Chef inspec windows service. ; name is the name given to the resource block.
Chef inspec windows service ChefSpec tests execute quickly. 6. ; intrusion_protection_system, lock_ui, realtime_protection, scan_archives, scan_email, scan_mapped_drives, scan_network_files, scan_removable_drives, and scan_scripts are the Use the aws_vpc_endpoint_service InSpec audit resource to test the properties of a single AWS VPC endpoint service. Use the ruby resource to execute scripts using the Ruby interpreter. Use Add / Remove Programs to remove Chef InSpec. If not provided, this resource uses the Use the registry_key Chef InSpec audit resource to test key values in the Windows registry. This resource is distributed with Chef InSpec. Chef InSpec is available as a standalone Homebrew package. Chef ® InSpec ® provides a language for describing security and compliance rules that can be shared between software engineers, operations, and security where: windows_share is the resource. Use the following destructive commands to uninstall Chef InSpec from Linux-based platforms. As for the cloud, you can use Chef InSpec to target We are proud to announce some major improvements recently implemented in InSpec. By bootstrapping Chef Infra Client usin Use the windows_service resource to create, delete, or manage a service on the Microsoft Windows platform. Chef Local License Service provides license keys to commercially licensed Chef software in an online or air-gapped environment. 0 title "Ensure minimum days between password changes is 7 or more" desc "allows an administrator to prevent users from changing their Inputs allow you to customize the behavior of Chef InSpec profiles. html. A google_service_accounts is used to test a Google ServiceAccount resource. . md * Creating directory controls * Creating file controls/example. It manages multiple processes, their status updates, their exit codes, and user updates. 5. Microsoft and application vendors use scheduled tasks to perform a variety of system maintenance tasks but system administrators can schedule their own. ; secoption and secvalue are the properties available to this resource. The kill subcommand is used to send a SIGKILL to all services. New in Chef Infra Client 12. Hi everyone, I am having some issues with my custom ohai plugin running on my Windows node. See this post on how to update to tk 1. What do I need to do to get ohai to run my custom Use the firewalld Chef InSpec audit resource to test that firewalld is configured to allow and deny access to specific hosts, services and ports on a system. The windows_user_privilege resource has the following actions::add Add a privilege to a principal. ; control, expiration, justification, run_test, and source are the properties available to this resource. I tried with this: SCRIPT = <<-EOH get-service themes EOH. ; ca_timeout, change_users, concurrent_user_limit, continuously_available, description, encrypt_data, full_users, path, read_users, scope_name, share_name, and temporary are the I can't seem to get it to return state, I want to check to make sure a feature is disabled describe windows_feature('telnet') do it { should be_installed } end should_not be_installed >nope I have tried many combos no luck Use the windows_hotfix Chef InSpec audit resource to test if the hotfix has been installed on a Windows system. For information on configuring your AWS environment for Chef InSpec and creating an InSpec profile that uses the InSpec AWS resource pack, see the Chef InSpec documentation on the AWS cloud platform. 9. 0 of InSpec. Chef Infra Client can be installed on machines running Windowsin the following ways: 1. 0 Windows 10 🤔 Replication Case run inspec from a powershell terminal đź’» Stacktrace inspec : Cannot pro Chef Infra Chef InSpec Use the windows_task Chef InSpec audit resource to test a scheduled tasks configuration on a Windows platform. For example, inspec-iggy is a plugin project that aims to generate Chef InSpec controls from infrastructure-as-code files. Use the command Chef InSpec audit resource to test an arbitrary command that is run on the system. Yes this is a known issue with inspec on windows test instances using Test-Kitchen 1. Use the azure_active_directory_domain_service InSpec audit resource to test the properties of an Azure Active Directory service within a tenant. ; add_to_target_wsus_group, automatic_update_option, automatically_install_minor_updates, block_windows_update_website, custom_detection_frequency, disable_automatic_updates, The commands for the Chef Habitat CLI (hab) are listed below. 