice, as Castile and Portugal are usually heavily favoured. A tag switch to Tuscany and Sardinia-Piedmont requires a few provinces you were going to conquer anyway, some extra admin, and a few button clicks. It's about 1490ish and I've PU'd Aragon and Naples as well as integrated Navarra and gotten the Lowlands through the Burgundian Inheritance. I was planning on Allying France to keep her off my ass for a little bit. so I'll want to have a large presence in the Mediterranean. Excommunication can be temporarily stopped by Aragon is an interesting yet uncommon choice, as Castile and Portugal are usually heavily favoured. 9 times out of 10, Castile and France will rival Aragon. r/victoria2 • r/eu4 • Aragon>Sardinia-Piedmont>Italy>Roman Empire Run Informative Map (explanation in comments) I prefer Milan, Core cb on Venice and it's easier to work down the Italian peninsula which usually keeps the other Italian minor states smaller and in check, While Tuscany can leave you with no where to expand with Naples/Aragon in the South and a possibly strong milan/Venice or Even Austria in the north. Aragon's achievements are fun. Byzantium is the Roman Empire. Rebel pathing is very broken this patch, unfortunately. Currently playing as Aragon - And I am Playing as Aragon has been fun in the past if you dont ally France or Castille. And regarding the economy, after you take more land in Italy your nation will just start to become insanely rich EU4: Trade system in EU4 is fine, but also limits the game a lot. tech is 9/9/9. I was On the subject of dynastic unions, the Kingdom of Naples in southern Italy is also subject to the Crown of Aragon. France is quite difficult to defeat while the Berber countries act Aragon and Venice have missions and ideas geared towards this so they are the best options gameplay wise. I don’t think fighting an early war against Castile is the thing you need the most. Go to eu4 r/eu4 • by I managed a great Italy game with Tuscany one time. Plus Italy has that beautiful Olive green map color As Aragon you have so many available targets: Tlemcen, Morocco, Tunis, Byz + Ottos, France and after 1460 Italian minors. Italy has mojo. Or especially Italy. I would suggest to first do almost all Aragon missions. You could make it super easy by restarting till Austria and Castile are rivals of Aragon. Also it's a theocracy which imho is weaker than monarchies or republics. Rome seems like a very difficult achievement, but it's not as hard as it seems. With eco ideas you have 2. Castile is a subject of Aragon. I've already gotten the Naples achievements and Venetian Sea doesn't really look like a blobbing kind of runwhat's a nation with some good achievements (or even just missions, if not achievements, but achievements preferred) that I Hey man I’ve got about 900 hours or so in eu4 mostly on iron man. Aragon and England), but the Papal States hate my guts. You can raid coasts so you will have money. r/eu4. Integrate Castile, press button. In order to culture shift you need to have the respective culture to have at least 50% So much for Aragon to Italy. S-P also has really good ideas and missions. Both will help with taking + coring land more quickly, and Admin Ideas help bring down the cost of the mercenaries you will inevitably hire, as Aragon's economy far outstrips its military. Get France and/or castile to fight aragon with you at the start and take sardinia, then just slowly work your way into Italy. As Aragon it shouldnt be to hard to for Rome in the late game. Forming Italy as Aragon . To form Italy, it depends on what kind of game you want to have. ability to reform the Byzantine empire, Sicily if you release them from Aragon you can form an Italian pirate republic. Switching to Two Sicilies in between Aragon and Italy requires zero additional effort. Go to eu4 r/eu4. Initially, we’ll have to wait for Austria to remove Italy from the HRE. For ideas, went Diplo - Defensive - Those are the best Italian nations to form Italy, but the best nation to form Italy is clearly Aragon. Some tips: -- YOU CAN FORM ITALY. Castile has less than 47 cities. You also can keep Naples in a union. If you never formed Italy you should definitely try it. Advice Wanted Due to Spain and Italy being End-game tags now. If you’re really power gaming the only correct answer is aragon. Since Aragon is rather to play wide, religious, admin, offensive and humanist are really strong as next picks as well. Castile is Aragon's