Ballast resistor smoking. 8ohms) and it worked great.
Ballast resistor smoking I would measure the resistance of both ballasts to find the diff. We have changed the ballast resistor 3 times. I have seen coils implode. Like a good mechanic, I took the positive cable off the battery before I did some I had gently cleaned the original ignition (ballast) resistor with prep sol and then painted the metal strap with clear lacquer. Anyone have any solutions? Thankyou in advance. Put the original back on, it's made out of ceramics, it didn't smoke but reach to 300 degrees. Well, when the ignition was turned on to test everything out the resistor started to smoke pretty steadily. Looks like no harm. I finally started up my truck last night and my ballast resistor started to smoke. I at first had on old one and it burnt out, so i figured it was just old so I went to Autozone and got one and when I tried it, it started smoking very bad. 8ohms) and it worked great. Try unplugging the spark control box; turn ‘on’ the ignition; and see if the ballast resistor gets hot This is why most ballast resistors are generally housed in a heat resistant enclosure. Jan 14, 2020 #2 Fast69Mopar Senior Member. A ballast resistor is a special type of resistor that helps control the amount of current in a circuit to prevent it from getting too high. I tried a second ballast resistor and experienced the same red-hot results. Sending 6V to a stock coil is too much. The MSD 6AL uses a 12 volt coil. They are 10 ohms and 10 watts so not wimpy. AND, the resisitor starts to smoke. 6 ohm resistor and . The short is the thing smoking or it is after that. BK-55-D is K-55-D on chart). These resistors are used mostly in lighting & automotive applications. PARALLEL: Each resistor you add on, DECRE (800) 853-2651. Thread starter dvtw79; Start date Dec 4, 2015; D. It drops the voltage to a lower level to protect the contact points. C1 & C2 Corvettes - Smoking Ballest Resistor - I started up the vette today and saw the Ballest Resistor smoking. Now, upon attempting to start the engine the ballast resistor You can see why it connects on the "downstream" side of the blue resistor-- this battery voltage bypasses the first resistor entirely. In the factory manual I have, it refers to a few different ignition systems, including Opus and the subsequent, transistorized “constant energy” version. While watching the motor run Saturday (yipee!) I noticed the ballast resistor on the coil smoking. Looked much worse than it was. Then the "jumper" is connected to the input of The coil is normally powered by 7-8 volts through the ballast resistor. Is there a problem or is the smoke I left the key on while I tested different systems with my test light and noticed smoke coming from the Ballast resistor on the firewall. I re-read the instructions and Centech says the resistor should be mounted against a flat metal surface ( I guess to act as a heat sync) which I missed cause I mounted it off the wall The resistor limits the voltage (not current) going to the coil. And that happens a lot because my carb is out of tune. If it is a constant thing, have you checked the voltage on it? Maybe you've got a bad one. Took it off and out the old one back on and continued trying to get the Dart started. I have a 440 with The pink wire from the ignition switch to the ballast resistor melted. Why would a brand new ballast resistor start smoking? An electrical resistor whose resistance varies with the current passing through it, and thus tends to maintain a constant current. At engine startup, when higher voltage levels are required for optimal current flow to the ignition coil, ballast resistors are bypassed to allow maximum current to pass freely to it. How ballast resistors impact ignition systems. 83 ohm auto-replacement ballast per above discussion for Electrical Systems/Wiring - Smoking ballast resistor - Installed a new intake and carbs. These resistors are used in LED circuits, fluorescent lamps, and automotive applications. In the past there was just a wire from the ignition switch to the + side of the coil. The resistor has also been replaced last New DBL102 coil - put all the wires back on just as they came off - starts and runs fine but now the ballast resistor pack is smoking any ideas/directions please Bill F-- Bill on an 85 XJ 6 - - what did I do!? New DBL102 coil - put all the wires back on just as they came off - starts and runs fine but now the ballast resistor pack is Ballast resistor Early V8 (1932-53) Well when I was first investigating this same topic a few years back, I think I got some great advice and several years out my 1935's original inside firewall mounted ballast resistor and rebuilt coil are all running great so proof is in the pudding as they say here in the Southeast US. I have a 440 with Find the blown fuse - the short is after that. you will need the oem ballast resistor and the dropping resistor in line. Inactive User : Join Date: Sep 2000. 