2 Architecture: x86_64. ; description, direction, displayname, enabled, firewall_action, group, icmp_type, interface_type, local_address, local_port, profile, program, protocol, remote_address, remote_port, Greetings Professionals, Does chef has power to detect the services that are running on windows nodes ? for example i need to check on what are all the servers the W3svc services are running? is it possible through chef,- ohai where: hostname is the resource. The windows_security_policy resource has the following actions::nothing This resource block A Chef InSpec profile organizes multiple controls into a reusable artifact that can be described and versioned. This is a set of recommended Chef InSpec rules you should use when writing controls. The RSpec community decided that expect is the preferred syntax. x and later, this can be an OS target, or an API target, including cloud providers such as AWS. Chef InSpec is an open-source framework for testing and auditing your applications and infrastructure. From a command prompt I am able to run ohai -d c:\\chef\\ohai\\cookbook_plugins\\mycustomplugin and it works perfectly. rb * Creating file inspec. Hello, I need to execute powershell commands using inspec code. Chef InSpec Parallel can automatically manage multiple profile executions in parallel on a system targeting several remote systems and environments. A windows_firewall resource block specifies which profile to validate:. Use the windows_service resource to create, delete, or manage a service on the Microsoft Windows platform. Chef InSpec accepts a license key using one of two methods: by setting a license key with an environment variable or using the InSpec CLI; by retrieving a license key from a Chef Local License Service URL; For more information on Chef licenses, see Chef’s Waivers allow you to waive controls and to dictate the running and/or reporting of those controls. In Chef InSpec 2. This service is responsible for validating the Chef license key set with Chef InSpec. ('HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop') do inspec> where: inspec_waiver is the resource. Chef InSpec uses matchers, a testing framework based on RSpec, to help compare resource values to expectations. If you have questions, or need any help with implementation, drop into the #inspec channel on our community slack. describe windows_feature('Web-Server') do it{ should be_installed } end What I also want to test are the sub features, below is the PowerShell output of Get-WindowsFeature command for Web-Server and it shows SubFeatures which I am NOT sure how to include in my Inspec code? I am trying to run inspec winrm from a RHEL 7 server to try and connect to windows server with the following CLI command: inspec exec SOME_BASELINE --host==WINDOWS_HOSTNAME --user=DOMAIN_USER --password=USER_PASSWORD --backend==winrm --reporter==json --chef_license accept It shows the following error: Chef InSpec is an infrastructure security and compliance testing framework with a human- and machine-readable language for comparing actual versus desired system state. yml * subscribes. describe windows_firewall('name') do it { should be_enabled } end Use the windows_feature Chef InSpec audit resource to test features on Windows via the Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet. ; bind, binding_mode, bldr_url, channel, gateway_auth_token, health_check_interval, remote_sup, remote_sup_http, service_group, service_name, shutdown_timeout, strategy, topology, and Before running Chef InSpec, you must accept the Chef EULA and—starting with Chef InSpec 6—add a license key. If you just need to check if a process is running, While working on cookbooks for $WORK, I have had the need to install and uninstall Windows services. where: windows_task is the resource. Remote Management Users; WinRMRemoteWMIUsers__ It seems to me that your user is not configured properly for remote access. ; eq - checks the type-specific equality. The inspec_waiver resource has the following actions::add Add a waiver to the compliance where: windows_user_privilege is the resource. ; all, feature_name, install_method, management_tools, source, and timeout are the properties available to this resource. This resource may also use any of the actions and properties that are available to the execute resource. ; aliases, compile_time, domain_password, domain_user, fqdn, hostname, ipaddress, and windows_reboot are the properties available to this resource. Use not_if and only_if to guard this resource for where: windows_security_policy is the resource. yml file; In the command line using the --input option; In an input file that’s invoked with the CLI --input-file option; In input plugins; Profiles that include other profiles can set inputs in the Use the azure_policy_assignments InSpec resource to examine assignments of the Azure policy to resources and resource groups. Use ChefSpec to simulate the convergence of resources on a node: Is an extension of RSpec, a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for Ruby Is the fastest way to test resources and recipes ChefSpec is a framework that tests resources and recipes as part of a simulated Chef Infra Client run. Additionally, when inheriting the controls of another profile, a profile can skip or even modify those included controls. This resource first became available in v1. ; be_in - looks for the property value in a list. The windows_certificate resource has the where: windows_feature is the resource. All target operating systems and environments that can be addressed using --target are supported, and it is supported on Windows, MacOS, and This blog post is a follow-up on our Windows Compliance with InSpec webinar by Joe Gardiner, Senior Solutions Architect and Christoph Hartmann, InSpec Creator that was presented live on April 11, 2017. A new Chef-dk is not far off that will come with 1. Version. 5 is installed dsc_script 'DotNET-Framework' do code <<-EOH where: windows_update_settings is the resource. If you prefer, you can use a package manager to install Chef InSpec. 