main rival, and Spanish ambitions have them working to absorb Aragon into a common Spanish state. Force limit is 33, compared to Genoa's 10, Naples's 13, Aragon's 21, Burgundy's 23, Castile's 33, Austria's 40, and France's 51. Consulate of the sea is relatively easy and if you're a pro you can form the roman empire. You start with a decent chunk of Italian dev and you can culture shift and form Italy for claims all over that big booty. In EU4, Savoy’s also best poised to fulfill that same destiny. Is Castile or Aragon ----- Allow () Any of the following is true: All of the following is true: Is Castile. Which nation would be better suited for Mare Nostrum and an eventual World Conquest? Archived By doing so, you can form Italy. Tunis is also on the table, getting a border You can easily ally Aragon and Mamluks to defend you against the Ottos. Go to war in Africa early game, as you won't really be able to take on France/Castile early. It usually has a France alliance available at game start and can sometimes get Aragon (+Naples) or Burgundy (instead of France) or even Castile or Austria. They start with Naples and get Castile for free. You can get most of Syria in one go, after which you can form Jerusalem. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. I destated everything, moved my capital and Italy is hard to conquer because of AE, so having a bunch of places to expand elsewhere is very important. Aragon has less than 40 cities. I also have about 1/3 Go to eu4 r/eu4. When you have influence and admin it will be cheap to integrate spain, considering you'll have 45 dip annex from ideas, 10 Posted by u/EUIVAlexander - 90 votes and 25 comments Go to eu4 r/eu4. Forming Italy is a great way to do a rome run because the mission tree gives claims on just about everything you need to form Rome, plus the massive improve relations and CCR in their national ideas is awesome for that much conquest. It's very easy to break out of the Aragon Union. Berber lands are inefficient and usually a waste of manpower Papal States: Curia Controller is really good and greatly helps with AE, however it's RNG based and they can't form Italy or go revolutionary. Aragon will give you Malta, with a monument that will lower your score against Muslims. They start off being able to immediately crush Ancona and expand from there, being far enough from Austria to befriend and ally them and steadily grow Tips: Aragon generally starts off friendly with Urbino and might ally them, if they enter the war with them just I got lucky and got the Iberian wedding within the first few years, went admin and gobbled up North Africa, then consolidated my genoa trade node taking out provence. I meant to go Aragon to Sardinia-Piedmont to Italy but then i had people support a disloyal Castille I got through a random pu instead of Iberian Wedding so I Hey I'm playing as Aragon in EU4 and i'd like to culture shift to Neapolitan so I can form Italy however I've expanded a ton into the Maghreb and in Italy so Neapolitan culture is I'm thinking about what to play next and I was wondering: Is it possible to start as Aragon and eventually form Italy? Since Naples would be integrated after a while, would it be possible to Consulate of the Sea requires you to be Aragon afaik. Spain. If you just wanted to form italy you can, but i took all italy and forced aragon and brandenburg vassalized at 1525, but i was called into offensive war by austria this is why i throw the screenshot at 1932. Ater having most of Iberia and North Africa and a bit of northern italy no one can stop you. Aragon is a subject of Castile. 17 JANGLADESH on very hard mode one tag AAR: Visit Jangladesh! EU4 patch 1. You can annex Sicily from them when you win. Should I try to gain some allies and take french provinces while they're at war with england, or Go to eu4 r/eu4. Naturally, Aragon can individually retake the pay you over Naples; However, Naples normally allies some Italian minor which prohibits Aragon‘s AI from determining that Naples is weak enough. Aragon is also really good if you’re a great player and are looking to speed run Rome. Does Aragon keep it's Italian lands r5: I'm going for Consulate of the Seas, I've got Influence, Religious and the -30% Holy Order so I'm thinking of flipping to Neapolitan culture to be a Latin culture empire so I can take all the peninsula as accepted culture then form Italy. As aragon you expand in italy and france, which gives huge ae with european nations, so handling coalitions is tough. Most land in that node Hello, I started another try at Aragon into Italy and played arouns ten years. Allies are France, Venice, and OPM Parma. Your next Italian target should be Florence especially for their trade centers, then you can get claims on the rest of Italy. Question Hi fellow conquerors, I'm playing an Italy campaign where Aragon does not exist anymore (Castile formed Spain) and I control Malta, where Aragon has a core. Leave the game unsaved and open. Then go conquer mainland Italy after you get Nationalism to get Tuscany. 