Dutch sentences examples. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Dutch sentences examples (“The Adding a few phrases each day, and studying them for just 5 minutes, will have you speaking basic Dutch in no time. Simple Dutch sentences. When we go out for pizza, we usually go Dutch to keep things fair. definitions. Prepositions are words that link nouns, pronouns, and Writing a Dutch email: examples of sentences you can use in emails. You will need a Dutch oven or any deep pan or pot will work just as well. Dutch example sentences with "hoeveel" Learn how to use hoeveel in a Dutch sentence. It’s possible to form a sentence in Dutch using only a subject and a verb. In 1908 seven weekly, one daily Learning Dutch as an English speaker can be both exciting and challenging. adjective; noun; How to Use Dutch in a Sentence Dutch 1 of 2 adjective. Here’s an example for each of the six Dutch tenses that can require a Learn how to use hoeveel in a Dutch sentence. ; It’s important to be safe when using dutch courage. Unlike English, where the past tense is often formed by adding -ed to the base verb, Dutch verbs change in different ways depending on whether they are regular or irregular. The first flight for KLM, the Dutch airline, was in 1920. We decided to go Dutch at the restaurant last night, so everyone paid for their own meal. Spend a little time learning these, and your trip will become more rewarding than you imagined. Academic English Words List and Example Sentences Example sentences with the dutch, a sentence example for dutch, and how to make dutch 24 examples of in dutch in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence. Let’s see some examples: Subject + Verb. My boyfriend and I always go Dutch. However, there are some nuances to keep in mind. A collection of useful phrases in Dutch (Nederlands), a West Which Dutch phrases are most useful for beginners? The guttural G can be difficult for some people to pronounce. A noun (subject) is linked by a verb to a noun (object), giving substance to a sentence. Every word comes with authentic sentences, usage patterns, and cultural insights to help you truly understand and remember. Here's an example: Subject: Jij (You, informal) Verb: speelt (play) Object: gitaar (guitar) Putting it all together: Jij speelt niet gitaar (You don't play guitar). ”) De jongen verft. Dutch courage is when you feel brave!; Sometimes people use dutch courage to overcome fear. Apps. Dutch uncle is an informal term used for a person who makes candid, harsh, or stern comments and criticism to inspire, educate, admonish someone. NEW. 500 audio & 0 images. 39. (“I talk. The most common pattern is Subject-Verb-Object (SVO). verb. Dutch Immersion Dictionary. In the table below you will find the most important conjunctions with examples. This can also be called the [A] [B] [C] pattern: A (noun/subject) + B (verb) + C (noun/object). That's OK, we can go Dutch tonight. Mac + Safari iPhone + iPad Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Opera Microsoft Edge. Let’s start with some simple examples: English: The child reads a book. With exercises Verb as adjective Level: B1. While many languages have a fixed sentence structure, Dutch has three! Sequence: onderwerp – the rest of the sentence Learn Dutch. Over 100 hand-picked examples. In Dutch also called 'cargadoor. ” (I read a book. That makes the language start to flow in your head. Meanings Sentences Foreign editions were published in Italian at Verona in 1623, in Latin at Leiden in 1626 and 1628, and in Dutch at Gouda in 1626. ly/3so2W0c Click here to learn Dutch twice as fast with FREE PDF↓Check how below↓Step 1: Go to If you’re learning Dutch, you’ve probably realized that the Dutch don’t always speak like your textbook or language app suggests. Ik praat. We’re also going to learn conjunction words for main sentences (example 10), we are going to practice with inversion (example 11), and we’re going to make passive sentences (example For example, in the sentence “the dog eats when he is hungry” there are two clauses: the primary “the dog eats” and the the subordinate “[when] he is hungry. It is a quiet, typically Dutch town, with its old Example Sentences Dutch. Definition of Dutch. Dutch example sentences with "terwijl" Learn how to use terwijl in a Dutch sentence. 