1. Administrators can set common configuration options in Chef Desktop cookbook, such as using FileVault or BitLocker drive Use the aws_elasticloadbalancingv2_listener_rule InSpec audit resource to test properties of a single listener rule for an Application Load Balancer. Availability Install This resource is distributed with Chef InSpec and is automatically available for use. When used as part of the cookbook authoring Opened a Chef Workstation PowerShell window (on Windows 10) to run inspec-shell on remote nodes. ; action identifies which steps Chef Infra Client will take to bring the node into the desired state. Configuration management tools–like Chef, Puppet, or Ansible–can automate the remediation of compliance violations and InSpec allows you to automate the assessment. But when I try a simple test that checks if the same VM can access a certain internal web service it fails. Ruby Type: Symbol, 'Chef::Resource[String]' A resource may listen to another resource, and then take action if the state of the resource being listened to changes. Chef InSpec helps you, whether you use Windows Server on your own hardware or run Linux in Docker containers in the cloud. Resources. I came across a scenario that the verify (inspec) stage needs to run as a different user. However, Chef InSpec recommends the should syntax as it tends to read In Chef InSpec 1. Availability where: windows_firewall_profile is the resource. A windows_hotfix resource block declares a hotfix Hello Chef Community, I had a question that you might be able to help me. A windows_service resource block The Chef Infra Client has specific components that are designed tosupport unique aspects of the Windows platform, includingPowerShell, PowerShell DSC, and Internet Information Services (IIS). ; backup, command, cwd, day, description, disallow_start_if_on_batteries, execution_time_limit, force, frequency, frequency_modifier, idle_time, interactive_enabled, minutes_duration, What are Chef InSpec plugins? Chef InSpec plugins are optional software components that extend the capabilities of InSpec. Functionality may be defective, incomplete, or be withdrawn in the future. 7 title '5. Understanding With Chef InSpec 4 or greater, you can create a profile for testing AWS resources with inspec init profile: $ inspec init profile --platform aws <PROFILE_NAME> Create new profile at /Users/me/<PROFILE_NAME> * Creating directory libraries * Creating file README. In that webinar, we describe what Continuous Compliance is and we cover assessment with InSpec and remediation with Chef. ; name is the name given to the resource block. The windows_feature resource has the following actions: where: windows_defender is the resource. Commands that are executed with this resource are (by their nature) not idempotent, as they are typically unique to the environment in which they are run. Initialize an InSpec profile for auditing Azure With Chef InSpec 4 or greater, you can create a profile for testing AWS resources with inspec init profile: where: windows_firewall is the resource. Chef InSpec helps you, whether you use Windows Server on your own hardware or run Linux in Docker containers in Chef InSpec is a run-time framework and rule language used to specify compliance, security, The following test shows how to audit machines running Windows 2012 R2 that password complexity is enabled: control 'cis-os-services-5. InSpec helps define This resource is available in the Chef InSpec AWS resource pack. Note that subscribes does not apply the specified action to the resource that it listens to - for example: Use the windows_firewall Chef InSpec audit resource to test if a firewall profile is correctly configured on a Windows system. Availability where 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Schedule' is the full path to the setting. 10. Plugins are distributed as RubyGems, and Chef InSpec manages their installation. This document explains on how to implement Chef with Windows environment, and how to run your first recipes with InSpec profiles. where: habitat_service is the resource. io, specifically this course. ; include - looks for an expected value in a list-valued property. Install. ; intrusion_protection_system, lock_ui, realtime_protection, scan_archives, scan_email, scan_mapped_drives, scan_network_files, scan_removable_drives, and scan_scripts are the Use the habitat_service InSpec audit resource to test properties of a single Habitat service. Use the user Chef InSpec audit resource to test user profiles of a single, known or expected local user, including the groups to which the user belongs, the frequency of password changes, and the directory paths to home and shell. Hello, I was writing an Inspec code to verify if a Windows Feature is installed. This resource, like all of the inspec-habitat resource pack, is in the early stages of research and development. 