2 Magnum, NV4500 5-spd, 9. I know this topic has been discussed before (usually in context of proper coil voltage and Then the ballast resister started smoking and stopped working and the coil died, what would cause this to happen . C. 8 Ohms. This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, Skimlinks, and others. Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2. I hooked the tan wire to one side of the ballast resistor and the other side I ran to the + side of the coil. Started the engine and the resistor started smoking. Now if the ballast resistor is new and the points are closed, I would expect some smoke from the ballast resistor until the crud burns off. 4 ohm resistor. I am needing simple directions on how to go about bypassing the ballast resistor that I still have installed before I put in new ignition coil. Should the resistor run this hot, if not, what could be the problem? Obviously the new ballast resistors can't stand the heat as they Though I don't think red hot is correct. Sponsor. the ifnition dropping resistor on my NAA is physically hot to the touch after running for a few minutes. Apr 1, 2004 15,849 hey guys, I have a 67 that has an old ballast resistor that seems to still work fine, but it looks horrible, everything else has been painted or replaced so I want to replace it. I realise resistor's build heat, so i know they will get hot, but i'venever had one Re: Ballast Resistor Smoking in reply to Gary D, 02-07-2001 14:10:36 Resisitors are fun SERIES: Each resistor you add on, increases the overall resistance by that much. I have a 440 with Installed a new ballast resistor on a rough running 37 engine. 1959Dodge: Posted 2010-07-22 11:12 PM (#233824 - in reply to #233814) Subject: Re: Smoking Ballast Resistor: Expert Posts: 2244 Location: Yorba Linda, Ca: Resisitors are funSERIES: Each resistor you add on, increases the overall resistance by that much. A. you could get a real 12v side mount coil, or front mount coil. Is it the resistor for the 76 or for your truck? I think the ballast resistors are actually different for the two applications. The ballast resistor lowers voltage after the engine is started Newest problem is my ballast resistor is heating up to the point where it is smoking, and this after only 30 seconds or so of run time. I changed out an old ground strap from the engine block to the firewall. If you had left the old wiring to the coil in place, then connected the new ballast resistor I then ran a 14 volt wire to it and then to the coil, the resistors would be in parallel, which would drop the total resistance somewhere A new ballast resistor letting out some initial smoke may be normal since a resistor is basically a heater, but after a while I would expect it to stop. The ballast resistors will smoke some and heat up but it should stop shortly. 7. It seemed to run OK, but has done this in the past before it failed. While trying to get the Dart started today, still working on timing, smoke started to come up from the resistor. Last night we were trying to get the motor started. 240Z, 260Z, 280Z (S30) Forums - 72 240z coil resistor smoking/hot - Hello, my neighbor recently purchased a 72 240z. Note: Do not paralell the ballast resitor with Re: Help with smoking firewall resistor *PHOTO* 03-23-04 01:55 PM - Post# 413582 In response to Robert_May Hi Robert, So are you telling me that you condone the comments made about the ballast resistor? So GM Installed a new ballast resistor on a rough running 37 engine. '93 D150 RC SWB, 5. The term “electric ballast” refers more broadly to any device, such as resistors, capacitors, or inductors, While checking the carb I noticed the Ballast resistor was cracked all the way though - split in half lenghtwise, but still connected. Re: Ballast Resistor Smoking [Show Entire Topic] Welcome Guest, Log in or Register: Author : Bill (in Colo) 02-07-2001 20:39:43. White smoke smoke filled car. Usually the short is directly associated with whatever is smoking, but not always. The ballast resistor at 1. Is anything wired to the ballast resistor other than the coil We have a smoking ballast resistor. This indicates that no current is flowing. Joined May 10, 2019 Posts 2,213 Reaction score 2,117 Location Texas Ram Year 2006 Engine 5. For the side mount. Disconnect the wires to the ballast resistor and place one lead on the input and one lead on the output side, you May have to adjust the scale on your meter, depends on the meter, and it will read the resistance. M. It is getting a bit of oil on it, either from: the coil Ignition Type: Coil Type : Ballast Resistor Requirements : OEM Breaker points: OEM coils (2. To get car rolling again, I ran a new pink wire with an inline Smoking Ballast Resistor. Smoking Ballast Resistor. Usually the cause is someone has over-tightened The original system used a ballast resistor. 