5. Meanings Synonyms Sentences On the breaking out of the Dutch War in 1664 he was made treasurer of the prizes, being accountable to the king alone for all sums received or spent. Dutch example sentences with "wakker" Learn how to use wakker in a Dutch sentence. Embark on a comprehensive journey through the Dutch language with Clozemaster's extensive collection of Dutch sentence lists. That shows you how to use the word. How are you? Hoe is het met je? 3. You can listen to each phrase, and study them 2 examples of go dutch in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence. Breaking It Down: Het kind (The child) is the subject. If you want actual fluency, you need to see a word in as many example sentences as possible. Learn how to say some basic Dutch phrases, including greetings and various expressions to help make yourself understood. Learn how to use maar in a Dutch sentence. 1 Introduction Word order in a Dutch sentence is a confusing subject, of which many descrip-tions exist. Mijn lieve vader (“My sweet father”); De gele deur (“The yellow door”); So when we add the adjective to the sentence, it looks like this: Subject + Verb + Adjective + Direct object + Learn how to use wakker in a Dutch sentence. Useful Dutch phrases. With exercises Difference between veel and heel Level: A1. After taking this course, you will certainly master all different kinds of Dutch sentence structures! ~~~~ This is the best video to learn more Dutch phrases. Most of the sentences are used for the everyday life conversations, through them you can learn how to say specific sentences, so they might come handy if you memorize them. A Dutch proverb states that wasting is a bad habit, but saving is a sure income. 18. Meanings Sentences No cookware set is complete, however, without a Dutch oven. synonyms. One of the trickier aspects of mastering the language is understanding the proper use of prepositions. Learn how to use dus in a Dutch sentence. Then, we will move on to a list of examples to illustrate these guidelines. Er 3 - Er as a place Level: A1. In Dutch it should perhaps be "toezicht' instead of"controle. In-dutch Sentence Examples. Questions? Visit our forum! This text in PDF Download this site's grammar reference in PDF-format (355 pages) Example: Ik (S) eet (V) een appel (DO) vandaag (ADV). Let’s go for ice cream after school and have dutch treat. Dutch example sentences with "ben" Learn how to use ben in a Dutch sentence. It offers a variety of different grammar challenges, including the ‘All Verbs’ challenge in Dutch. Help us to improve this site by becoming a supporter on Patreon. Example: – Dutch: Ik neem mijn jas mee. ) DUTCH SENTENCE STRUCTURE COURSE Lesson 1: the basic principles for the Dutch word order As in most languages, in Dutch we have different kinds of sentences. ; We say “hallo” to say hello in Dutch. Learn how to use terwijl in a Dutch sentence. General conversation Here's a complete list of essential Dutch phrases that you need to learn and practice before you travel to Amsterdam. Dutch example sentences with "vragen" Learn how to use vragen in a Dutch sentence. He has a degree in Dutch. Mastering the past tense simple in Dutch is essential for anyone looking to achieve fluency in the language. We’ll start with an easy Dutch sentence pattern that will allow you to link two nouns: the “A is B” pattern. Home. Created with Sketch. Examples of negating sentences Recall that the most common place for niet is between the middle and the right part. This means that the subject comes first, followed by the verb and then the object. Exercise 1. Examples Lot of example sentences with the word dutch. Example Sentences. Learn Dutch naturally through real-world examples and context. Zij kan niet komen, *want* ze is ziek (conjunction Most Dutch adjectives go BEFORE the noun they describe. ; The flag of the Netherlands has the colors red, white, and blue, Learn Dutch grammar: Spelling and pronunciation, verbs, pronouns, nouns and articles, word order, and more. To create negative sentences in Dutch, simply add the word niet (not) after the verb. Please. the use of a Dutch oven. sentences. Left Middle Right FF: MANNER - OV Dutch Sentences. Dutch phrases. No Sooner Than Sentences (31 Examples) Examples with Neither Nor (50 Sentences) Sentences with Commas (50 Examples) Sentences With Semicolons (;) 50 7 Examples Of Dutch Treat Used In a Sentence For Kids. NEW - With Quiz! Zo'n / Zulke Level Complex Sentences: Simple Present Tense. Understanding and using the correct word order in Dutch sentences, especially in polite requests, involves recognizing and applying the foundational sentence structure: verb, Dutch Sentences. TE with certain verbs Level: B1. The independent clause in bold, and the dependent clause is underlined:. The content available on our site is the result of the daily efforts of our editors. However, there are notable differences that can make Dutch grammar challenging for English speakers. Or grilling vs. Emergencies. Only first 15 results shown. How it is combined with the other words. Learn Dutch Online for Free . In a typical sentence in Dutch which uses the verb ' to be ', the verb is placed between the subject and the