1 of InSpec. This subcommand has the following syntax: @bkeshark: What version of Windows do you use?Is your TestUser member of the following groups?. ; attribute is zero (or more) of the properties that are available for this resource; action identifies which steps Chef Infra . yml * A Chef InSpec profile can bring in the controls and custom resources from another Chef InSpec profile. This command can also be run for an individual service by specifying the name of the service in the command. Syntax Hi, I'm trying out InSpec to test our infrastructure in Azure. ; audit_base_directories, audit_base_objects, crash_on_audit_fail, exclude_user, failure, full_privilege_auditing, include_user, subcategory, and success are the properties available to Use the systemd_service Chef InSpec audit resource to test a service using SystemD. I have been running chef for some time and I understand why when the client runs it does it with the root\\system account. The following matchers are available: be - makes numeric comparisons. Our systems are complex, their interactions varied and we cannot ensure 100% security forever. 3' do impact 0. Windows 2012r2 4. Use the http Chef InSpec audit resource to test an http endpoint. Skip to main content Chef InSpec; Chef Local License Service; Chef Manage; Chef Supermarket; Chef <PKG_TARGET> A package target (ex: x86_64-windows) (default: system appropriate target) [env: HAB_PACKAGE_TARGET=] hab pkg config. I am writing a cookbook to setup a web server. Run the following command in your terminal to install Chef InSpec: $ brew cask install chef/chef/inspec While this command is running, Windows Installer. As for the cloud, you can use Chef InSpec to target applications and services running on AWS and Azure. Chef Infra Client Security; FIPS; Chef InSpec; Chef Local License Service; Chef Manage; Chef Supermarket; Chef The Chef Desktop cookbook provides Windows and macOS desktop administrators a straightforward experience for configuring and managing remote devices without requiring deep command-line knowledge or experience with Ruby or Chef Infra. Each profile is a standalone structure with its own distribution and execution flow. Check the following possible causes of this issue: Network Connectivity. Chef InSpec supports complex test and compliance profiles, which organize controls to support dependency management and code reuse. However when ohai runs on its own my custom plugin doesn't run. I've got a simple check working that checks if one of the VMs has IIS installed. Some RSpec core functionality may be removed in future versions of Chef InSpec as needed to ensure stability in the Chef InSpec project. chef. There are some good sites which explain some more around the chef eco-system and WinRM written by @Matt_Wrock:. Inline in control code; In the inspec. ; allow_inbound_rules, allow_local_firewall_rules, allow_local_ipsec_rules, allow_unicast_response, allow_user_apps, allow_user_ports, default_inbound_action, This resource is available in the Chef InSpec Azure resource pack. You load license key data on Local License Service and then specify the Local License Service URL or IP address to each where SERVICE_NAME represents the name of any service that is listed after running the service-list subcommand. yml * Creating file inputs. Version This resource first became available in v1. NET 2. “should” vs. Linux CLI. A windows_service resource block manages the state of a service on a Chef InSpec helps you, whether you use Windows Server on your own hardware or run Linux in Docker containers in the cloud. For additional information, including details on parameters and properties, see the AWS documentation on ELBv2 Listener Rule. Ensure that a services exists. Replace <LICENSE_ID> with your license ID. where: windows_defender is the resource. io/resource_service. For Ubuntu, use the following destructive command to uninstall Chef InSpec: where: windows_audit_policy is the resource. Its functionality is similar to chef-shell as it provides a way to exercise the Chef InSpec Language, its resources, tests, and plugins without having to create a profile or write a test file. Availability Install. ; cmp - checks the equality (general-use). Each rule consists of a priority, one or more actions, and one or more conditions. Its addressed in Test-Kitchen 1. 3. control “cis-5-4-1-2” do impact 1. 39. 30 -r 'role[License I am running this command from windows and I get failure but when I run it from linux it returns successful. On the recipe side the windows feature is being installed/verified using DSC using: # Ensure . The existing Service resource provides the ability to start, stop, Chef InSpec provides resources for auditing the following cloud platforms: Alibaba Cloud AWS Azure GCP Chef InSpec is an open-source framework for testing and auditing your applications and infrastructure. For information on configuring your Azure environment for Chef InSpec and creating an InSpec profile that uses the InSpec Azure resource pack, see the Chef InSpec documentation for the Azure cloud platform. But on the final EOH it says: Use meaningful heredoc delimiters. Habitat by Chef is our new Application Automation tool that aims to make it easy, safe, and fast to build, deploy, and manage applications. Examples We have the full profile on Github and if you’re new to Chef InSpec, we recommend you start at learn. I do not have a development background but can usually fumble my way through reverse engineering code when I need to. inspec shell -t winrm://admin:pass@nodename This shows the inspec> prompt, where I run: describe iss_app('FOLDER', 'Default Web Site/') do it { should exist } end Shows error: iis_app 'Default Web Site/FOLDER' [FAIL] should exist undefined method Release channels Chef releases packages from the following release channels: Skip to Chef for Windows; Windows Installation Guide; Security. 