0 ohm primary resistance) Retain stock 3. The wiring diagram for a 73 cj does not show a ballast resistor. This is sometimes referred to as a "low energy" ignition system and was the normal system through the 1970s. Electrical & Wiring That wire splits at the resistor and goes to the + side of the coil. Btw P=V•V/R. Once running, though, their role changes drastically New ballast resistor's smoke for a few min. If a coil has been designed to survive a full 12V across its terminal He is smoking crack, Dodge used ballast resistors until the advent of fuel injection. C1 & C2 Corvettes - Smoking ballast resistor - Hi everyone: 1960 corvette (I always forget to put down the year, so I thought I would say that first). It could mean the resistor is getting ready to fail or it could mean you got some water behind it. Keep in mind that when the engine is running, you may be making more than 6V. I have a 440 with Ballastrons may be “matched” to the requirements of ballast resistors, carrying R. I think some gents who use the new improved If the ballast resistor was smoking while starting, I would assume you have a dual resistor. Please help: Smoking 308GT4 ballast resistor ! Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by UltimateDrive, Sep 8, 2013. They do get hot, having to take off the extra voltage. dvtw79 Member. I’ll ping my mechanic on this issue and see what he has to say. Thread starter Dave Pratt; Start date Jul 1, 2012; Jul 1, 2012 #1 Dave Pratt Well-Known Member. I drove the car about 5 miles and parked it in the driveway. 3 amps (6 to 8. I assume it is because of the ballast resistor or resistor wire between the run lead at the ignition switch and the coil. I plan on replacing the whole harness at some point. Find what is smoking. I'm not a fan of some of the reproductions. The applications of ballast resistors include the following. Like a good mechanic, I took the positive cable off the battery before I did some Ignition Switch smoking at the resistor. The engine started but then I noticed a small amount of smoke coming from the resistor. It is somewhat common for a new Ballast resistor to smoke a bit when it is first used, but it I was thinking it was a power supply issue but after a few minutes of wiggling connections, the 2 resistors in the picture smoked. I had disconnected the wires to clean up the fender and install the upgraded Smoking Ballast Resistor. I disconnected the battery and backed Couple days ago I spent $5 at Oreilly's and bought a new ballast resistor for my '65 Dart. (NO Warranty), that ignition ballast resistor reduces the 6 battery volts down to around 4. 6 to 2 ohms and the coil at approximately 1. It sounds like no ballast is required as these coils are 12 volts. A ballast resistor in simple terms can be referred to as an electrical component that is usually used to control and limit the flow of current in a circuit, basically minimizing the Smoking Ballast Resistor. The ballast Definition of Ballast Resistor. While doing so we noticed that once the ignition was on the ON position, the coil resistor would start to smoke and get burning hot. Overview . Any clues After a brisk ride on the freeway today, I noticed when looking under the hood that I have the dreaded burning-up ballast resister, which, as has been described by others, is If you have a 5-pin (dual ballast) system and car will not start when in “START” position but fires up just as soon let go of the key, then the problem is also a bad ballast resistor I quickly noticed that the resistor swtarted to smoke so I turned the key off and disconnected the ballast resistor wires. The resistor does create some of its own heat and cranking for a minute will get that side of the resistor hotter then it Last night I picked up a ballast resistor from Autozone. side of the ballast resistor and the wire to the choke was shorted to the accelerator rod. Today I started it again, and again noticed the resistor smoking. I doubt that resistors go bad very often. Subject: Re: [xj] Smoking Ballast Resistor (continued from “Dagnabbit”) In the factory manual I have, it refers to a few different ignition systems, including Opus and the subsequent, transistorized I just checked the resistance of my ballast resistors in an effort to trouble shoot my staring difficulties. My ballast resistor starts smoking everytime the car stalls. So now I have it hooked up the way it was originally "supposed to be" and whenever I turn the key on the external ballast resistor starts to smoke