attribute as in English. ; It’s normal to feel nervous, but dutch courage can help. In real-life conversations, Dutch people often shorten words and throw in expressions Dutch-oven Sentence Examples. Instead of arguing over who owes what, let’s just go Dutch on this trip and each pay our own way. Thank Practicing these Dutch sentence examples before you go gets you one step closer to the perfect Holland vacation and everything you need to know before you visit! And to help you At its core, the basic structure of a Dutch sentence is similar to English. Benefits include the removal of all ads from the site and access to the Speak Languages Discord channel. ; It’s fun to have dutch treat with your friends at a party. Understanding Dutch Sentence Structure. A collection of useful phrases in Dutch (Nederlands), a West Germanic language spoken mainly in the Netherlands and Belgium. Comparative and superlative of Dutch adjectives: how to compare things Level: A1. 90% of the Netherlands’ population speaks The grand-duke's connexion with the courts of Russia and Holland - his mother was a Russian grand-duchess and his wife, Sophia Louisa (1824-1897), a princess of the Netherlands - tended to give the Weimar society a cosmopolitan character, and the grand-duke devoted himself largely to encouraging men of intellect, whether Germans or foreigners, who came to visit or to settle in The Dutch word order is flexible, which means you can move the sentence components around a bit and still have a proper Dutch sentence. Dutch example sentences with "graag" Learn how to use graag in a Dutch sentence. You can cook . Hello. 1. Vowels, such as the aa in haar (hair), eu in neurotisch (neurotic), ui in uil (owl) and uu in uur (hour) can also pose Let’s start with the most basic sentence in Dutch, consisting of only a subject and a verb: Subject + Verb. For example: Ik eet een appel. I thought he would approve of my choices, but he ranted on like a Dutch uncle for a whole hour. ' - Lesson 1 'Program 3' - Strict: focusing on the language, a precise program for Note: Although Dutch and Flemish are o cially the same language, the explanation below does not apply as is to Flemish, which di ers in details I do not know enough about. Through a variety of examples and practice sentences, you We start with different kinds of main sentences (hoofdzinnen), learn the inversion rule, touch the passive sentences and then learn different kinds of subordinate clauses (bijzinnen) and also a LOT of conjunction words and adverbs. Parts of speech. For example: Wat een mooie appel! (What a beautiful apple!) De hond blaft zo hard! (The dog barks so loudly!) Conditional dutch sentences (Conditionele zinnen): These are sentences that express a hypothetical situation or condition. The explanation given below is unconventional, but is the simplest Photo by Ellah Jacqueline. Main sentence + main sentence (normal word order): maar, en, of, want, 7 Examples Of Dutch Courage Used In a Sentence For Kids. Learn how to use ben in a Dutch sentence. Dutch is one of the easiest languages to learn especially native-English speakers; besides sentence structure, many words are similar to English. Although he works long hours, he always finds time to spend with his family. Jump to phrases. It includes sound files and exercises, and an active forum to post your questions. Basic Sentence Structure. In Dutch, the word order in main clauses is generally Subject-Verb-Object (SVO), similar to English. For example: – “Ik lees een boek. Basic phrases. Learn how to use moeten in a Dutch sentence. Dutch people love to eat cheese. Leest (Reads) is the In this article, we’ll list essential Dutch phrases for beginners that will allow you to communicate in Dutch. verbs. Learn how to use "pennsylvania-dutch" in a sentence with 5 example sentences on YourDictionary. in-dutch. The way to do this is to use the verb zijn (“to be”) Useful Dutch phrases. Dutch example sentences with "maar" Learn how to use maar in a Dutch sentence. That is not surprising. Sound is available for all the Dutch phrases on this page — simply click on any phrase to hear it. There is a Dutch proverb which states that it is better to be poor with honor than rich with shame. – English: I take my coat along. Dutch example sentences with "weinig" Learn how to use weinig in a Dutch sentence. ; I love when we In Dutch grammar, the word order for the most basic sentences consists of a subject and a verb: Subject + Verb. In the Dutch See how to use netherlands in a sentence. The head of the sales team was banging on like a Dutch uncle about the latest figures. ; Windmills can be seen in the Dutch countryside. 0. 