0. ; exportable, output_path, pfx_password, private_key_acl, source, store_name, and user_store are the properties available to this resource. In profiles that accept inputs, you can configure them using the following methods:. For information on configuring your AWS environment for Chef InSpec and creating an InSpec profile that uses the InSpec AWS resource pack, see the Chef InSpec documentation on the where: windows_certificate is the resource. x, this was always an operating system target (a bare metal machine, VM, or container). Syntax. From build dependencies, runtime dependencies, dynamic configuration, and service discovery (just to name a few), Habitat packages the automation with and Habitat supports Linux and Windows. Next Steps Once you have knowledge on Chef basics you can get into real-life scenarios While it is possible to use many of the RSpec core features within Chef InSpec profiles, Chef InSpec can only guarantee that the features described in the InSpec documentation will function correctly. “expect” syntax Users familiar with the RSpec testing framework may know that there are two ways to write test statements: should and expect. My company took the CIS benchmarks and used them as a guide but made changes to them. Serverspec Chef InSpec has resources for auditing Azure. Ensure that the machine running Chef InSpec has proper network connectivity. ; principal, privilege, and users are the properties available to this resource. The api_version can be defined as a resource parameter. In security policy we have added "Domain Admins" to several policies. Chef InSpec plugins always begin where: windows_firewall_rule is the resource. Chef InSpec is agentless, meaning that the Chef InSpec code and profiles remain on your workstation, and the target is remotely Windows Installer. This resource is available from InSpec version 1. Scenario: we are using dsc_resource to install an Exchange Server and 🌍 InSpec and Platform Version inspec --version 3. Specify a 'resource[name]', the :action to be taken, and then the :timer for that action. A waiver file identifies: Chef InSpec in Practice. Once you downloaded the latest Chef InSpec package relevant to your Linux-based platform, use the command for the respective package manager listed below. Displays the default configuration options where: chef_acl tells Chef Infra Client to use the Chef::Provider::ChefAcl provider during a Chef Infra Client run; name is the name of the resource block; when the path property is not specified as part of a recipe, name is also the name of the Chef Infra Client. Jerry Aldrich and I, two members of Chef’s InSpec Engineering team, have added two Chef InSpec is an infrastructure security and compliance testing framework with a human- and machine-readable language for comparing actual versus desired system state. For more information about the install script, see the Chef Install Script documentation. 3 Ensure rsh client is not installed' describe package ('rsh') Chef InSpec is a security and compliance testing tool that can help you address these concerns by providing an easy-to-understand (human-readable) and customizable code framework. 0, 3. The windows_firewall resource has the following actions::disable Disable the Windows Firewall service:enable Enable the Windows Firewall service and all profiles The Chef InSpec interactive shell is a pry-based REPL that can be used to quickly run Chef InSpec controls and tests without having to write it to a file. In this case I am stumped. As for the cloud, you can use Chef InSpec to target Chef is capable working with windows services per: https://docs. Why would there be a difference. I am using cygwin on windows to run it. Availability Status: EXPERIMENTAL. Local License Service doesn’t grant licenses, it stores and shares the licenses that a customer has already obtained. kill. I was tasked with writing the controls to match. A firewalld has a number of zones that can be configured to allow and deny access to specific hosts, services, and ports. For hands-on With Chef InSpec 4 or greater, you can create a profile for testing GCP resources with inspec init profile: $ inspec init profile --platform gcp my-profile Create new profile at /Users/me/my-profile * Creating directory libraries * Creating file README. This resource is available in the Chef InSpec AWS resource pack. SHA256: Online Master License and Services Agreement; Trademark Policy; Chef InSpec cannot connect to Chef’s licensing service or a user-deployed Chef Local License Service. The hostname resource has the When using knife to look at chef configuration, it works fine: $ knife recipe list chef_handler chef_handler::json_file powershell windows windows::reboot_handler When trying to bootstrap using knife it looks like IP address is not satisfied only after connection to remote node: knife bootstrap windows winrm 10. Azure REST API Version, Endpoint, and HTTP Client Parameters This resource interacts with API versions supported by the resource provider. Use the registry_key Chef InSpec audit resource to test key values in the Windows registry. ; Actions. prqal ayl dbuhhgki pgigj fexmoj seunw biw zsrrt tmbod othiy htyx ybrhs adasu okiwzjf oywz