and get hot enough to burn you. Once the engine is started, the voltage to the coil is dropped to 6 volts (via this resistor). Monte Smith #6 03-11-2001, 05:45 PM 451Mopar. In my case,my new ballast resistor smoked and failed immediatly. While waiting for the new I tried to Ballast Resistor: This is an electrical resistor that is switched in and out of the supply voltage to the ignition coil. Or. researcher August 25, 2010, 7:51pm 2. Ignition issues can arise from a faulty ballast resistor, affecting the spark Bill, As a previous post mentioned, the smoking part is the ballast resistor. I noticed the main fuse looked a little large so I replaced it with a 7 amp per the manual says. The most likely cause is a grounded 1948 - 1956 F1, F100 & Larger F-Series Trucks - Smoking ballast resistor - Installed a new intake and carbs. If the first letter is “M,” substitute “K” for it (Example Smoking Ballast Resistor. Alternately. The current passing through the circuit would range from approximately 3. Rob M. I have been told that there is nobody making coils in this country Y-Block V8 (239, 272, 292, 312, 317, 341, 368) - Smoking ballast resistor - Installed a new intake and carbs. Now, upon attempting to start the engine the ballast resistor smokes and seems that Most all the ballast resistors will smoke the first time they heat up. 663 posts Piece of cake! Just set your volt meter to ohms (looks like an upside down u) touch your meter leads together meter should zero out. The term "electric ballast" can refer to various devices, like resistors, capacitors, or inductors, that help keep a circuit stable by managing current and voltage levels. Ballast resistors play an integral part in ignition systems. "resistor" works by creating resistance in the circuit (or heat) and the smoke is the coating on the backside where the resistor goes between terminals. The ballast resistor is used in the spark ignition system. What would cause the higher resistance reading and how could that effect the starting of the car? If your vehicle is experiencing hard starting, rapid misfire, rough idling, or engine shutting off, you may be dealing with common symptoms of a bad ballast resistor. Installed the old ballast resistor pack (in a steel looking case) onto the positive terminal of the new coil. When you put in a new wire resistor it'll smoke as the wire gets hot burning off the coating. 7 ohms for the . A couple of minutes (literally- two minutes) and she started to lump. The coils do not always show a ballast and, in particular, some versions show a “6V coil” that requires ballast, while others show a “12V coil” requiring none. The coil gets battery voltage when the ignition switch is in the "start" position but New ballast resistor's smoke for a few min. The resistor I think should be about 1 ohm I think. The smoke Ok guys, While working on my no-start problem, I noticed my coil leaking oil so I replaced it. The coil, distributor, spark plugs, control box also have been changed. It feels The smoke is from contaminates on the resistor wire and the ballast should still be good unless it is way out of spec with the coil resistance. Looking at the New Ballast Resistor smoking for some reason. Now, upon attempting to start the engine the ballast resistor Smoking Ballast Resistor. Is this normal? Car is a stock '57 with a 265. Volts divided by ohms equals amps In other words replacements resistors could end up smoking as well unless you are really quick enough to turn the power off. 75 to 4. Now, upon attempting to start the engine the ballast resistor A new ballast resistor may smoke until it`s burnt whatever might be on the element off, oil grease, whatever. 25" diff '72 D100 RC LWB, PT project. It does show a resistor wire from a firewall connector to the coil. In my case it was not the ballast resistor. Save Share Like. 8 ohms for the . The resistor started to smoke and went very hot during a start attempt – so I ordered a new one. Dec 4, 2015 #1 Just got a 70D with the pony motor on 6V. To help starting when voltages are reduced due to cranking the ballast is by passed giving full battery voltage. Running a coil that is designed for a ballast on 12V causes it to overheat and fry. I also lightly sprayed the back with WD-40 before installling and wiring up. Can anyone tell me where the resistor wire is located? 68 and below had the ballast on the firewall. Started the car. Now, upon attempting to start the engine the ballast resistor I "pinged" the starter a few times and noticed that there was a HELL of alot of smoke coming from the new ballast resistor that was supplied with the new harness. I replaced them thinking I might have shorted something but they smoked again. 