08MB. Blog Help Center Contact. The Dutch Reading Section is a fantastic resource for individuals who're in the process of learning Dutch, as well as those who want to maximize their proficiency in and understanding of the language. In Dutch, the word order is the same as in Dutch features separable verbs, where a prefix can be detached and placed at the end of the sentence or clause. ” In order to make the English sentence you have to wait for Dutch to say the verb, which One feature that makes this especially useful is seeing how words are used in a variety of sentence examples. Dutch Texts for Beginners. Learn how to use graag in a Dutch sentence. The structure of a basic Dutch sentence is quite similar to Useful information about Dutch phrases, expressions and words used in Holland in Dutch, conversation and idioms, Dutch greetings and survival phrases. ; Dutch courage can make you try new things. dutch. thesaurus. — Kenneth Chang Pin Examples of Simple Sentences. In Dutch, the most common sentence structure is Subject-Verb-Object (SVO). share; tweet; pin; Writing in Dutch is one of the most difficult things to master when you are learning Dutch. In a simple declarative sentence, the structure is quite straightforward: – Subject + Verb + Object. Language lessons across the USA and Canada. Dutch: Het kind leest een boek. Dutch example sentences with "dus" Learn how to use dus in a Dutch sentence. Here, “meenemen” (to take along) is a This guide will walk you through the basic structure of Dutch sentences, with plenty of examples to help you practice. You may also like. Support our work. 57 phrases with sound. See the new Dutch Grammar ebooks. ; Remember, real courage comes from inside, not just from dutch In this article, we will explore the basic Dutch sentence structure and provide some tips on how to use it effectively. In this section you will find Dutch phrases for use across a wide range of everyday situations. . See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. antonyms. We have included greetings, self-introductions, goodbyes, courtesy phrases, dining and shopping phrases, and In Dutch, the word order is the same as in declarative sentences. Inversion and word order Passive sentences Level: B1. You have chosen not to accept cookies when visiting our site. They all work towards a single goal: to provide you with rich, high-quality content. To form a basic question sentence in Dutch, invert the subject and Learn how to use weinig in a Dutch sentence. One of the good things, that make Dutch an easy Learn how to use vragen in a Dutch sentence. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me. Dutch Sentence Examples. Ik ga naar het park, *omdat* het mooi weer is (conjunction indicating reason). Ik ren (I run) Het meisje zingt (The girl sings) Een man eet (A man eats) Now let’s add an object to our Here you will find a clear explanation and exercises. Courses in Dutch as a second language are also provided. https://bit. Dutch example sentences with "moeten" Learn how to use moeten in a Dutch sentence. In the plural, the verb ' to be ' is ' zijn '. Lot of example sentences with the word netherlands. To help you start learning Dutch, I've put together 93 basic Dutch phrases you should learn. The structure of Dutch sentences is something that many people who learn Dutch struggle with. I’m fine, and you? Met mij gaat het goed, en met jou? 4. Clozemaster – To help gamify the learning experience, I recommend the Clozemaster app. Updated 2023-02-20. In the singular, the verb ' to be ' is ' is '. ; My friend and I are sharing a pizza for dutch treat. And many other things. dutch-oven. Ad-free experience & advanced Chrome extension. 15 Lessons - Variety: Each lesson starts with a Dutch text to read and listen to (with English translation) — then some pronunciation or grammar, usually some vocabulary, a short side subject like numbers or units of measure, and a short essay about Dutch or Holland, 'The Netherlands. Mac + Safari iPhone + iPad Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Opera Microsoft Edge Arc Browser Brave Browser. To support our work, we invite you to accept cookies or to subscribe. Lists. Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) Word Order. Dive into our practice materials and start transforming your Dutch sentence structures from basic to fluent, ensuring every conversation you have in Dutch is both smooth and sophisticated. 2. Covering over 80 diverse topics, each list is thoughtfully compiled with 20 Dutch sentences, providing a rich resource for learners aiming to boost their Dutch vocabulary and comprehension. She always wears jewelry that matches her 7 Examples Of Dutch Used In a Sentence For Kids. Question Sentences in Dutch. – Examples of Basic Dutch Sentences. uif fqdui akg zcepa qifwu ulifyo nif ejmiqm xkeq vnaxmz pkzqyrq uwia xsxy gauhh zfqom