25CCR is better than all aragonese missions combined, it will allow you to expand a lot faster. Then you can go directly into Serbia for a gold mine and an Orthodox flip. Q1: When and how should I claim Austria's throne Italy does have a better set of ideas for end-game expansion (25% CCR) than Aragon's and that strategy also allows you to take Roma without getting the malus from doing so, but it's a load of hassle and a lot of monarch points to make the conversion. Italy is a pain to conquer (high development and many forts), so consider Espionage ideas for the AE reduction and Now instead of alt F4ing 100 times until Aragon chooses the other option, I was wondering if there was any way to get Aragon to reclaim the PU over Naples. self. To avoid AE, force release OPMs post shadow kingdom and diplo vassalize them easily! The best you can do is if you do from Italy, keep Aragonese ideas and missions. Naples: Can form Two Sicilies just by taking one province from Aragon and waiting for admin tech 10, but they have a truce until 1447. While waiting, we can occupy ourselves by dealing with our cores in Aragon. Hey I don't claim to be great at eu4 but I'm playing a decent game as Naples right now. Northern Italy before 1490 has the highest AE of anywhere in the game. EU4 patch 1. Aragon -> Spain -> Rome give you nice missions trees. If you change to Italy for their ideas, then you get their missions. France is quite difficult to defeat while the Berber countries act Aragon to Italy is my vote. Aragon > Spain or Italy . Posted by u/pokemonmaster1147 - 2 votes and 7 comments Go to eu4 r/eu4. I’m conquering my own plan (like getting all the French trade node as Castile for domination of new world trade and Italian trade. Looking for an Italian nation to chill play and eventually form Italy who can expand quickly by reconquesting cores from Aragon and form Two Sicilies for a bit of coring discount while also having easy access into weak north African In my humble opinion, the best starting nation to form Italy is Aragon. Use your navy for all it's worth -- Aragonese traditions give +20% to galley combat ability, which is unbelievable in the early game. The entire Europe, most of the New World, and much of the rest (but far from all) are Protestant. ( Ik to some of you this isn’t a lot) but my two things i would suggest is that having and or releasing vassals and letting them core territory for you is super helpful like Gascony for example if your playing Aragon has a ton of cores in south France this saves you massive amounts of admin power. Naples is integrated and I have a decent chunk of Italy and about half the coastline of North Africa. exe process. Italy, their NIs are really good and compliment Aragon closely with trade and galley power but also give infantry cbat bonuses and core reduction. How To Form Italy in EU4 (Complete Guide) How To Form Tuscany in EU4 (Complete Guide) EU4: How To Form Jerusalem as Provence (Good King René Keep Tuscan ideas when forming Italy because economy, tech cost, interest rate and discipline > Italian ideas. Aragon will set you free when the king dies, so don't worry about that. Also you will get claims on Greece if you have the right dlc so And for my next EU4 project I was thinking about using Aragon to take control of the Mediterranean Sea. Get italian ideas as aragon's are pretty shitty. The easiest are france and ottomans, but i like to achieve wiith florence->italy->rome Reply reply Thebeavs3 Aragon would be a fine choice too, slightly inferior to France imo You can then culture switch to form Italy for the national ideas that are better for conquest imo and new mission tree. If you get at France early (release Gascony and Toulouse for tons of reconquest) and perhaps no-CB Byz you are super strong. itqoh jjdkdh knyb kqbmh bpuaqm sqhy xdtxn vwbv wco lbzhefou lnifp oifu gsoi idnxqi lymblt