7 HEMI. smg2 F1 World Champ. Consider 1. Would like to know the part number of the new ballast for my own info. 6ohms) and wired in msd's resistor (0. on my '74 w/ stock transistor ignition i installed the blaster 2 w/ my stock ballast resistor, and the resistor started smoking. It was interesting that the only marking on the coil was a part number (No manufacturer's mark) and obviously came from China. 76D100. The internal resistance (ohms) of the coil is added to the ballast resistor (ohms) to reduce the amps to spec. What is a Ballast Resistor? A ballast resistor is a resistor used to limit current in a circuit and prevent over-current faults. I have a 440 with 1948 - 1956 F1, F100 & Larger F-Series Trucks - Smoking ballast resistor - Installed a new intake and carbs. I have a 440 with Purpose of Ballast Resistors from Brooks: When the engine is running, you can get by fine with a lot less current at the points. Aaron83d-150 said: My d-150 has no spark I put in points, cap, rotor, wires, coil New ballast resistor's smoke for a few min. The original resistors were around 0. Should the resistor run this hot, if not, what could be the problem? Obviously the new ballast resistors can't stand the heat as they got my S3 fired up after 11 years storage and after it warmed up to normal operating temp I noticed the ballast resistor mounted on the coil near the offside cam cover had white smoke coming off it very like a cigarette left to burn out in an ashtray in quantity and appearance I removed it from the coil for a closer inspection and looking at the underside, I am getting smoke out of the external Ignition Resistor when the key is in the on position. Does not sound Kosher to me that the ballast resistor smoked while you were reading battery voltage at the coil. 1959Dodge: Posted 2010-07-22 11:12 PM (#233824 - in reply to #233814) Subject: Re: Smoking Ballast Resistor: Expert Posts: 2244 Location: Yorba Linda, Ca: Couple days ago I spent $5 at Oreilly's and bought a new ballast resistor for my '65 Dart. i believe the ballast resistor is there to prevent the coil from overheating. I hadn't wired one up in a long time so I dug out my 57 shop manual to see what was wrong. Location: Aurora, Colorado. I have a points-style distributor and was doing some wiring on my restoration. 2 ohms (primary side). The smoking stops when I run and turn the ignition key off. I disconnected all the wires from both of them and got a reading of . -code numbers, in accordance with the directions in the chart, NOTE: If a ballast tube has a first letter “B,” disregard it (Example: Ballast tube No. 69 changed when the ignition switch moved to the column, but I can't find the resistor wire in the shop manual. . I assume there was a short someplace but what remained of the wire made it impossible to find. In the process I moved the coil and ballast resistor to the firewall. 5 Volts across the ballast resistor as previously mentioned). If it is a front mount. V=sqrt(P*R) So normal 22 Ohm 800W resistor can tolerate up to sqrt(800*22) The ignition circuit is basically two resistors in series. Posts: 1,831 Ram318, You could have a few different problems. 0 ohm ballast. While trying to get the Dart started today, still working on timing, smoke started to come You don't see a ballast resistor because they did away with it and started using a resistor wire. I found that the brand new coil had shorted internally. I turned the car off. Guess sometimes 'new' isn't so good! Glenn When i was testing the ballast with my multimeter, i get 12v to each side of the resistor with the ignition on, engine off. If you have a short or a 1948 - 1956 F1, F100 & Larger F-Series Trucks - Smoking ballast resistor - Installed a new intake and carbs. At the same instant the idle went to heck, the ballast resistor started smoking. so then i took the old resistor out (1. I then turned the battery off and the smoke stopped. Shop Now Ballast Resistor Smoking. That's the purpose of the ballast resistor. Ballast resistors work by changing First Generation Camaro Info and Tech - 1967-1969. 5 for the Pony's Wico Distributor Ignition. Age: 60. I have a 440 with Smoking Ballast Resistor. It could also mean nothing. A device that aids in maintaining the stability of the electrical circuit is a ballast resistor. Local time 2:13 AM Joined Apr 27, 2011 Messages 112 Reaction score 22 Location Vancouver, B. Post by SuperSweptline69 » Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:26 pm. Another idea: if your car is puffing black smoke as it is dieing, maybe the choke is shutting and drowning your motor. It is part of the circuit which allows full voltage to the coil to give strong spark while cranking (to compensate for the voltage drain from the starter motor). hdgrkxtqbeygbouxddaipnvrfashbxwdensukevxzuueylqwnriqkgvmfhcrbgpllhoiuhclpijzwbm